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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 9 months ago
    And so another State slides farther into the pit.

    There's a scene in an episode of "Gillgan's Island".

    They're trying to piece together a stone tablet they've found, because they think it will give directions for getting off the island.

    Mr Howell suggests putting a piece in a certain place, and when the skipper tells him it doesn't fit, Howell replies, "A Howell is never wrong; break off a piece and MAKE it fit".

    And so, another piece is broken off; another tail becomes a leg; decades of increasing insanity bear their fruit, and emotion-driven irrationality wins another victory in the destruction of civilization.

    The court is wrong; homosexuals enjoy the same right to marry as do heterosexuals; find a member of the opposite sex willing to marry.
    The worst part of this decision is that it reinforces the socialist abomination that groups have rights.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 9 months ago
      "homosexuals enjoy the same right to marry as do heterosexuals; find a member of the opposite sex willing to marry."
      Heterosexuals have the right to marry someone they are attracted to. Homosexuals do not. That's where the inequality lies.
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      • Posted by $ WillH 10 years, 9 months ago
        Every state requires an application for a license to marry. No one has a "right" to marry anyone else.

        Laws restricting same sex marriages are, in my opinion, wrong. However, this is not an inequality or civil rights issue requiring further intervention by the government. If people want to marry someone of the same sex go to a state that recognizes it.

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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 9 months ago
          I disagree. Marriage is a right.
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          • Posted by $ WillH 10 years, 8 months ago
            I know that is does not get much attention anymore as the gay community fights for their imagined rights, but you do know that marriage licenses have been denied before by states for reason of age, mental issues, and certain communicable diseases, right? No, there is not right for ANYONE to get married, not a man to a man or a man to a woman. saying that states cannot deny a license on the basis of sex is one thing, but to say that gays have a right to get married is to give them something no one else has. I know the difference is small, but it does exist.
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 8 months ago
            Please point to the amendment in the bill of rights that says so. Oh wait, it's not there. Marriage is a privilege granted by a state. Like a drivers license or a building permit or like my concealed carry permit. But it's not just a state permit, it's also religious in nature. That is the part you can never have.

            Marriage is a two part human custom. Part one is governmental sanction whereby the state grants the union certain political validation. Important for insurance, medical access, inheritance and other legal purposes.

            Part two is religious in nature, it is in the Christian church the living example of the future marriage of Christ and the church at his second coming. The bride wears white as a emblem of her chastity and virginal state. The groom waits for her to pass through the crowd of witnesses to meet her bride in heaven. This is also a reference to a scriptural prophecy that you won't understand. The vows are given to express how the groom will care and watch over the bride while the bride vows to only give herself to him - to Christ who loved the church enough to die in order to make a way for her to come to him.

            The first part of this ceremony the legal part is actually of no interest to Christians. If gays want a legal union, I, like most Christians could care less. A civil union is simply that, but that is not good enough for these.

            They want to take the second part, the part that is only religious in nature and corrupt it, trample it's most fundamental precepts on which the church stands under foot. It is this most basic a religious act that we refuse them and oppose their corruption of it. Look at the photos in the article you linked here and other places and you see the marrying ceremony being so disfigured and purposely disfigured in a way that could not have been more wrong to a Christian than if they were laughing at the deaths of Christians before Nero.

            Our faith may be a joke to you and to those who hold your views, but to fundamentalist Christians who actually believe the bible is the word of Living God the corruption of this ceremony is a horribly evil thing. So much so that I can't fully explain just how evil we see it.

            You see, we believe there is a black and a white, a good and a bad, a right and a wrong, and yes, a heaven AND a hell. When you stomp on one you gain the other.

            This is the last and only time I'm going to attempt to explain this. You cannot offer any challenge that I'll accept and nothing you can offer will change my mind. I have no misconception that I'll change your mind because that would take far more than I can ever give you.

            You are quite simply, wrong.

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            • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 8 months ago
              "Please point to the amendment in the bill of rights that says so."

              Please don't use this argument again... the Constitution does not grant rights; it merely protects existing rights.

              And when you use that argument, the people with whom you are arguing will point at the much-forgotten 9th Amendment.

              I point this out because, while I agree with you philosophically, the Constitution doesn't address the question of the definition of marriage any more than it addressed what size hockey stick a football player must use.
              It simply did not occur to the Founding Fathers that their descendants would become so insane and irrational.
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              • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 8 months ago
                No worries, I knew that the answer could not be given. Note my TU of your post. It was because I agree totally with what you say. The problem is that people have a big problem separating wants or desires from "right" - they are not the same. I'll lay my life down to protect the rights of the most worthless of our society. But that sacrifice will not be paid for somebodies anti-Christian wants.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 9 months ago
          Great, I'll push for Oklahoma to recognize human/canine marriages and be the first man to marry his bitch.

          Then after that I'll push to get Oklahoma to recognize plural marriages, so I can marry my computer. Oh, wait, my computer's well under 16 years old... have to get that law changed, too, then.

          After marriage is nothing more than what you call it...

          Nobody is kept from marrying.
          Find a willing human partner of the opposite sex who's alive and 18+, and marry them.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 8 months ago
        Being sexually attracted to someone is not a requirement to marry them, even among heterosexuals.

        What you're now saying is that marriage is all about sex.
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