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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 4 months ago
    Yay! MORE THEFT! (Why don't they cut the life long bennies that the politicians get? Or stop funding illegals welfare. Or ANY welfare.
    They aren't done robbing us yet, folks. Nothing is safe and they think everything is theirs for the taking.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 4 months ago
      Wait.. let me answer my own question...they don't cut welfare because there would be riots in the streets... somehow they feel safe in cutting funds, they already stole from us once, and breaking the promise of returning to us when were old because they know we won't riot. Old people aren't great fighters. What an evil plan they've baked. It's gettin' hot in here.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
        It's worse tha you portray, LS.

        Consider a married couple work for years, both paying in the annual max. They both retire, the husband electing spousal continuation for his wife in the event that he predeceases his wife, therefor receiving a lower annual sum. He does, in fact, die first. His widow then must decide whether to take hubby's or her own, whichever is greater. Understand that at that point she get only ONE benefit, even though she worked and paid in as did her husband. She then loses one; that money is all forfeited to the government. Consider further that if you as a business owner tried to set up such a plan for your employees, you'd be prosecuted, and rightfully so.

        What a scam!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 4 months ago
    SS is my secondary but needed retirement income,.
    I'll be 83 by 2033. Maybe I'll luck out and be sharing a family plot with my parents by then.
    I'd rather not waste away with much of my mind gone as very recently did my father a day short of age 98.
    Calculator says 2033 is only 18 years away.
    Such luck now strikes me as . . .CHILLING!
    Either way, I feel screwed for the time running out.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 4 months ago
    Wage Slaves of America, Unite!
    Won't happen in this old guy's lifetime, But by 2033? By then, if present trends continue and more people like (non) "entitlements," there will be food shortages, and every government service will become unreliable, with prices so high that paper money will be worth -- well, paper. THERE WILL BE NATIONAL RIOTS. But, not to worry, martial law will be declared and Chelsea Clinton will gallop to the rescue declaring herself temporary dictator, just until "we" straighten out the mess. (I suggest you carry around those little vomit bags they give you on airplanes.)
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 4 months ago
    I'm sooooooo glad that they have spent my savings on social programs
    designed to buy votes!!! . I could have saved it myself and
    chosen my votes myself -- why not??? -- j
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 9 years, 4 months ago
    We now have more illegals who are becoming eligible for benefits and more "Disabled" on the rolls.....I am surprised it hasn't gone down more!
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  • Posted by jsw225 9 years, 4 months ago
    It's been fifty years since the Social Security money was spent. It's been fifty years since Social Security ceased to be a retirement fund. It's been fifty years since Social Security became a Welfare system.

    And only now are people concerned that they might not get their full benefits? It took them fifty years to figure out that Socialism always fails? Anyone who hasn't done anything over the fifty years (50, 5 decades) to address the issue has no right to complain when their welfare check doesn't arrive as the full amount they thought it would.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 9 years, 4 months ago
      Recognized the SS-Ponzi for the leaky vessel it is over 4 decades ago and took the appropriate steps in personal investments. My coworkers, family, and friends mainly had the best cars, boats, gadgets, gizmos, attire, and travel vacations. I had a lesser share of the same but socked away a lot more than most of them did. I retired early and took SS ASAP. The payments from the great Ponzi will never equal what I can get for the investments, but for now, it's allowing me to leave the investments alone and grow them some more so I'll not worry when Ponzi shrinks or collapses. Other than maintaining physical health my only worry is the likes of Hillary or Sanders types raiding IRAs and 401Ks. I believe they WILL do that eventually as soon as they decide it isn't "fair" that I have more than the average working class retiree. I fully expect them to "means test" SS recipients as a way to keep the money they stole from us in the first place.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
        To a large extent, they already do means test Social Security. As of last year, I believe that if one was getting SSI benefits and had earned income greater than $18,700.00, Social Security payment was taxed at 50%. Now, no one asked us if we could afford it when they took the tax from our paychecks, so why should they be able to ask if we need it when it comes time to collect what was promised?

        As a side note, my Father was a notch baby. He died in 1988 having never received the catch up money that he was promised, and Mom died in 2013, never having received the money that was owed Dad. If you'll pardon my French, f**k the Social Security Administration and the horse they rode in on.

        (I'll beg your indulgence now, but this is a subject that hits close to home.)
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