Unidentified projectile breaks windshield of another train prior to Amtrak crash

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 10 months ago to News
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My husband mentioned this to me yesterday, and it puts another facet on this whole horrific crash, and what a possible cause may have been. I'm curious about what may come to light as the investigation progresses.
SOURCE URL: http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/05/amtrak-attack-a-projectile-hits-one-train-signaling-a-possibility-of-a-terror-attack/

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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 9 years, 10 months ago
    I think what we have here is as simple as a Union Thug worker...who cannot be fired....yapping on his cell phone and not paying attention. Note…his attorney said he doesn’t remember the crash but does remember “coming to” and calling 911 on his cell phone!!!!!
    I was listening to NPR....[National Proletariat Radio!] and they had some train engineering official on saying "we need 2 engineers in each train to make sure this doesn’t happen....What so they can play cards with each other and not pay attention!??? Nothing here but a bunch of moochers who were not doing their jobs and are unaccountable!

    Of course we had the usual…”we need more money for infrastructure” “We need automatic slowing devices for curves”….I have an Idea…why don’t we have a computer drive the train. You could put in redundant computers. If you told the program to go 50 MPH through the turn, it would do it…But that would never happen, as too many union Moochers would be out of jobs!
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  • Posted by autumnleaves 9 years, 10 months ago
    My question is this...the engineer was knocked unconscious, needed stitches for a laceration on his head, doesn't remember a thing about the crash HOWEVER got lawyer-up immediately! We need more info!
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  • Posted by fosterj717 9 years, 10 months ago
    It is a fact! AMTRAC is a wholly subsidized operation that was never intended to be effective or even needed. It is a payoff by big government to crony-capitalist partners and their Union compatriots. It is another rape of the taxpayer by an ever encroaching experiment in Market Socialism. Ayn Rand would recognize it for what it is!
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  • Posted by livefree-NH 9 years, 10 months ago
    Years ago (20?) I was on a train in Japan and brought my hand-held GPS with me, and noticed that the various speed changes that were made were very precise and the speed always seemed to be appropriate. I thought "how typically Japanese" with the pride that the engineer took in doing his job in an excellent way (of course, this was just my imagination, as I never met the guy). I know he wasn't being perfect because some guy in back was monitoring his speed with a GPS; he was doing it because that was the procedure, that was his job, that was his duty.

    And I contrast that to my next-door neighbor at the time, who was a 2nd- or 3rd-generation alcoholic train driver (self admitted) who could care less about who or what was in back in the 'cargo' section.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 10 months ago
    I've been in accidents where I was knocked unconscious and could not remember what happened, just prior to the accident. Trust me...it can happen.

    My question is whether Amtrack is going through union negotiations, at the moment. It seems to me that Greyhound had an issue where busses were being "bombed" with large, heavy objects and shot at, during a union strike, back in the 80's or 90's.

    I'm not trying to stick up for anybody, but until I hear more about it, I'm going to try to remain neutral.
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