Kerry decries disturbing trend of governments trampling aspirations of the people
Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 10 months ago to Politics
Do you think he has heard of obamacare, Benghazi, or the IRS scandal? Perhaps he has been out of the country too long.,
Sec. Kerry is worried about other governments trampling on ordinary peoples aspiration? A few words to Sec. Kerry:
Look around you. Open your eyes. The aspirations of the ordinary people of your own country are being trampled in some case utterly destroyed. Your president said he wanted to "Fundamentally change America". He has. He has started the US down the road to full blown socialism. He is creating a Big Government state that wants to control every aspect of our lives and deaths.
Clean your own house before you call someone else's dirty.
According to Kerry, his mother turned to him and said, "Remember, John: integrity, integrity, integrity".
He retells it as a point of pride, even stressing each "integrity" with that ridiculous affected speech pattern he has.
Each time I heard him tell the story I had to wonder if his mother wasn't trying to admonish him to finally get some integrity.
I still remember mine: "I'm sorry, Jim, I don't think I'm going to make it this time. I'm so sorry."
As much as they hurt, I prefer remembering them than his.
Frankly, I think you have it slightly wrong. John Kerry could never be out of the country enough. for that matter, none of the members of this administration could ever be out of the country enough and that includes both sides of congress.
Fred Speckmann
Kerry is a joke !
I and most V.Vets respect him for going when he didn't have to, but that's about all we respect him for. He's a lier who denigrated every soldier and sailor who served there.
This fool is going to get us involved in another Vietnam like war in the middle east. He's the joke of the world only exceeded by his boss - you know the guy who thought global warming was ending and the Earth was going to be healed, just because he was elected.
Isn't that how it is today? The progressives declare the right to be racist, when they repeatedly demonstrate their own racism; they declare a right-wing "war on women", and then show their contempt for the sex. They declare their fealty to the middle class, then enact policies aimed right at torpedoing them.
Screw the world. There's nothing wrong with the NSA watching QE II take a poop (except for the wasted money). The issue was the NSA spying on American citizens.
But I suppose he would have a problem if Sergei Lavrov came to the US and spoke only to Sarah Palin, Senator Cruz and Rush Limbaugh...