Oregon Becomes First State To Implement Per-Mile Road Tax

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago to Government
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First into Bondage! Oregon leads the way! We have never seen a tax we didn't like! A holes.
I drive 1736 miles a month to work, @ 38 mpg I spend $13.70 a month. Were I stupid enough to do this rip off, (at the low, low price of 1.5cents per rutted, potholed mile next to beautiful bike lanes built with gas tax money) I would "give" or "donate" to the State of ineptitude 26.04. Only a 100% tax increase? I get a high mileage car because I do not want to cdonate to gas price manipulating oil companies, so now I get to give Oregon the equivelant of 60 cents a gallon in Road Tax because I don't "waste" enough gas for them? But now I can pay an additional 30 cents a gallon for eco friendly fuel that some Dumbocrap thought I "needed" to use so we could "support the alternate fuel industry" that gave so frickin much to them the last election they stole? DO NOT, DO NOT allow your state to go down this road, unless you own a 5 gallon a mile PU or something.
SOURCE URL: http://www.truthandaction.net/oregon-first-state-implement-per-mile-road-tax/

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