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Godspeed John Nash, and thank you.
Wear your seatbelts, folks.
For those interested in discovering his work, including "Nash equillibrium", here's a great site about game theory. http://thefinalwager.co/game-theory/
part of his work in a bar, studying the ways that men
approached women. . will love reading more about
this fascinating man. . Thanks Again! -- j
The train station was at the other end of the street, and a small train would run between P.J. and Princeton Univ Campus.
He would sometimes get disoriented walking home from the train and end up on my street. My mother would see him and point him back to his street.
NJ is a hazard. I'm glad I left when I did. P.J. was a great small town back in the 70's. It's a rat race now.
FWIW: Grover's Mill which neighbored PJ is where the Martians landed in Orson Wells radio broadcast of "War of Worlds".