Hi. My name is Salem.
Posted by salemdp 11 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I'll be honest. I haven't read the book yet, but I'm already enchanted at the idea of it. I hope to learn a lot from discussions here in the Gulch, when I have the time to mingle.
Welcome to the gulch....and get reading! :)
After Atlas Shrugged, I read "We the Living." That, too, is now available as a movie. It was made in the 1940s in Italy, but only recently was remastered, with subtitles added.
In addition, Ayn Rand's many other works are in print. "Philosophy Who Needs It" and "The Romantic Manifesto" are also anthologies of essays. Find all of those and more by and about Ayn Rand at your local library or bookstore. And the Ayn Rand Institute has its own sales, of course.
Just to say, Atlas can be quite a bit to start with...
Learned a lot about the movie making business. Chat with other producers as they are filming live.
Hope to see you there or here in the Gulch.