Silence is the Real Enemy
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 11 months ago to News
The would be perpetrators of the failed attack on a gathering of cartoonists clearly got what they deserved.
Radical Islam finds the freedom of speech abhorrent, and apparently are willing, as has been demonstrated with terrible and deadly effect in Paris, France, to wipe out and entire group of satirists and cartoonists. Luckily for those proponents of the first amendment in Dallas, TX, we are willing to fight back, also with deadly effect. The first and second amendments were exercised against those two would-be jihadists in exactly the manner they were intended for. The leftist politically correct crowd would have us muzzled and defenseless, if they had their way. However, they won't.
One final note. The POTUS remains characteristically silent in the face of this....
Radical Islam finds the freedom of speech abhorrent, and apparently are willing, as has been demonstrated with terrible and deadly effect in Paris, France, to wipe out and entire group of satirists and cartoonists. Luckily for those proponents of the first amendment in Dallas, TX, we are willing to fight back, also with deadly effect. The first and second amendments were exercised against those two would-be jihadists in exactly the manner they were intended for. The leftist politically correct crowd would have us muzzled and defenseless, if they had their way. However, they won't.
One final note. The POTUS remains characteristically silent in the face of this....
If this doesn't point to the irrationality of religious belief over reason, I don't know what else will.
Hundreds of years ago, in many places, the church and the government were the same thing. So in the 1st amdmt the new Congress was forbidden from establishing a religion that would be anywhere near that same model. The first five words say who that rule was for.
The 2nd amdmt doesn't even limit this prohibition to Congress and laws. Everyone knew what it meant to keep and bear arms, and it DIDN'T mean going to a gun show or target shooting. It could have very well have meant it was to protect peaceful people who were concerned that some ancient human relic from pre-Constitutional times stumbled out of a time machine and started shooting.
OK, maybe they don't believe in my time machine, but then again, I don't believe in their god(s).
European Christians traveled for months - sometimes years (when stuff went wrong) - to fight in a war. This seems to be a typical behavior of motivated people, not an exceptional behavior. (And the Crusades were the tech equivalent of a 3rd world country (Europe) attacking a 1st world country (Salah ad din's Empire ~ Egypt and Syria). We 'learned' more than we 'won' there (arguably enough to begin the Renaissance).
I must confess to not being much of a honey applying kind of guy. Warm fuzzies just seem to stick to the honey and build up till I can't see what's underneath. And I do enjoy applying vinegar to clean things off.
Traitors have let the skid marks of humanity in. The same traitors who want to take away your guns.
Molon Labe is the only answer necessary to say to the traitors.
And that is the perfect answer!
Those who would seek to do away with this privilege and freedom are enemies of not only this nation, but freedom itself.
people who try to stamp out your freedom, who
are determined to kill you, and don't themselves
want to live except to wipe them out.