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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 4 months ago
    What does this post have to do with Objectivism, AR, or AS?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
      Hi, Zen! . since you have been here almost 2 years,
      you are aware that discussions ramble far and wide
      about subjects from epistemology to fashion, from
      science to astrology. . I do not have blinders on, as
      you do not, and the descending values in our nation
      are -- in my view -- pertinent to our lives.

      this post is particularly interesting to me, since I served
      as the classification officer at the manhattan project's
      y12 plant before I retired. . and since I know from
      personal acquaintance with the subject that
      Hillary did have sensitive info on her private
      computer, the subject is perhaps important to the
      20,000 potential readers here.

      if we should constrain ourselves exclusively to
      Rand subjects, we might have a far less enticing
      and relevant site. . I do sincerely hope that this
      is OK with you and the administration, since I love
      being here as a member of a smart, morality-based
      group of objectivists and wanna-bes. . yes? -- j
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 4 months ago
        johm; I wouldn't dare to attempt to speak for Admin or other Objectivist on the site. But I will say that of late, we seem to have an overload of conservative headline aggregation being posted on a more or less daily basis. As I'm sure you're aware, the majority of Objectivists keep themselves up to date with the current and historical happenings of the US and the world in general, probably more so than most of the general population. When we come to the Gulch, many of us are taking a break from the insanity and nonsense of the Conservative/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist statism and collectivism going on in our everyday lives on a continuing basis.

        I'm fairly confident that that I can say most, if not all producers on the site are encouraging to others to Post and Comment and enter into the conversation and learn more of the philosophy. Some of us even devote additional time from our days in such activities as welcoming new members and will post items, that while we're comfortable with our understanding in philosophical terms, we feel that might draw the interest of and comments of the newer and non-commenting members. I think all of us are highly interested in helping to educate those that show any interest at all in the philosophy and it's applications in the real world.

        There are certainly topics and events happening throughout the world that are of particular interest for discussion amongst groups of Objectivists, from both a philosophical context and as indicative of what many feel was the predictions of AR in her fiction writings. The discussion of many of these events also serve as good topics in which those new to Objectivism can gain perspective and insight in practical applications and understandings of the philosophy. But at the same time, there are a variety of sites on the web for Conservative discussions and current events. There are very few available for intelligent discussions of Objectivism and Ayn Rand, thus a little protectionism.

        While some of the posts of concern certainly have some relevance to the discussions of Objectivism, many are much more pure conservatism. While there are topics discussed within conservatism that share some relevance with Objectivism, AR, or AS; neo and reform conservatism are as statist and collectivist as is progressive socialism. Many of these posts are made without comments from the poster explaining the interest or relevance and leave me with the question I posited to you; "What does this post have to do with Objectivism, AR, or AS?" Since I'm one of those that keeps up with the events of the world, it leaves me wondering why am I reading this here and what relevance do they have to the philosophy of Objectivism that might interest me?

        I'm certainly not a purist as some in the Objectivist community are, and I certainly don't object to some humor and levity in any subject and some branching of threads; I am interested in keeping our 'eye on the ball' in a reasonable manner. I don't need to and I'm not going to take the time to read 10 to 15 posts per day that leave me with the question I propose, "What does this post have to do with Objectivism, AR, or AS?"
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        • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
          well said, sir, and I understand. . I have been thinking
          like an objectivist -- to the best of my ability -- for 51
          years, and try to see life in that way. . I always use
          that train of thought when I'm here with you. . my love
          of life also asks me to suggest things which go
          beyond Rand's vision, like Beck's recent "all-out-war"
          article. . maybe "objectivist prepper" has some
          meaning for us.

          I'll try to narrow my focus, hoping that you can scan
          some things which you have already thought through
          and can readily dismiss -- OK? . this is a peaceful
          adventure, to be sure!!! -- john
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