well, the only threat is loss of state grant dollars....sooooo I don't feel too sorry for them oh whoa whoa whoa maybe they'll learn finally that if you want govt money they can give and take it away and bite your hand when you put it out there
Aha! Yes! I agree. So get off the govt dole! Especially because there is such a huge sucking noise associated with the website. Which is the vacuum the money is getting pulled into. And I can say all I like. I don't live in Oregon.
They must have hired the same outfit to do their site that the feds did. Or, maybe they did the crony thing and hired somebody's unemployed/unemployable friend or relative to set it up. Had to get them outta the basement. Once again, its proven that government does nothing efficiently. When will the people of OR get tired of the idiots running that state and remove them?
Wrong. The hidden Obamacare taxes my fellow businessmen and women are forced to pay will increase our cost of doing business and it will be you, the customer, that pays for it. In total, a few will think they are benefiting but the vast majority will not benefit. Something about "no free lunch" comes to mind.
Federal Insurance Premium Tax, Comparative Effectiveness Fee, Reinsurance Fee, Risk Adjustment Fee, Marketplace Fee. These are charges passed through my insuracne company (Blue Care Network) to my business which I will then pass along to you. I was notified about these addional charges by BCN about two weeks ago giving me a heads up so that I can plan ahead. The federal governmnet is now going to nickel and dime us to death.
How could that possibly happen? It is being paid for by us. And the people who are going to utilize it, will force everyone else to pay for it. And even if I wished to refuse, the IRS will make sure I can't. And those deductibles? They're jacking up by thousands of dollars. That is the cost. The premiums are skyrocketing, Dr's are fleeing this fiasco in droves, which leaves who to pick up the slack. Oh, and not make a profit. That's the reason to go into business for. To make a profit. Not to give everything away. For the good of all.
I want a doctor who is interested in curing me, not making money. Doctors in Canada and most of the rest of the industrialized world are doing OK with their universal care programs. Doctors in the military, Catholic Hospitals, Shriners Hospitals... They certainly ain't in medicine for the money.
I work in Michigan near Windsor. When I ask Canadian customers about their health care their universal response "we come to the States if we need an MRI or are in urgent need of care." I agree with non-mooching - the Canadian system is not what we want. Also, the surgeon who operated on my wife two weeks ago complained that she is going broke operating for little or nothing on illegal aliens and the poor. Medicare doesn't even come close to covering her overhead. She is about to say goodbye to her practice. She is NOT in it for the money - but she can't make a living working sixty to eighty hours a week..
The hospital where is works. If she had a privatre practice she would deny the freebies, but then probably lose her hospital privledges. This is the problem with 501C3 instituions. To be tax exempt they must provide for the "greater good." My feeling is that granting tax exempt status was a bad idea. If tax paying the delivery system would be totally differnent and no doubt far more affordable. Another example of unintended consequences.
Ask the patients how they are doing. Not so hot. They think we are nuts for socializing our medicine. They came HERE to receive care without the wait they would have in Canada. Another friends son had to wait THREE WEEKS to get his broken leg set. That's working really well for them.
I don't feel too sorry for them oh whoa whoa whoa
maybe they'll learn finally that if you want govt money they can give and take it away and bite your hand when you put it out there
Once again, its proven that government does nothing efficiently. When will the people of OR get tired of the idiots running that state and remove them?
Fact is the kinks are working out and Obamacare is starting to kick in. Saving lots of folks lots of money.
Please be specific.