HERE IT IS: The bill being advanced in Congress that would REQUIRE the United States to go to war with Iran whenever Israel decides to do so. The bill, being pushed by the American-Isreal lobby (AIPAC)--the most powerful, secretive, and politically controlling lobby in America--would immediately kill the agreement worked out with Iran to limit, reduce, and open to inspection its project to create nuclear fuel--in return for lifting sanctions. The bill ALSO pledges the United States to go to war with Iran when Israel decides to go to war with Iran. The decision on our next big war would shift from our government to the government of Israel, now in the hands of fundamentalist religious parties who negotiate nothing. When have we turned the decision to go to war over to another country? Well, to exaggerate, but only a bit: AIPAC does not view America as a separate country. It views America as an outpost of Israel that must support the mother country. When you read the article below, you will know that in all probability, when it comes to this bill, or anything to do with Israel, the basis of the vote of your Congressman or Senator is knowledge that AIPAC can destroy him/her in the next election. If you wonder why all this hasn't turned people against AIPAC, it is because--as you will read in the words of a former AIPAC staff member--the lobby's official policy and stance about what it is doing is secrecy. Read about WWI, or almost any war, and you see that behind the scenes is always this kind of secret, entangling decision-making. Then, when war comes and we ask, later, why no one could stop it, why we slid into war as though helplessly--the historians, long after the fact, will tell you about AIPAC. They will tell you that American foreign policy was hijacked. Just as so, so many Israelis will tell you that their government has been hijacked by religious fundamentalists that so dominate every Middle Eastern country. But read for yourself:
Seeing how Israel has survived the relentless continual attack of unprincipled enemies who for example have no qualms about sacrificing their own children, who have vast concentrated wealth, and who have the governing class in UK and Europe as allies, how about the USA contracts out its entire foreign policy and overseas military to Israel? It would be both more effective and cheaper.
Iran has repeatedly asserted its intent to destroy Israel. At the first such announcement, the United States should have devastated Iran, driving them from the dark ages into the stone age. When that didn't happen, other scum began thinking they could raise their heads and challenge the will of the United States; and now decent people are threatened.