Unidentified projectile breaks windshield of another train prior to Amtrak crash
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 10 months ago to News
My husband mentioned this to me yesterday, and it puts another facet on this whole horrific crash, and what a possible cause may have been. I'm curious about what may come to light as the investigation progresses.
They want to cut funding on unidentified projectile prevention.
exception to that. . . . sometimes, fast is beautiful !!! -- j
up there, whooshing along gracefully -- WoW!!! -- j
officer qualifying test, back in '66, and they gave me
a financial boost to go into rotc. . people kept saying
that I should be a pilot, but I wanted to do engineering,
so here we are! -- j
p.s. I envy your flying experiences, sir!!!
I was listening to NPR....[National Proletariat Radio!] and they had some train engineering official on saying "we need 2 engineers in each train to make sure this doesn’t happen....What so they can play cards with each other and not pay attention!??? Nothing here but a bunch of moochers who were not doing their jobs and are unaccountable!
Of course we had the usual…”we need more money for infrastructure” “We need automatic slowing devices for curves”….I have an Idea…why don’t we have a computer drive the train. You could put in redundant computers. If you told the program to go 50 MPH through the turn, it would do it…But that would never happen, as too many union Moochers would be out of jobs!
And I contrast that to my next-door neighbor at the time, who was a 2nd- or 3rd-generation alcoholic train driver (self admitted) who could care less about who or what was in back in the 'cargo' section.
thing else is speculation until a thorough in-
vestigation is completed.
My question is whether Amtrack is going through union negotiations, at the moment. It seems to me that Greyhound had an issue where busses were being "bombed" with large, heavy objects and shot at, during a union strike, back in the 80's or 90's.
I'm not trying to stick up for anybody, but until I hear more about it, I'm going to try to remain neutral.