Come and take'em
Posted by stargeezer 11 years, 1 month ago to Legislation
This video pretty much sums up how a lot of us gun owners feel about what's been going on in DC. The musical accompaniment is very good (to me) and I'll be adding it to a "special" playlist it will "fit" nicely with.
Only a person who thinks that government can decide what tools I own. Some of my tools go buzzzzz, some go hmmm and some go bang, they are all tools.
Only a person who thinks that government can decide what tools I own. Some of my tools go buzzzzz, some go hmmm and some go bang, they are all tools.
"Come and take it"... that was the Confederacy's sentiment.
"You'll have to pry it from our cold dead hands".
Nice sentiment.
Most American males above a certain age have seen the movie, "Zulu". The song "Men of Harlech" is given new lyrics, but the sentiment remains the same, "Welshmen...will not yield!"*
Harlech castle actually fell.
What has been demonstrated by the opposition, long before Ruby Ridge or Waco, is "come and take it" is no deterrent, and "pry it from our cold dead hands" is no conscientious impediment. Many, I suspect, would prefer it that way.
There's a scene in red dawn where an American citizen's body is laying behind his pickup, with the bumper sticker clearly visible, "They can pry it from my cold, dead hand"... as a Cuban mercenary in the foreground pries the pistol from his cold dead hand.
So, this is a very heartening video, but I take Rhett Butler's view on the matter:
of course, we all know history repeats (especially in fiction)
*In the 100 degree afternoon heat, when the heat and exhaustion from laying brick were getting to me, when I was young and foolish, the jobsite would ring with the sound of my whistling "Gary Owen"... when that failed, my last ditch effort to dredge the last bit of strength and energy from myself was to begin singing "Men of Harlech".
My body's paying for that foolishness now.
The moral of my comment is, you shouldn't taunt the tiger until you're certain you have a sufficiently powerful hunting rifle, and that it is primed and ready.
It took many of the American revolutionaries a few hard, bloody lessons to learn that standing toe-to-toe against a superior foe may be brave, but guarantees defeat. It was the Virginia rifle companies, able to kill at longer range from cover that made the difference until a truly competitive American military force was built and trained.
Arrogance and stupidity isn't just apparent in some of the "taunters". Our government is so obsessed with controlling "assault" weapons they've forgotten that the deadliest enemy is an experienced hunter that can kill with every shot from a bolt action rifle, or kill from ambush with a shotgun.
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"
Thomas Jefferson
Melon Lobby!
My name is Charlie Porter
I was a union soldier
In ‘61, I signed up to fight
And it was a great adventure
But I have to tell you
Not the fairytale I had in mind
And when General Lee surrendered
And victory finally arrived
I heard no one hoot or holler
No hip-hurray for the stars and stripes
We only cried
Back when it started
Proud and foolish hearted
I thought I had a taste for rebel blood
But we were only children
They killed us and we killed them
And the misery and the dying made us numb
By then, holding back the sorrow
Was kind of like holding back the tide
The men did not hoot or holler
Nor hip-hurray for the stars and stripes
We only cried
And oh, victory seems hollow
At the price of half a million lives
A cold and weary stillness follows
You hear no hip-hurray for stars and stripes
You only cry
You can hear the song here.
Because it only takes that one to put out the lights of a resister... and remember, to the gov YOU, not them, are the quislings...
My best friend's mom made a comment about 50 years ago (I'm 70) that finally sunk in. And being on the down slope of my life, it has sunk in, making sense. She said, "When the final tally is made, if you get two of them, they can never get even."
I sure don't, except, perhaps it is just too close to the truth or too close to telling the "Emperor he has no clothes" or perhaps it's just too close to telling "The King", we aren't going to give in. Or are these willing accomplices telling US that WE aren't going to be allowed to tell him that we've had enough????
(to my friends here: please be sure that I am NOT crapping on anyone who has served, and/or died doing so!!! My position is still that the government is the bad guy. And I also love my neighbor as myself, and I will stand with him when the goons come to take his (or my) guns away.
I think that my community is smaller than it was before... it used to be roughly the size of the US and now it's more limited to people who agree with my "limited government" point of view. I will still "defend to the death" certain things for certain people, but not "all for one / one for all" like it used to be.
Less than 10% of the American colonists took up arms against the Crown, and just about as many were "tories" who fought as a civilian militia against the revolutionaries.
What made the difference in the outcome was a combination of a skillful, experienced American commander, arrogance and stupid decisions by some British commanders, luck, and the canny ability of Benjamin Franklin to gain French support.
America's uniqueness has been the ability to pull together in spite of our differences, even when some refuse to act on their own behalf. Any new American conflict will not be anything but a bloody mess, with the outcome likely to be either fragmentation into smaller states, or a more militaristic, authoritarian government.
This is the very reason that no one has actually attacked mainland USA. Patriots are feared worldwide. Evidenced by the Revolutionary war.
We may be heading back in that direction, but I think that the youth of America are finally becoming more conservative. They are starting to realize that the Democrat way has veered way left and is no longer a middle of the road 'help the poor' but a rob everyone and boost the elite few ( Imperial few ).
Also look at the firearm sales in the past five years. That is a whole lot of ' Rip from my cold dead fingers'.
Proud to be an American...
It's delusional to attribute some magical quality to American independence. The simple fact is that we're mostly rejects, who rebel at any idea of control - sort of the juvenile delinquents of proper, domesticated European society.
The big problem Progressives are facing is an equally delusional idea that the (supposedly) peaceful, idyllic European condition is due to an equally unrealistic idea that a more communal society is more rational. There's always been the conflict between liberty and security, and the rebels always favor liberty (even when they espouse security).
Since police now have armored vehicles and other advanced tools, any fool who plans to take on a SWAT team or the like single-handed is not going to end up like David facing Goliath if all he has is the average personal firearm.
A flamethrower, on the other hand, could be of considerable use. The unit shown here has an effective range greater than most handguns and costs less than an AR-15. "Ammunition" is mighty cheap, too.