Is America Finished?

Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 4 months ago to Philosophy
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With too many examples to jot down here, I have come to the conclusion that America is in serious decline. I am speaking in terms of economics, basic liberties, and safety. Do you think this can be turned around soon (assuming you agree)? Or, do you disagree? I just see so many things pointing out major intrusion into our private lives. And, the decline in earning potential of the middle-class, albeit stealthy, is undeniable between my parents' generation and mine.

Other than that - happy Friday!

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    Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 4 months ago
    Sadly, I do think that America is finished. Alexander Tytler summed it up quite succinctly:

    A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
    The average age of the world's greatest civilisations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 4 months ago
      Thanks for sharing that, Salty. It's so clear now.

      My wife and I regularly talk of immigrating elsewhere. We are in the early, research stage of this. Really just gradual, early preparation. I do well here, but can feel the squeeze getting tighter. I know people who talk of staying and bucking the system. Not me. I'd rather go Galt...
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      • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 4 months ago
        Frankly, I'm with you there. I've been looking into Estonia. I really don't have any ties to this country any more...no kids in school, etc., and I'm working on business models that can be run from anywhere that I can get an uplink.
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      • Posted by robertmbeard 9 years, 4 months ago
        Abaco, let us know if you learn of any helpful immigration tips. I'm not quite ready to make the leap just yet, but I can no longer rule it out. America reminds me of the Roman Empire in the latter decades of its decline and collapse.

        The 3 countries on my radar to possibly emigrate to are New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. They are all English speaking countries; so assimilation will be easier. They also score higher than the USA on the Heritage Foundation's 2015 Index of Economic Freedom. That's not to say that they are perfect, because they are not. The tax situation is not much different, for starters. The main differences are respect for private property rights, less business regulations, and much lower national debts and deficits.

        Perhaps those countries may only be 20 years behind the USA in decline (I don't know...), but at least they are marginally better. Another consideration is that most of humanity lives in the northern hemisphere; so, the law of averages suggests less trouble if one relocates to the southern hemisphere... That would rule out Canada, which is also dang cold anyway. As you might expect, the immigration rules of New Zealand and Australia are not easy to navigate, as it is for most countries...

        Food for thought...
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        • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 4 months ago
          Hi robertmbeard- Australian resident here.
          Yes I saw that ranking. My quick thought was- if your country ranks lower than us, wow are you in trouble!
          Seems to be a global disease, one step forward, two steps back.

          In my state the gov. has promised to abolish the 'potato marketing board' next year. The only thing said in its defence is that it makes no difference. Among other incredible powers the Act gives police the power to stop and search vehicles if there is reason to believe it is carrying an unauthorized amount (about 220 lb I think) of potatoes, so far, police have decided they have more important thing to do.
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          • Posted by robertmbeard 9 years, 4 months ago
            Thanks, Lucky. It's good to hear the perspective of an Aussie on how your country compares to the USA. I think your reaction above to how much trouble those of us in the USA are in is correct. We have the biggest level of national indebtedness in human history. At some point, the creditors will expect to be paid. The resulting financial readjustment will be painful, I expect.

            Do you have any info or opinions on how things are in New Zealand relative to Australia and the USA?
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            • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 4 months ago
              " how things are in New Zealand relative to Australia and the USA? "

              Gun laws- In Oz and NZ would not be to the liking of most on the Gulch. Laws are very tight, those who get licenses such as for sport or for protecting livestock are such a kind of person who would not even overstay a parking limit. But shootings happen, then there is an outcry for tougher restrictions, of course those who did it invariably did not have a license.

              Government debt- The government elected last year, the libs (=conservatives) are not as spendthrift as the labs (=liberal/lefties) and are still increasing debt but much slower. We are probably at the lower end by international standards, this is taken by the left that borrowing more is ok, others think that other nations have borrowed too much.
              Now, sure, the size of US gov debt is alarming, but does it matter who owns that debt? If it is other branches of gov, or no one eg the reserve bank, then what? Can so much be borrowed that there are not enough zeroes to express it? I suspect the problem is not so much being vulnerable to China or Saudi as destroying the economy by inflation.

              Socialized medicine- first I will say I am an extreme left winger as described by a fellow member of our Austrian group here. So, socialized medicine has some merits. One big problem is that it grows and grows. This can be controlled by rationing. So instead of patient/doctor (customer/provider) deciding, decisions are made by pen-pushers who, as they become more important their pay goes up, and there are more of them. Increasing costs are soaked up by this bureaucracy. They vote as a block, one way.

              Immigration- It used to be that arriving by boat after weeks at sea got you in especially if claiming to be from Afghanistan, it is tighter now but Islamist preachers appear to have no difficulty with the proper sponsorship. The immigration rules are designed to bring in the healthy, then the skilled, then the professionals, then the entrepreneurs. All these in roughly age order. Yes there is the business entry scheme very popular with HongKongers, as always a good lawyer helps.
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        • Posted by $ TomB666 9 years, 4 months ago
          Australia (aka OZ) is about as socialist as England. We just visited there in February and found that we are too old to be allowed to immigrate - unless we have a million or so to 'invest' in something in the peoples republic of Australia. Too old being over 40. Part of the issue is their socialized medicine - old people cost the system too much so they don't want us.

          We spoke to one couple who had done that and they reminded me of the fairy tale of the fox who got his tail cut off. It was so wonderful - until we stopped in Bali. They had to pay something like $800 to be allowed back in because of their permanent residency status. (Everyone else only had to pay a $25 visa fee to Bali.) He also told me they had to buy private health insurance which was very expensive because they were too old to be allowed in the OZ system.

          If I understood him correctly, they 'donated' half a million to OZ and then had to buy a house, car, etc. An alternative would have been to invest a million in a business they would run.

          I understand a lot of us are a various stages of looking for alternatives. If anyone has contrary information it would be helpful to post it and if anyone has information on other possible relocation countries I'd love to see it.
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          • Posted by mdant 9 years, 4 months ago
            I love the America but America was a set of beliefs that founded this Country, not a geographic location. Sadly, the U.S. is not America anymore and has not been for a long time. I would move to another Country if I knew of one that was more like America was meant to be but as another post here says, the assault on liberty and freedom is a worldwide disease. As hopeless a situation as the U.S. has become I am not aware of any place you could move that is significantly better to make it worth your while to move (unless you have a time machine!). If anyone knows of such a place I am sure we would all be very interested in letting the looters continue to destroy this Country without us.
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          • Posted by robertmbeard 9 years, 4 months ago
            Thanks, TomB666. I have never traveled outside the mainland of the USA, so I don't have these valuable first-hand experiences, like yours above. It's sad to hear that Oz is being overtaken by socialism...
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      • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 4 months ago
        If you find a place that's not doing the same thing as here, I'd like to know where that is. Everyone is going by the same playbook. Every central bank is printing currency like they've lost their minds, which suggests that all the major countries are going down the same road; if they fall, the small countries won't be able to survive. So, where to go?
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      • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 4 months ago

        if you take the time to research many of my comments since I joined the gulch you read over and over again that I have said what you are saying now. my saying it is only offering what Ayn Rand has said for years before her death.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
      We should watch Venezuela very carefully. Its the path we are headed down. Instead of Atlas Shrugged movies, we should be doing TV series about whats actually going on in Venezuela, and maybe a fictional extension of it showing how people extract themselves from the collapse thats imminent and get on a sustainable path. At this point, people dont realize the mechanics of free market operation. All they have seen is government regulation and freebies.
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    • Posted by mdant 9 years, 4 months ago
      FYI - I thought the quotes were very interesting so I thought I might read the book they came from. When I did some searching on the internet every place tells me that there is no documentation to support the idea that Tytler said these things.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 4 months ago
    The American ideal of capitalism has kept the nation surviving and prospering for almost two centuries. The decline started politically at the beginning of the 20th century but was offset by the tremendous advances in manufacturing and technology. As the century came to a close, the decline increased rapidly until today, it is in a power dive to total transformation. Can it be saved? Doubtful, but that should not deter from the attempt.

    By the way, I'm probably of your grandparent's generation. Any time you need a living testimony, just summon me up.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
      "but that should not deter from the attempt." -- Why? To prolong the pain? If the republic fails completely in the next 10-20 years, the people that still remember what the Republic was and that would have been capable of rebuilding it would be either dead or too old to do anything. If the system collapses now, there are still a few people left that are capable of rebuilding. The collapse is inevitable; the longer it is postponed, the less of a probability of being rebuilt. We will simply become another failed state for at least several generations.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 4 months ago
        You are, of course, entitled to that perspective. I choose to regard the present downward slide as salvageable. True, there are not many of us, given the big picture, but time and again throughout history a few men were able to turn things upside down with ideas, and yes, revolution. There are many examples of this, which is what gives me hope for the possibility. That does not mean blindness to what is, but an attempt at the probability of what can be.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
          I considered the word "salvageable" as excluding the revolution option. A revolution could turn the country around (depending on who wins), but will almost certainly be followed by a very bloody civil war. It would have to be bloodier than the first one because the divisions are not geographic, but cultural and class-based. If the moochers are not eliminated, the revolution will be for naught. But for salvaging the country through the rule of totally corrupt laws and make-believe elections, and doing it in a timeframe when America will still have any economic abilities left and within the lifespan of people who still remember the Constitution - no disrespect intended, but you are dreaming.
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          • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 4 months ago
            By revolution I meant revolution of ideas but failed to make it clear. Perhaps I'm dreaming. It's a good dream, though. In any case, it might well be a good thing if a tight knot of dreamers survived in order to remember and remind that there once was a better time and what caused it to happen, ala "Farenheit 451.
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            • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
              As an engineer, I have been trained to live in reality. You may have a good dream, but how old are you and the fellow dreamers? Will you be around for the "naturally reformed" moochers and looters to voluntarily ask for your knowledge in ending their mooching and looting?
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              • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 4 months ago
                I'm 81 and am not sure if tomorrow's the day I assume room temperature. Having been in business in retail, distribution and manufacturing, I can assure you I know how to deal in reality. I raised an engineer son, and a business son. They both deal well with reality. My attitude with reality is that you must deal with it because it is inexorable and will destroy you if you don't. However, this doesn't exclude the dreamers. Or, if you prefer, visionaries. The moochers and looters have been with us always. Currently, they have assumed the mantle of those who are to be treated with empathy and taken care of. They can go to hell. Actually, you and I are on the same side only with differing approaches. It's not a competition between us.
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                • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
                  Yes, we are on the same side. Only I think that helping the looters is like helping an alcoholic- you only prolong the pain. Just like an alcoholic must hit bottom, the looters' society must collapse. When you "try to salvage" and produce, that is the nectar that the moochers and the looters feed on. I believe that Ayn Rand had the same perspective...
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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 4 months ago
    I think the Republic is doomed. We are in the final death throws. How long it will actually take is anyones guess. I also think the next 20 months until the looter in chief is gone will be increasingly dangerous. He is bent on destroying the remains of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, consequenses be damned.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
      Obama is the worst president I, myself, have seen. He is a socialist and a muslim the way I see it, and his arrogance, petulance, and demanding attitude is very very dangerous. He gave a gift to the medical insurance companies at our expense with his unaffordable care act. I think socialism has won the hearts of a majority, and they will continue to take more and more wealth out of the system until we have a collapse. Without a currency collapse in the meantime, I suspect it will take us 10-20 years to get to the end that venezuela is at now.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 4 months ago
    America, as we think of it is finished. It was finished as soon as the Federalist, John Adams became the President and appointed Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury. The killing blows were delivered by Wilson and Roosevelt. We're just in our death rattles today. Pretty soon, we'll start decomposition with bad smells.
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  • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 4 months ago
    America is almost finished and the final nail in America's coffin will be driven when the next liberal supreme court justice is sworn in. That is why a conservative president must be elected. Electing the next president is more important than republican, libertarian, Baptist, Jew, Catholic, it must be about what kind of lawyer will be nominated to the supreme court. If a liberal is nominated to replace a conservative justice, the constitution will cease to exist. Forget your ideas that divide us. Remove liberal democrats and republicans from office by uniting behind one conservative candidate. Don't stay home if your brand of conservative is not the nominee. Don't elect a liberal because you are too pigheaded to go vote. Don't do that to your country. Fight hard in the primaries, but if you love America, unite in the general election.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 9 years, 4 months ago
    " I want to move to..." NO Country offers the opportunities and Liberty of America - none. " I think America is over..." Wrong. What I`m reading in most of the comments is "We can`t win, so we won`t fight" If that`s your conclusion I urge you to go. Australia, England - really? Try some South American country- but you may want to check their history first, most of them were military dictatorships in the past and let`s not forget that history tends to repeat itself. That will suck when you`ve sold everything and the cabana is ringed with federales and you can`t come back. Want my advice? No? too bad, here it is- grow a pair! Move the hell out of the cities where it WILL get bad quick, teach your children respect, honor and how to feed themselves, the respect and honor will compel them to feed the others that will show up and are willing to learn to contribute. Teach them compassion and marksmanship, the first will determine the need for the second. Demand your elected officials follow their oath - and hold them accountable, not on voting day, EVERY day. This Republic stands in the condition it is in today because WE allow it, Let`s just not allow it anymore, it won`t be quick, but it IS that simple. We are unique, we are an exceptional Nation because of our founding on the principles of Liberty and natural rights - we go and the planet follows. If you`re good with that, then by all means, move to Belize - you were`nt meant to be here anyway. I feel better now.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
      Please tell me what specific features/items/etc. do you think that America has currently that makes it "unique"? I emphasize "currently".
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      • Posted by starznbarz 9 years, 4 months ago
        Our current example of uniqueness is the same as our founding principle, natural rights. No other Nation builds from and documents that basic, obvious state of humans. We are as unique today as we were when those defining rights were acknowledged, simply because those rights were acknowledged and documented. For all our issues - we have our share, America is the only Nation that does`nt take land upon conquering enemies,(one glaring exception would be Native American land, but as with slavery,there are circumstances of the times that must be considered.) we rebuild and return it, America is the Nation that ALL other Nations, friend, or foe, depend on in catastrophic events - we show up. In our current state of affairs, Americans peaceably protest and petition our government for relief, we do not take up arms against it as do most other Nations. We are being seen as weak on the world stage right now, because we allowed an administration to be elected on lies, one that has planned ulterior motives - hidden by a treasonous media. We have not, as a Nation, "gone native", we are taking our medicine and solving it slowly and with rule of law - that is unique.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
          The American uniqueness was based on two interwoven facts - the immigration of people from around the world that valued freedom and were willing to earn their way without any handouts or help and the codification of those values in a unique document. I would attribute the first steps to the destruction of those ideals to Wilson and his social policies. Since then, and with an accelerated tempo, more and more people have been coming to America not to earn a better life, but to mooch off a juicier tree. Notice that for the first time ever, the number of people emigrating from the US is increasing every year. That number is still only in the thousands, but those are the producers, while millions of leaches and parasites are coming here for the welfare "benefits." The US is now one of the most corrupt countries in the world - and yes, I am quite aware of the type and quantity of corruption elsewhere, but at least in those countries everyone is aware of the corruption and knows the prices for government "favors." In the US, we pretend to be squeaky clean, while government favors, influence, taxes and monopolies are allocated based on campaign contributions, nepotism and every kind of bribe method known to man. The government ethics courses that I am required to take every year cover in great detail how illegal it is to accept a gift of $20, or $50. But we quickly get into a grey area when we talk of $5K, and we never talk about $50K. The law and the ethics are only for the little people.
          As for your point of not taking other people's land - that is true, but American foreign policy since WW II has been dysfunctional at best. While perhaps having good intentions, we have screwed one country after another, while hurting ourselves. I think that the most accurate description, while looking at all the facts and weighting the results, would be an idiotic policy, or perhaps just idiocy without any policy. You say that we allowed an administration to be elected on lies - could you name an administration within our lifespan that was not elected on lies? Perhaps we should stop blaming Osama, Hillary, Bill and George - perhaps they are a reflection of us?
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  • Posted by bevinchu 9 years, 4 months ago
    Sad to say, yes, America is finished.
    I say this without the slightest hint of Schadenfreude, as I was once immensely proud of America.
    America was once the "sweet land of liberty" that Russian immigrant Ayn Rand dreamed and wrote about.
    Now, alas, it is a modern day version of Rome under Caligula and Nero, a degenerate empire to foreigners, and oppressive police state to its domestic population.
    I never thought I would live to see the day when America came to this sad state.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 4 months ago
    I agree with bbuckeye, RonC, and Herb. I do not think the Republic is per se finished. There is still a chance to delay its decline or turn it around altogether.

    Abaco has the right of it as far as history is concerned, so we have to take into consideration that we are fighting against an innate human tendency as well as against the immediate situation. Nonetheless, we have extended human life span and I see no reason that we cannot extend the lifespan of the USA.

    What steps do we take? One, which we have been discussing on other threads, is to lead with media: Aglialoro, the hallings, and others on this site are doing this personally. We need to cheer them on and support their attempts to promote Heroism, individuality, and Capitalism.

    The next big step is for individual states to stand forth against the socialist trend - Texas and Alaska come to mind (Arizona was heading that way but seems to have foundered; New Hampshire maybe is in the game). These big states need to politely decline government funds on the basis of their own profitable economies and, within their boundaries, strike out for as much personal freedom as they can.

    I think that if these things happen (and we are presently watching the attempts) we will have the foundation to elect a series of presidents and congressmen who can perform simple math, only take discrete bribes, and who can keep their dorks in their pants for a whole 8 years at a time.

    This is not as spectacular as a red-running-in-the-street revolution, but it is a better path. We still have a chance to take it.

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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
      Jan, one does not "politely decline government funds" - that is just not realistic in the environment that we live in. Practically all of our "leaders" are elected based on how much pork they bring in. Besides, you don't tell a slave owner "thank you, but no thank you."
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  • Posted by RonC 9 years, 4 months ago
    We are in decline because over the years since the 60's we have made the political decisions to be in decline. By tax policy, energy policy, foreign policy, regulatory environment we have created an environment of mediocrity. In a sea of worldwide competition we have one hand tied behind our back and concrete shoes.

    It is the progressive , Robin Hood, approach to redistribution and regulation that has stifled growth. It is the anti fossil fuel movement that has curtailed energy independence. It is the political quagmire that fights war to a draw (at best) rather than a victory.

    Somehow, it has become politically popular to embrace "getting by" rather than excellence. If you live in excellence, you either don't deserve it because others have less than you, or you really didn't achieve that yourself because the gov't provides the infrastructure for you. (this is untrue, because gov't doesn't show up until after the business has achieved...check out the history of Scranton PA.)

    If a leader and a serious band of rebellious representatives restored economic and political freedom, USA could recover fairly quickly. If we continue to have American leaders that look to gauge the World's opinion of themselves, then American interests will continue to take a back seat to political correctness and courting favor abroad.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
      It is no longer possible to "recover fairly quickly" -- the issue is not just the leadership anymore -- the mindset of the population has been too deeply corrupted by several generations of political indoctrination. The "leadership" that we have is not happenstance -it is what the majority demands. Hitler did not take Germany on the path to war and destruction - Germany found Hitler to take it where the majority wanted to go. Do you think Osama would have ascended to the White House 50 years ago?
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      • Posted by RonC 9 years, 4 months ago
        All you say is true. There is something afoot that I noticed years ago in the Carter administration. That is the power of advertising. During the last months of the Carter years the news media began to point out the short comings in his utopia and at the same time they became receptive to a more optimistic "growth" approach to our economy. It seems even if you are as biased and deaf as a news organization the repeated story of "enjoy what you have, it could be worse" get's tiresome. The truth is, without growth the status quo will get worse. The same sum divided by more people can only be less. Therefore, the only path to prosperity in Utopia is a smaller population; either by war, disease, genocide, or emigration...take your pick.

        I have notice in the last few months the media is more attentive to Obama's follies and they are also clamoring for optimistic motivation moving toward a growth footing on the economy.

        It is akin to the theory in Beck's "the Overton Window". Through media, news and commercial, the parameters of expectation and acceptance are gradually changed.

        Thoughtful people who think things through have always know Socialism is a dead end street. If the only way to prosperity is a declining population, sooner or later there are not enough productive people to pay the way, or as Thatcher once said, "...you run out of other people's money to spend.

        Bottom line, the regime has to get it done in this administration or the national view will change enough to end this siege. As your claim that Germany found Hilter, a generation ago America found Reagan. I don't wish to resurrect Reagan because times are different. It is my thought that correct motivation, expectation of a positive outcome, proper metrics to measure progress, adjusting course as needed, and the realization among the mooches that they will get less and less over time; all of these factors will cause a sea change in our direction. For millennia man was ruled over by Kings, and these same factors created the USA. We may not be what the founder's envisioned, but I don't believe we will become any of the other available choices from Western European socialism to Iranian theocracy.

        Robin Hood is a fairy tale because the wealthy would have traveled around Sherwood Forrest or purchased "Traveler's Cheques" from the Templars or Dominci family. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor only lasts so long.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
    There is a lot of wealth that had been built up since the country started, partly because of the taking over of so much land when the country was started, and the manipulating of other countries over the years.. Also, the free market bent of our culture helped greatly to expand our opportunities. Since I got out of college in 1966, I have seen a big and continuous decline in opportunities here, to the point that I think if I were younger I would go live in China where there seem to be more opportunities now. Between the fear of lawyers and liability on the one side, and regulation and taxes on the other, the fun of living here and starting new businesses has been radically reduced. It will take awhile longer for the statists to steal all the pent up wealth and collapse the economy, but with all the printing of money going on, it HAS to happen at this point. People, including our esteemed president, have become arrogant, demanding, and entitled.
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    • Posted by $ TomB666 9 years, 4 months ago
      By wealth you mean paper money or or you referring to physical assets such as plants and equipment? From what I read it seems the wealthy today own a lot of paper, but few real assets.

      The sad thing about owning fixed assets is that they can be taken away by government. Example, even though we do not have a mortgage on our house, we have to buy it back from our county every year in the form of paying property tax.

      Without an honest government nothing is safe.
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
        Our greatest danger today is the collapse of the currency I think. I think it was Lenin who said that to destroy a capitalist country, all you had to do was destroy their money. I dont know how to farm, and not really sure what I could do in an economy rendered primitive to survive. I live in a terribly dependent location(Las Vegas) Its a scary thought. I have been reading up on the doomsday preppers lately, and will set up a food supply that I can hide and protect. Some solar panels would give us a little power for essentials. I am not sure which will be worse- the marauding hordes or the government if things collapse. I suspect that if one replaces the zombies in walking dead with the hordes and the government, its pretty close to whats going to happen. JERICHO on Netflix is pretty good for opening eyes as to what will happen- and they are farmers basically.
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        • Posted by $ Genez 9 years, 4 months ago
          A friend and I joke with people we know about being prepared for the zombie apocolypse. (we're both fairly fit, into martial arts, etc). In private, we discuss exactly this. When people are scared, tired, and hungry, they will behave like the zombie hordes in all the movies. Amoral and coming to get you. If you want to survive, you had better be prepared to deal with them... and have some preparation done, food, water, first aid, tools, etc...
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          • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
            Maybe the popularity of the walking dead TV series is that a lot of people feel this is what our country will degenerate to. Its not zombies we have to worry about- its other citizens and the government.
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    • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 4 months ago
      There is a huge pool of untapped wealth in this country - the federal lands in the western states. If we had a homestead act 2.0, coupled with an elimination of the welfare system, we could recover within a decade.
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  • Posted by $ Terraformer_One 9 years, 4 months ago
    I think that the looters government of America is running out of cliff, like the road runner cartoon where the coyote takes a while to realise that he is standing in mid-air.

    The ideals that led to the united States will continue while the values get taught to future generations.
    I have some hope because the consequences are making themselves obvious and some pro-capitalist individuals are adapting the leftist tactic of getting into universities to challenge/inform young minds.

    I like the sayings: 'the night is darkest just before the dawn'.
    'I will not go quietly into the gentle night'.

    I think Lucky is right about the 'global disease' - all these international bodies(UN, IMF, etc even the bildeberg meetings) where the self-styled elites coordinate themselves are vectors of infection when they delude themselves into thinking that anything great can be built by Men(plural, species specific not gender) who are easily ruled.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 4 months ago
    An article V Convention of States might start to turn things around. To me, the central tactical issue is welfare which, by my reading of Federalist 41, the government has no business granting. But how does a government stop its own largesse without riots in the streets?

    The larger, strategic issue is overcoming 45 years of indoctrination in public schools and universities that we are our brothers' keepers, that we are responsible to the state and our individual liberties are of little consequence.

    I used to say TGIF or Happy Friday. Now I just say POETS or happy POETS day, which means P On Everything Tomorrow's Saturday.
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    • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 4 months ago
      Do you really trust anyone to make amendments to the Constitution today?!?!? I suggest that every time you think about that one, go to the beach and sit in the sun until the feeling goes away.
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      • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 4 months ago
        And yet, most on this forum of thinking people say America is done. So what's the hazard?
        Wouldn't it be worth it if the constitution were clarified, for example, removing welfare from the federal government's authority and relegating it solely to the states?
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    • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 4 months ago
      Smith, your first 2 paragraphs state very important issues. My father told me 45 years ago that welfare is simply a ransom we pay to keep them from rioting in the streets. So do you know of a solution?
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    • Posted by BeenThere 9 years, 4 months ago
      I have perceived the decline in the quality of almost everything over the past several years......visible in the little things to which most pay no attention.......your term POETS reveals volumes about the decline.........one works rationally, then watches the rewards go to "the rule of others" which, in most, will lead to a much harsher epithet (first letter F)..............the crumbling of the underpinnings of our republic began decades ago................but the financial collapse (seeded in 1999-99) and election of 2008 accelerated the process. The Democrats, having gained control of the government (until 2014 congressionals), have proven the long standing military phrase "S*** rolls downhill!"
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  • Posted by Exitstageright 9 years, 4 months ago
    Yes, I believe that the America that exists today is indeed finished. And while I realize there are some that want to repair it, I say you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. The progressive left's version of America is a goner, and good riddance. It has become a cesspool no amount of smell good is going to refresh, so flush it and start with a new bowl.

    But, like Noah, I believe there is of course a future after the turds are all drowned. And I believe there are others out there building their own arks, some here in CONUS, others in various countries (and btw, if I was going to expat, a good place to do it would be Argentina). But I decided to Galt in Texas. More on why later.

    I came to my personal realization that the course this country was on could not be corrected without a flood, revolution, zombie reincarnation, etc, shortly after 911. I saw a govt that had become too powerful because "we the people" as a majority had become by and large pussies that allowed themselves to become wards of the state. Entitled, lazy, and short sighted, they were easy pickins. And when Zero got elected, that was my signal. I put my company on the market, started doing what the Kalling's did and sold most of my unnecessary flotsom, and started looking at night time satellite pics. I settled on a part of Texas that had the fewest lights. And Texas because, if you stay away from Austin, are plumb eat up with folks made of the same "rugged individualism" that made the America of old great.

    I bought as much land as I could afford next to these "rugged individuals", and then worked on making me and my family as self sufficient as possible. Energy in the way of solar and wind, cattle, 5 working wells on alternative energy, large gardens, dairy goats, chickens, guns and ammo as well as befriending possible trigger pullers in case we have to repel the gangbangers when their gravy train is gone, etc. And, I built my "headquarters' smack dab in the middle of my 700 acres with only one unimproved road in, cut through a heavily wooded area. And speaking of gangbangers, I realized I would also have to cope with those that did not prepare. Starving people are desperate people, and you have to realize that you cannot care for them all.
    That is the toughest part. I am hoping to avoid most of that by making myself a much harder target than unprepared Joe Blow down the road. Kind of like being in bear filled woods with somebody you can outrun.

    And I came up with a business model that I can do myself, without having to have employees. Not that I dislike employees, its the govt baggage that come attached to them I cannot stomach. The only USD for most part I keep in banks is the amount I will need to pay rent ransom every year to the govt in the way of property taxes. The rest of my USD went into farm equipment, barns, diesel storage tanks, etc. Hard assets, ie. The rest of my monetary assets I keep in either physical gold and silver, or Norwegian Kronas that I can convert if necessary.

    The rest of my efforts goes to time spent keeping as low a govt profile as I possibly can. I intend to be around, or at least provide an ark after I am gone, to those who can rebuild this country, or planet for that matter, after this hideous tick the NWO implodes on itself.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 4 months ago
    With no sign of North Korea turning into an Objectivist paradise as the people recognize that their government has failed them I am dubious that descending into ever more socialism will eventually wake people up. Perhaps in a very long time.

    One of my favorite mottos is: "Maybe the horse will learn to sing". While there is still life in the country and in the constitution, attempt the impossible.

    There are two places that would make a major difference, both of which have growing movements in their favor:

    1. Legalize drugs. Abolish the war on drugs. This effort has justified ever more police militarization and denial of liberty. No knock raids, asset forfeiture, laws on cash deposits, and many many more were all justified by the War on Drugs. Stop it. There is a growing movement to do this, it even has support among some liberals. Take this step.

    2. Increase school vouchers. Having the government pay for school is less than ideal but breaking the virtual monopoly of the educational system in instructing each generation in the benefits of socialism is vital. With more private schools, some of them at least can introduce the concepts of capitalism.

    These are both efforts that are underway and if increased would help increase liberty and decrease the indoctrination of each generation.

    I, of course, have a whole lot of other things that should be done, but those two are the ones that seem most achievable.
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  • Posted by gaiagal 9 years, 4 months ago
    America is finished...now. There is no relation between the America in which I was raised and the America I live in now. What people consider to be freedom now, I consider to be suffocating.

    Cameras everywhere, political correctness, people unashamed to take government handouts, lawsuits and government regulations strangle businesses, kids can't do math in their heads, parents don't question laws that usurp their authority, smart TVs that listen to conversations, GPS in cars that can also listen to you, creepy targeted advertising, creepy facebook, doctors who follow one size fits all medical algorithms and are now afraid of their own shadows....I could go on and on about the Alice in Wonderland qualities of the New America.

    But I won't.

    I just find it odd that so many of the people I know consider this to be "progress." But I guess that's part of the Lewis Carroll story-like charm.
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  • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 4 months ago
    Unfortunately, it looks like it will require a complete collapse (followed by a global collapse, because everyone is playing from the same script) before things can turn around. There's no guarantee that they will turn around, but a complete collapse will be necessary, because people are still drinking the kool-aid, and seem completely reluctant to give it up. So, they will have to have the black-out moment before they will wake up (if they wake up).
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  • Posted by bbuckeye 9 years, 4 months ago
    America is not finished, but we must change our path. My confidence level of us doing that is small because, in the long run, the voters will not elect people who do not give them "stuff".
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 4 months ago
      Instead of expecting an unrealistic outcome, like voters that would voluntarily give up "free" loot, perhaps we should consider that a voting system that gives away "free" loot is fundamentally flawed and needs to be eliminated?
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 4 months ago
    If by America you refer to the nickname for the former United States of America now known world wide as the USSA. I couldn't and wouldn't disagree, People got what they voted for. More complex than that as you said too many examples it's all a matter of definition and propaganda.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 4 months ago
    I believe everyones comments are correct. It seems that the Pres will leave the nation in a ruin for the next elecrted Pres to fix. Also, there is an Oligarch running amock to destroy the 2nd Amendment state by state. His groups are going state by state bribing legislators in one form or another for not only registering citizens guns but in the fuzzy laws that were passed in those states that the guns are not really owned by the citizens but the state. But to will them to your next of kin is illegal. Soon we will see that groups of people will no longer tolerate such intrusion in there lives that a Civil War could erupt. That's how I see the disintergration of this country.
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  • Posted by MagicDog 9 years, 4 months ago
    Some historians set the start of the decline of the Roman Empire at around the time of Julius Caesar and Augustus.  The Roman and US constitutions have a number of likenesses and similar evolution from their beginning until they became essentially a political tool used, interpreted or ignored.  The US constitution seems to be at the same “evolutionary” place that the Roman constitution was just before Julius Caesar installed himself as emperor.   If this is true and we can use Rome as a template, maybe we can expect the US to drift into a long decline for the next 250 years until Washington D.C. is sacked.   
       The above scenario would probably fit into a picture of people sitting around in a futuristic fantasy world with embedded electronic devices.  Inflation will get out of control while higher and higher taxes are required to fund ever expanding entitlements.  The decline will be exacerbated by poverty, cultural decay, loss of borders and language degeneration.   
    Magic Dog
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 4 months ago
    It maybe too late for many however I believe if you are a true objectionist you have a good chance if you can begin now or as I already have begun. One must become self sufficient in all aspects in life ie be able to feed yourself and your family and to protect all you have. Building your own Gulch is very rewarding so why worry if you have covered everything the best you can. In stead of looking at doom and gloom invest in your own survival in both ways for if a collapse and for no collapse. We are the true thinkers(or I'd like to think so).
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  • Posted by DeanStriker 9 years, 4 months ago
    Not finished just yet, but it's inevitable before much longer.

    The Land will remain of course, but this GOVERNment will self-destruct. It's fiat money will become worthless, no more dole will be paid out, and no more payments can or will be paid to anyone, as there will be nobody employed even to write hot checks.

    The Great Collapse will be Global. I say good riddance.
    Only the responsible and the prepared might survive. May they never again opt to be Ruled!
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    • Posted by $ Genez 9 years, 4 months ago
      I tend to agree. This is when we will see the zombie hordes. My hope is that when the currency collapses it will take enough of the government and looters with it that the rest of us can re-establish a viable society. Unfortunately, my realistic side, familiar with human nature and the current mindset of the majority of the population, is not optimistic.
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      • Posted by DeanStriker 9 years, 4 months ago
        I expect those zombie hordes, having no Big Brother to support them, will mostly succumb to their denial and unpreparedness. Surely for the prepared, self-defense will quickly become the norm. How we might project how many will survive is a an answer to be seen only from the abyss. Hopefully that "mindset" will quickly disappear!

        I have made a start on describing what we'll be doing to make a restart, that at
        http://no-ruler.net/ Our focus will be on "Going Voluntary..." and will be written in a series of new posts.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 4 months ago
    I think America is doing better than ever in terms of economics and safety but not basic liberties. My biggest concerns for the US:
    - Gov't will increasing use all the laws/regulations plus the spying ability of technology in corrupt ways.
    - Automation is completely up-ending the labor market, and people will be tempted to try to "fix" this with bad policies.
    - Reliance on gov't to manage personal matters increases, and this undermines liberty.
    I can't predict the future, but my guess is one or more of these problems will cause the US to become more ordinary, similar to how the UK went from being a vast empire to what it is today. It's still a fine place, but it's not global titan that it once was.
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