"No Oreos for YOU!"

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 11 months ago to Education
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A little bit of overstepping the bounds of administrators' duties, it appears to me. No one but I have a say in what I feed my family. Assumed risk! If my kids eat too many Oreos, they'll get fat. One portioned bag, on the other hand, isn't going to be terribly detrimental to the health and well being of a 4 year old.

The micromanaging of others' lives has really got to cease! What inflated sense of power drives this ridiculous meddling!? Nanny state, busy body-ness, what ever the label, it's no one else's business but my own. And the whole comment about if there is a potato, there HAS to be bread?! I don't do that at my home because its too much starch and carbohydrates! Ridiculous!! This just burns my biscuits! Leave us alone!!!
SOURCE URL: http://americanlibertypac.com/2015/04/school-officials-tell-colorado-mom-she-cant-include-oreos-in-daughters-lunch/

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 11 months ago
    I would have been surprised, but now that my kids are in school I'm not. This is why I won't pay for a whole semester at upfront anymore.

    This preschool doesn't have a website that I could find, making me think they may be a lower-end place. Unfortunately the parent has to take this letter in and tell them this is unacceptable.

    A similar scenario led us to sue a school. We moved to another school that we've used for two years with no problems. When we interviewed the second school, I asked questions like, "what's your philosophy on when kids should eat." The answer I was looking for was no strong theory. If the answer is, "It's *so* important that kids eat at such-and-such times..." I look elsewhere. We have two schools that are working great for the moment, but I'm aware that this crap may start at any moment, and then we change schools.
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