Checking my premises

Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I was unsure as to whether I would title this, "Unlearning what I have learned" or "Checking my premises", because in it, I have done both. A couple of recent posts by AmericanGreatness and Eudaimonia, along with a couple of posts from 1-2 weeks ago are relevant.

I have long thought that the US military was an agent for liberation from totalitarian regimes. Now should I think they are mere pawns of their political masters, most often performing altruism to societies that do not appreciate their presence?

I had long thought that having a strong military meant having a strong national defense. After seeing 67 out of 70 purposeful attempts by TSA employees to evade TSA screening in a "test" of TSA security, I know differently. Moreover, the strong military and even the border agents were unable to protect us from an invasion of illegal immigrants because the one holding the leash kept the military and border agents on so tight a leash that they were unable to do what used to be their job.

I had long thought (because I had thought that the US military was an agent for liberation from totalitarian regimes) that the US had the "moral high ground". I still think that abortion is not the best moral decision and have been criticized (perhaps rightly) within the Gulch for that opinion. Moreover, I see a commentator (sorry, but I forget whom) on FoxNews suggest that America has lost the "moral high ground" in light of the Planned Parenthood situation (The commentator said that Muslims must consider us barbarous for having so many abortions. The term barbarous ironically is derived from the Barbary Pirates in Libya.).

I'm just checking my premises.

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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Perhaps you are correct in the precise definition of "harm no others". If you interpreted that to include fetuses, I apologize. I did not mean it in that way. After birth, the following from “Textbook of Americanism,”
    The Ayn Rand Column, 85, applies:

    A right cannot be violated except by physical force. One man cannot deprive another of his life, nor enslave him, nor forbid him to pursue his happiness, except by using force against him. Whenever a man is made to act without his own free, personal, individual, voluntary consent—his right has been violated.
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  • Posted by ewv 9 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    How do the hours of conversations show that they were not really discussing what was being discussed?

    Most of the abortions were early stages of development and did not "deliver" fully intact "babies". If there were any borderline live deliveries at the opposite extreme that were improper it was not characteristic as implied by the hype. There were no "nine month old babies" as Mark Levin's demagoguery put it.

    There is no evidence that they were paid more than currently legal charges for costs or that the women were pushed into abortions for "harvesting".

    If there is ever a detailed, objective assessment perhaps it will be found that PP did something technically illegal buried in the whole context, but it isn't anything like the hysteria being promoted by the anti-abortion activists.
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 7 months ago
      agreed. But in the 5th video, there was game changing discussion. Intact "cadavers" were considered to be a high premium. The discussion was how to optimize those kinds of tissue sales. That means changing up the protocol to increase the likelihood of that result. Moving forward. The director in the video said that some doctors performing abortions indeed did research themselves and were already coming up with new procedures to optimize that likelihood. If that isn't delivery I'm not sure how else that would work. I don't know though. Again, the female is not in control of the procedure and why one procedure would happen over another. That incentive is PPs. I would be curious to know if this new procedure puts the female at higher risk. It may not.
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      • Posted by ewv 9 years, 7 months ago
        As far as I know the women were not pressured in any way. We aren't going to find out more from the hysteria mongers behind the PR campaign against abortion.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
          If the procedure puts the female at higher risk, then that would be the video that the hysteria mongers release last, for maximum effect. If the procedure doesn't put the female at higher risk or it can't be proven that the procedure doesn't put the female at higher risk, then you won't hear a word about that from either side.
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  • Posted by ewv 9 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The payments were to cover costs, which is legal. The extended "negotiations" were the attempts of the activists to draw out the people at PP to try to get them to say something, anything, that could be used against them to be interpreted as inflammatory. The video recordings were surreptitious and were later edited to try to exploit selected excerpts. The full videos were also released but are many, many hours long that few can go through to see the contradictions with the hype.
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  • Posted by ewv 9 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    He said that "this country is not worth saving" and that he wants to go to a "faraway place". I did not say he is "running away". I said "No one can blame you if you decide to live out your life restricted to personal interests as far away from the rest as you can get." Anyone who wants to join him can do likewise.

    Believing that one can escape the current state of the world in a utopian hidden "community" is wildly impractical for any length of time as a replacement for civilization and is an additional step beyond finding the safest place to live for the remaining time of one's life, but anyone who wants to try it has the right to do so.
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