Buy Gold and Silver, by Robert Gore | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC
SLL likes buying low and Mr. Market has put gold and silver in the bargain bin. There’s no guarantee that they won’t go lower, but over the long-term, the lower the price you pay for an asset, the better the chance you have of making money. For those who have not put away any physical gold or silver, it would be a good idea to start now, while they are on sale. This is not a trading call, nor a recommendation to buy gold and silver company stocks, gold and silver ETFs, or gold and silver derivatives. It is simply a reiteration of a long-standing SLL recommendation to own some physical gold and silver, and to note that gold and silver have not been cheaper in five and six years, respectively.
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This is an excerpt, for the full article please click the above link.
But, something is happening, this can't be just because of relative strength of U.S. dollar against other failing fiat currencies. Or because China didn't "buy enough". What it shows the most, it is the least.
We all can come up with stories about stocks, my average share price for 3M was $19/share. Sold it in the $90 range to exercise my freedom to pay some capital gains taxes (before they jacked them up), bought a little bit more, and it's almost doubled again from there. I believe in Warren Buffet's theory, "Will the company still be around in twenty (or thirty) years?"
Personally at this stage I'd still be more inclined to stick to real estate, but then again it's been pretty good to me. I don't have to worry about any of that anymore.