Testimony from tax hearing in CT
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 10 months ago to Government
Give this a listen. It's a big wake up call for the schmucks on the Dems side of the aisle. And all of those few remaining republicans were the only representatives who brought any attention to the proposed tax increases and implementations. The people in this state are going to feel the pain, and they are going to not know what hit them. I'm just glad I have a very proactive representative, and I receive emails with updates weekly.
First, no American citizen would have any direct tax responsibility to the federal government. Each state would pay a per capita tax to the feds. (This would eliminate the IRS, but that would only be a side benefit.) The states themselves would be powerful enough en masse to tell the feds that we don't want to pay for a subway system for Los Angeles, or whatever other idiotic ideas come from Washington. Each of us would have our tax responsibility to our state...and the states could do it with income tax, sales tax, whatever. This would put the states in competition with each other for us. People, and by extension money, would flow to the states that were most tax efficient and the big spenders would starve. You know...like it should be.
Slip the Nutmeg Curtain while you can.
And people wonder why there is an exodus of people from this state. Sure, it's beautiful, and has some great things about it. The governance of it, though, leaves one with a foul taste in the mouth. And an empty wallet.
Lets see how the poor deal with no tax based from the upper middle class and up when they are not there to foot the bill for their programs.
Bill Maher who I have no respect for said it well.
Its ridiculous.
Companies are moving to the South where I live.
Hey, but I notice Alabama wasn't mentioned where I live specifically.
Oh, yeah! My second term GOP governor has turned RINO and is trying to raise taxes here without reducing spending.