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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 3 months ago
    That is one sick joke. We need a new law that says if you don't like it here you're free to leave. If we should get eight more years of this same mindset we're in deep trouble. Justices of the Court should not even have a political view, their decisions are supposed to be based on the Constitution and the laws of this land, PERIOD. They should have absolutely no say about anyone's political view, religious views, or sexual views, as long as your views aren't imposed on someone else.

    Where are the lawsuits, the impeachments, the leaders? Or do we all have an excuse to just complain and really do little else? My excuse is I worked too hard to get to a comfortable retirement, I already fought for this country and watched my friends die, I'm just too tired today. But if I was just 50 or 60 again today, everyone would know who I am. What's your excuse? I'm not specifically asking, I'm merely venting my frustrations with the direction this country seems to be going in. What can we expect if history is no longer taught in our schools. Our youth are being brainwashed with all this PC crap and they will ultimately determine where this country goes. We'll eventually just die off and they will just live in their own creation.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 2 months ago
      Me, too. Thank you for venting for all of us who actually did something productive with our lives and were willing to sacrifice part of our lives to have this nation continue. Saddens me to see it all being undone by the ignorance of the current generation.

      Thanks again, NealS, for your service as well as everything else.
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    • Posted by JoleneMartens1982 9 years, 2 months ago
      I tried to start an uprising with a group of fellow, "rebels" and I was told by most of them to shut my mouth, I was just a woman and didn't know a thing about it. On some levels that might be true, but I know it ain't right, our country is in a really bad way, and no matter what, I can't fix it all by myself. Every time I have tried I have either ended up with Jabber jaws unwilling to follow through, or racists simply wanting to kill them all. At this point, I am just hoping to save myself and our family when it finally falls apart.
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  • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 3 months ago
    The people that "run" our country are SO far removed from the patriots that risked and had given up their lives to establish this country. We need to get back to why this country was founded, as a bastion of freedom and a beacon of hope. Instead, we've bastardized everything that this country has stood for and we have become the laughing stock of the world. The bad thing about it is that most people know that it's the politicians who make the bonehead decisions. What is worse, is that we keep putting them in office.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 9 years, 3 months ago
      Well said, cjferraris. The Founding Fathers recognized the tyranny of royal lineage and they recognized the tyranny of the majority in a pure democracy and risked everything to bring us a constitutional republic to keep those two evils at bay. Unfortunately, they never planned on PC and the tyranny of the minority. Also, IMHO, they attempted to lay the cornerstone of a justice system, but today we have a legal system and the two are not the same thing. For example, a justice system can be seen by reading the pre-1913 US Constitution, a legal system can be seen by reading the IRS code. The same comparison can be made across the panoply of government acronym soup of organizations "legally" hounding and harassing our every moment, awake or asleep. Our nations "justices" are mainly legal organisms blown by political winds. Constitution be damned.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    This is not my country. This is not my world. I wake up every day thinking that I somehow got caught in a parallel l universe. If I can only get back to the 1930s I could straighten all this out.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 9 years, 3 months ago
    I live in Indianapolis, and Gary Varvel's cartoons are always wonderful. This one, however is one of his all-time greats.

    I admit that I'm surprised a Gannett-run newspaper would allow his cartoons to be published on the Editorial page.
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  • Posted by Dennis55 9 years, 2 months ago
    TERM LIMITS- I believe we will get courageous legislation and away from this PC crap. I really don't understand why this hasn't received more traction in the like minded communities. Pardon-but there would be a lot less pandering to the ridiculous and a lot less ass kissing of the moochers.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 3 months ago
    For all the huffing and puffing you'll hear from the GOP contenders, most were relieved by the two SCOTUS decisions. The ACA subsidy support gave then room to declare they were still against the program without having to suffer media condemnation for all the people who lost their medical insurance. The gay marriage decision weakened a Democrat debate point, and energized the evangelicals, who will be more determined to try to get someone into the Presidency who might restore the states' right to determine marriage. Easier to promise to turn things around than deal with in-your-face fallout.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years, 3 months ago
    Sorry, I think Blarman had it about right this time.

    I do believe in the 14th Amendment; I believe the

    Warren Court was right in some particulars; I am a-

    gainst established school prayer; I have no great

    belief in "states' rights" as opposed to individual

    rights. But I do not think it is the job of the Su-

    preme Court to rewrite Congressional laws on the basis of speculation about what the legis-

    lators meant; if the law makes no sense, as

    written, then leave it to the Congress to clean

    up its own mess. Also, marriage has a defini-

    tion; all should be equal before the law, but that

    does not mean we should change definitions.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 3 months ago
    I laughed due to humor being based on the on the unexpected.

    That's the only reason I laughed.

    If our Founding Fathers could be transported here with a time machine, they'd probably be crying.


    When I click on SAVE

    this text

    double spaces.

    I'm a single

    space kinda guy.
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    • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 2 months ago
      I think if the Founders could return, they'd look around and say, "everyone go home and get your gun. We'll meet back here in an hour." And Jefferson would be angrily pacing, saying, "didn't I warn you about this???? This is EXACTLY what I was afraid of, and you just let it happen!"
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    I don't know. Little wordy and words withi more than one syllable....doesn't end with a question mark so no good in California. Open to cherry picking....
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  • Posted by KCLiberty 9 years, 2 months ago
    I hate to be a contrarian to those I should share a lot in common with, but this point of view is moronic. The Supreme Court didn't "make a law". They ruled on a case that questions a state's ability to restrict equal access to making a contract to a "type" of person. I think they upheld the Constitution in this case. Disagreeing with this is no different than someone who would like the 3/5th's person clause reinstated.

    Those complaining are just blood-lust religious nutballs who still believe in a book of fairy tales passed on by pre-historic goat herders. And, they apparently despise the very core of Atlas Shrugged.
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