The negative reaction to "All lives matter."

Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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Both Martin O'Malley and Hillary Clinton received very negative reactions from people when they departed and generalized beyond the "black lives matter" campaign chant. There is the responses of individuals to assess and discuss. Then there is the way the MSM and other public figures are reacting to it (or not). What say you?
SOURCE URL: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/18/politics/martin-omalley-all-lives-matter/index.html

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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 8 months ago
    O'Malley's listeners clearly went beyond "Black lives matter!" to "White lives don't matter!" They lose their standing to criticize others for racism when they indulge in it themselves.
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  • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 8 months ago
    O'Malley just proved a Democrat will say or do ANYTHING to get votes.

    This also proves that the left does not want or promotes any form of equality. They want some to be "more equal" than others.

    This also proves the statist nature of the left, and the liberals and their total desire to control everyone and every thing.

    Their idea of Liberty is being able to do with others and the product of others labor as they see fit.

    This is the same as what Lincoln talked about in his address on Liberty and Tyranny.

    The wolf cries the shepherd is a tyrant by preventing them from eating the sheep and call him a destroyer of their freedom while the sheep decry the shepherd as a liberator of their freedom.;

    So who is the liberator and who is the destroyer of freedom?
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  • Posted by Animal 9 years, 8 months ago
    Once Chamberlain had a speech memorized from Shakespeare and gave it proudly, the old man listening but not looking, and Chamberlain remembered it still: 'What a piece of work is man...in action how like an angel!' And the old man, grinning, had scratched his head and then said stiffly, 'Well, boy, if he's an angel, he's sure a murderin' angel.' And Chamberlain had gone on to school to make an oration on the subject: Man, the Killer Angel. And when the old man heard about it he was very proud, and Chamberlain felt very good remembering it. The old man was proud of his son, the colonel.”
    ― Michael Shaara, The Killer Angels
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
    the incredible grip which "political correctness" has on our society
    is a nightmare of the first order. . we must parrot the PC line or else.
    this necessity for activist approval will sink this ship. -- j
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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 8 months ago
    The poor have voted Democrat for over 50 years and still remain poor. Why is that? Blacks also tend to vote Democrat, what has it done for them? I don't care what it is, nothing will change by trying to shove it down the throats of the people. How can you respect anyone that commits crimes at higher than overall average rates as a normal way of life? Why would not a black community have black police, at least in the same percentages as the community? Why do blacks destroy black business in their own community? Does the black or the poor community think Hillary will actually solve any of their problems? Does any community think Hillary will solve any problems, period? What has Hillary said about this, anything? Has anyone heard her answer any questions yet? Do we need to become socialist to see if we can destroy ourselves and end up like Greece? Will the USA remain free, or will we succumb to the lunacy of those that don't know anything about history?

    This is the scariest time of my life. And even scarier than the days when I had to learn and practice "duck and cover" in grade school. I think that program was started to falsely help ease our fears. I wasn't even frightened, I think I believed that that desk over my head would save me from this nuclear blast, but I just don't even remember. Life could become unbearable if the people weren't "refreshed" every once in a while. I'm going to enjoy what I got left to the fullest. I put my life on the line, that was one of my major contributions, so now my life matters, at least to me. If you can't respect yourself how can you even care about others?

    Someone this morning asked me if I was not "Green", because my lawn is green. I told them I worked hard all my life, saved some money, so I could always have a green lawn. I told them I enjoy being comfortable too, so the air conditioning in my house has been on. As long as it is provided and I pay for what I use I should be entitled to enjoy it. If the government really wants me to cut back, they can cause the prices to increase until I can no longer afford it, just like Obama promised. Hillary will most likely do the same, we'll just have to wait and see if she ever tells us. What does Scott Walker think about this? How about Trump, or Carson, or Rubio?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Thanks for your reply and questions Neal. I see you are also a rocket scientist! Or were. Me too!
      Yes, sadly there are people who have been brainwashed into servitude and crime. And socialism. If someone sees any other politician make a statement about this please post it here. I wonder about prominent Objectivists and Libertarians. This is their chance to make a big point and probably attract a lot of attention to the real issues and dangers here.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    What is apparent to me is the similarity between such a demonstration and a child's temper tantrum. When a five year old can't get what he wants, no matter how irrational the request, on comes a tantrum, acting out by throwing himself about, yelling and crying. We can excuse the five year old because he has yet to learn better. The childish actions of these people demonstrating over such an irrational cause cannot be excused since, while they are acting like children they are (physically, at least) adults.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
    Depends on your agenda whether all lives matter. To the HIllary Clintons, the only lives that matter are the ones that further her political agendas- that means people who will work and give to the state willingly, black people who can be exploited politically, illegal aliens who can be made into democratic voters, etc. Regular american entrepreneurs are too rebellious to be of use. And god forbid the people who rebelled against the UNION- the confederates- are still around. We should wipe out all references to them.
    I would say that there ARE some people who I would rather NOT have around- and those are the real power hungry statists who just want to control people. I am not going to kill them, but I certainly wouldnt cry if they just disappeared. We could start with Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Reid, and those senators from California. I am sure there could be a rather long list if one really thought about it. The best thing to do with those people is to let them live with their sympathizers, but in such a way they cant steal wealth from the people who actually create it.
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    • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
      Since there seems to be a lot of dissention against any form of government, and we today cannot agree on just one, perhaps the way to go would be to let the (people of the) States decide. Some states, like California, are practically socialists already, and some are not. States should be required to declare one or another. It would be great if we wouldn't have to leave the country or even the state to live under the system we prefer. Would it not be feasible for some cities, counties, or states, to declare their preferred form of government and allow the people to move to where they want? This is the danger of our Federal Government, they just seem to want to rule now, period. And the "One" in power even has his own ideas that he is trying to shove down our throats. This is not the way it was intended to be. And they, our representatives, too cannot agree on how or what anymore. Would not a choice be better? I could then choose to live in the half of the nation "Under God", and someone else could choose to live in the other half. In Nevada open gambling is legal, so is prostitution. Most other states they are not. I disagree with taking away any of my freedoms, even the ones that I never plan to participate in, so at least allow me the freedom to choose. Choose between Capitalism and freedom, or Socialism and strict rule to spread the wealth.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
        Well, we do have some states like Texas getting their gold reserves within their border just in case they get more serious about succession. Not the official reason but that's what many Texans are open to. But you know the federal government will apply all kinds of pressure against any serious proposal. It would be great for each state to be more independent and experimental, but you know as I do that so many tentacles connect them all to the federal government now. Either many states have to declare en masse or the Fed has to go belly up. Either scenario would make for some fascinating novels or movies. :-)
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 8 months ago
    I understand why people are upset. But, I think a lot of people aren't dealing in reality anymore. Doesn't bode well...
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
      I heard the angry outburst on the video when something other than PC correct "Black lives matter!" was stated.
      I wonder if blacks would care to chant that at Planned Parenthood.
      It also occurred to me that a good way to make the ISIS terrorists laugh would be to chant, "All Muslim lives matter!"
      And maybe I should stop chanting, "Extinct dino lives matter!" with tears in my eyes anymore.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 8 months ago
        I understand. This is poorly-veiled hate speech. Not allowed to get upset about it, though. I'm supposed to celebrate when certain people get punched in the face for no reason or taken from the womb in pieces and parts.

        Adolph would be proud...
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
    the incredible grip which "political correctness" has on our society
    is a nightmare of the first order. . we must parrot the PC line or else.
    this necessity for activist approval will sink this ship. -- j
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  • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 7 months ago
    This shows just how moronic the modern day left is! Political Correctness on steroids whereis up is down, down is up and the Truth suffers!

    This mantra about some lives being more valuable than others is part of a template designed by Antonio Gramsci and Saul Allinsky creating divisions based on race for destroying our democratic republic. It also has them laughing in their graves at the stupidity of people and the unbridled success and ease of implementation of their designs!

    It also shows that race in this country has now become a total joke and a cottage industry with fools and three card monty con men (and women) firmly in control of the discourse.

    Speaking a simple Truth that all lives matter elicits the incredibly DUMB response from these idiotic racialists presently influencing public opinion on bi-racial solutions to a growing plethora of man-made problems and conditions all created by Gramsci and Allinsky (also designed to destroy America from within- check it out!!).

    Hopefully, intelligent people with integrity and inner strength will thwart these buffoons and racial arsonist legions. It will also be interesting to see if and when unenlightened progressives finally get it and discard the pyscho-babel rationale that has been the mainstay of their blind support for this garbage.

    It is a sad fact that a politician (even of the supposed stature of the Clintons and O'Malley) can be "cowed" into having to apologize for speaking a simple "power to the Truth"!

    Yes! All lives that matter and if you insist on taking it to the racial level it should be understood that it must be up to the black communities to treat the sickness that is creating the violence that is leaving so many of their young men dead! This is a simple Truth that when finally acknowledged by honest and caring people, will help unleash the power to cure this disaster growing to epic proportions.

    Playing a Politically Correct card blaming this "manufactured" disaster on scapegoats such as the police solves absolutely nothing!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 7 months ago
    Some of you may recall I said early own the whoile election is street theater, scripted with parts for two sets of candidates - but the last act ends with those aleady chosen. The producers and writers following up on theiir successes of four, eight evem twenty years ago? Bimbos for hire were the vogue now it's racists for hire. Hillary's or perhaps some other surprise pre-scripted ending is intact and we all late for the boring last act. Cui Bono who profits? Soros? The combined DNC/RINOC establishment? The government itself as the main proponent of continued racism? Stay tuned to the off knob as the programming gets even sicker.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 7 months ago
    Why should we care what pandering remarks a politician makes or doesn't make? It is a fact that throughout the nation, that more blacks are accosted, abused, shot, and killed as a percentage of the total population--but it's not racism that causes this, it's police departments policies and law enforcements abuses as they respond to their rulers demands.

    Blacks felt that with the election of Obama, that they were going to rise to prominence never before imagined, and it hasn't happened. Now as his 'rule' nears an end, they're panicking. Next year will be a very dangerous time in this country.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Hi Ted, thanks for your comment. I think you need a factual correction, most crime against blacks is by others in their community, not police.
      You probably do have a good point that Obama's failure to actually be a savior and solve problems in black communities is a source of unrest. But there's plenty of racism being encouraged too.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 7 months ago
        Brett, you're correct about overall crime against blacks coming from other blacks in their neighborhoods, but I was trying to address their expression of 'Black lives matter' with a comment about their exposure to police encounters, arrests, and abuses including death by cop. The numbers don't lie. They are much more likely to be involved in such situations than am I. And I'm not implying that's because of their increased involvement in crime. But you'll note, that I deny the attribution of any of that to their race. It's just fact that way too many of our politicians, judges, and progressive liberal Universities and Institutions, and the election of Obama fed into their belief that not only were they going to see gains, but also has attributed a great deal of feeling of the nonsense of victimology to their life situations and excuses for their bad decisions in life.

        This is worse than I've seen in my life including civil rights, MLK death, Rodney King, or any other. It's a powder keg just waiting for somebody to light it. And it may only be the primer, because not only have blacks been subjected to this, but most of the underclass of underachievers, moochers, and looters have been raised on 'Government (particularly the Federal Government) would help them more', if it wasn't for the rest of us holding them back. Next year could be as bad or worse than anything since the Civil War.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
          Hmm, thanks. In some ways I'm optimistic about our society and culture, because for some of us we will be able to thrive. But these other trends you mention are very real and headed in a very bad direction.
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  • Posted by Stormi 9 years, 8 months ago
    Anyone who apologizes for saying all lives matter is a gutless wonder. He let them define the terms and should have stood by his words. Let Hillary explain who does NOT matter, like conservatives, cops, unborn babies, old people.
    Sorry, I just read an anti Rand editorial in the Sidney Daily New in Ohio, and am still ticked off. I have shot them a letter to editor response.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 8 months ago
    How pathetic. O'Malley had an outstanding opportunity to increase his stature in the eyes of all by standing firm on his statement and explaining why. But he caved and merely demonstrated how worthless he is.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 8 months ago
    The professional-victim classes, but especially the blacks, are asserting a permanent God-given right always to be treated as "special" people.

    I think we should give it to them, by declaring them all eligible for the Special Olympics. ;-D
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    • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years, 8 months ago
      I would go so far as to assign an aircraft carrier or two for personnel transport. Send those black lives that matter right back to the west coast of Africa where they can enjoy REAL REPARATIONS if they think that life is so tough in this country.
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