This man will never bow to political correctness
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 1 month ago to Video
I find his voice to be that of reason and logic. He is a prime example of what a moral and ethical person, who is firmly on the side of rational self interest, looks like. He will not change his opinion because someone tells him he should, or that it is in the best interest of the greater good.
Now, lets just hope he doesn't have any freak "accidents"...
Now, lets just hope he doesn't have any freak "accidents"...
His books are easier on the eardrums...
This does not seem like the PC thing where they just wanted him to stop using certain words. They were not asking him to call them ideologically-challenged. They wanted him to change his message.
His claim is the political parties stand for clear ideologies, but some of their members don't adhere to the ideologies. My opinion is enough people don't adhere to a consistent ideology that it no longer makes sense to say [party] in name only.
I can't catch his show very often but I have read two of his books. Definitely worth a look.
Oh, and I have not read 'Ameritopia' yet. I shall put it on my list. It's getting longer every day!
Then click on audio rewind to get to the podcasts.
The shows from Tuesday and Wednesday (Jan 14 and 15) were INCREDIBLE!