Global Warming????????????????
Posted by BlueNova 11 years, 10 months ago to Government
The release of carbon to the atmosphere by man amounts to 0.3% of greenhouse gases. The total amount of all carbon is 5% of GH gases. Water vapor amounts to 95% of GH gases. Man does NOT cause global warming, only nature causes GW. Nature also causes global cooling.
In fact, no one under the age of 16 yrs old has experienced GW. It's been cooling. But the irrational left explains that away by blaming the cooling on global warming. You just can't win with these irrational progessives.
As most know in Galt's Gulch, it's all about power and take over of the economy and, hence, the government. If it isn't global warming; it's ice ages; it the ozone hole; it's the population bomb; it's the missle gap, etc.
The dems are not "the party of the people;" they're "the party of people that thinks people are stupid." And according to the election of obama and his ilk, they're unfortunately right.
In fact, no one under the age of 16 yrs old has experienced GW. It's been cooling. But the irrational left explains that away by blaming the cooling on global warming. You just can't win with these irrational progessives.
As most know in Galt's Gulch, it's all about power and take over of the economy and, hence, the government. If it isn't global warming; it's ice ages; it the ozone hole; it's the population bomb; it's the missle gap, etc.
The dems are not "the party of the people;" they're "the party of people that thinks people are stupid." And according to the election of obama and his ilk, they're unfortunately right.
The data show that human-related CO2 has an insignificant effect on the Greenhouse Effect’s ability to raise global surface average annual temperature. Even if it did, CO2 is beneficial, not harmful, to humans, animals, and plants. The “global warming religion” is not based on “science.” It is based on other human motivations.
where was it published originally? If you're willing, please sen it to us
My husband's email is on the site.
this is kinda funny. my kids never liked it. they went from thomas the train straight to power rangers lol
I drag race and zoomed in on the 1/4 mile track to see the weather and judge if I should go. I could see a snap shot of two cars racing. If we can do that; what can THEY do?
Man has to be the villain so that he can be controlled. Every notice that the greenies drive and fly to their protests?
An acquaintance said to me and I agree, "How arrogant can man be to think that he can affect the weather."
Your right, it's all about the government controlling us. It's people that can't think for themselves that help further their agenda.
They're the ones who drive and don't walk. It's for the other people to conserve, not them.
If cap and trade is pushed through by bho bypassing the congress, we're screwed. How could anyone vote for a candidate (during the first campaign) that on video said that under his policies electric rates will naturally skyrocket.
BTW, I've only convinced one unrelated person in MA that GW isn't caused by man but by nature. He started to talk about the curve he saw (i.e., the infamous hockey stick curve) and I told him that the earth's temperature has been cooling. Then I told him my occupation and he became a covert, at least during our discussion.
You have me curious. What is your occupation?
Speaking of farts, as you know, cows contribute to GH gases way, way more than man does. The little devils just about created the ozone hole Hey, whatever happen to the ozone hole?
This is the link for anyone to look at:
BTW, Those pesky contrarians concerned scientists are still at it. Here's a 2012 WSJ article.
I can't get it to copy hyper link. If interested look up "WSJ Concerned Scientist Reply to Global Warming."
I believe an healthy skepticism is essential for good science. A good scientist will recognize that when his predictions do not come true he must have miscalculated or left out critical metrics...
People have been stampeded into a mass hysteria on purpose. Scientists are threatened with loss of reputation, of tenure, of grants if they speak against AGW.