Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 11 months ago to Legislation
This was a little gem I received in my inbox today. As a special aside to Eudaimonia, be glad you're in another state!!
This is just a whole list of industries which already tax their consumer/clients. That the Dems in the CT statehouse have decided that they haven't spent enough of my hard earned money, is just insulting. My state representative sent an email to me informing me of this massive wealth redistribution scheme put forth by the ever voracious Dems. At least she was proactive with alerting constituents. As soon as my children have finished high school, I'm outta here!!
This is just a whole list of industries which already tax their consumer/clients. That the Dems in the CT statehouse have decided that they haven't spent enough of my hard earned money, is just insulting. My state representative sent an email to me informing me of this massive wealth redistribution scheme put forth by the ever voracious Dems. At least she was proactive with alerting constituents. As soon as my children have finished high school, I'm outta here!!
Yes, governments at all levels are taxing the taxes you pay, multiple times. And that's not enough for them.
NH isn't what it used to be, but not so bad as that. Even with the governor having a D last name suffix.
Comments please.
The title of the video is:
IRS Director Admits Taxes Are Voluntary 2013 (2 mins 31 seconds)
Lied2Bad is the individual that posted the clip.
Check out yours and my links.
They are different.
Whoa! When I posted, my link changed to match yours.
I just tried both links. They take me to the same different places.
But now back in the edit mode, my link changed back to the different one I had before.
I was using my kindle to post, maybe that explains it?
I have read 'The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from you' by Eli Pariser
'Free Man's Perspective', a monthly subscription newsletter
Both WARN of the same phenomena - the internet has been "poisoned"(my description) by the algorithms that create an internet of ONE, a matrix that serves up an internet customised to your individual collection of interests and merchants advertising their products.
This echo chamber has been built as companies sell you to give you a 'free' user experience ( hello Google, Facebook etc).
[Do not attempt to adjust your television]
[There is nothing wrong with your television; Do not attempt to adjust the picture]
Come on down to Texas. While Texas isn't perfect by a long shot it is far better as far as taxes go than most other states.
PS Non-mooching_artist - Seriously, where are you going to go?
Party Party Party Party Party
/Sarcasm off
When will their party end?
My favorite scene in Robert Williams' Popeye movie is a tricycle riding tax collector asking for a "fee fee."
Since then I've waiting for some tin-horn legislator to propose a "tax on a tax."
Would you believe I thought of that during a drive to the grocery store?
Don't you mean, it is a sewer and the stink gets worse every year?
At least Americans have a Constitution to hold their lawless legislators to, in Australia we have NOT dealt with the separation from Britain and neither have we written a Constitution to create a legal foundation for our country.