In the Name of Tolerance, Kill the Curmudgeons, by Robert Gore | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC
Game of Thrones features beheadings, hangings, torture, incineration, parricide, war, rape, incest, betrayal, and intrigue, among other untoward depictions. Refreshingly, the aspirants to the Iron Throne do not pretend they seek it for the public interest, common good, or the children. Those contenders with some nobility among their admixture of motives acknowledge their ambition—it’s good to be King (or Queen)—and the ignoble have the courage of their own ruthless rottenness.
This is an excerpt. The rest of the article can be accessed on the link above.
This is an excerpt. The rest of the article can be accessed on the link above.
Keep reminding everyone that the truth can eventually appear when good men decide to act instead of just watching and talking.