BREAKING: Shocking 1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing Who He REALLY Is [VIDEO]

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 5 months ago to Culture
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1995 O admits educated by a communist. You have to love our news services.
SOURCE URL: http://conservativetribune.com/video-surfaces-obama-1995/

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 5 months ago
    Hannity has been talking bo's association with Davis since before bo was elected the first time. It was under reported, but it wasn't a secret. It's in his book even... anybody who cared to know the truth looked for it. Most didn't.... and the reason for that is another topic.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
    What I am looking forward to is the day that he is out of office. I just hope by then there is still some shred of our Constitution remaining.

    What would be icing on the cake is if the next President actually investigates Obama's legitimacy and finds out that he actually wasn't eligible, thereby nullifying all his actions while serving as Executive.
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    • Posted by xthinker88 9 years, 5 months ago
      Why wouldn't he have been eligible? He had an American mother. That made him an American citizen by birth rather than by naturalization. That means he was a natural born citizen. Same reason why John McCain was eligible even though not born in the US.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
        John McCain fell under provisions for military personnel working overseas, so any claim there is ridiculous. But nationality is not guaranteed just because one of your parents is American. See the controversy surrounding Ted Cruz and his birth in Canada to American parents. If not born in the United States, you actually have to submit paperwork showing that at least one of your parents is American and you have to state at that time you want citizenship or dual citizenship. It's a different process.

        There is also the question about Barack Obama's attendance at Columbia (who won't release any of his records or transcripts) because at least one account has him as obtaining financial aid as a foreigner.

        Do I think anything will come of it? No. I'd be ecstatic if it did (and the Supreme Court would be busy for months with the fallout), but the way things have been covered up (the convenient death of the Hawaii registrar) and obfuscated, I doubt we'll ever know the truth of the matter.
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        • Posted by xthinker88 9 years, 5 months ago
          Actually you are wrong. Natural born means being a citizen from birth. Neither John McCain, nor Ted Cruz, nor Barack Obama fail to meet the legal criteria for being a citizen from birth. If you have an American citizen as your parent, you are natural born.

          By the way, Ted Cruz's father was not an American citizen when Ted was born. He did not become a US citizen until 2005.

          Here is an excellent legal analysis of what it means to be a "natural born citizen". But hey, what would two former Solicitors General of the United States know of the topic that you don't.

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          • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
            Thanks for the paper.

            The tweak that comes in here, though, is whether or not Barack was registered as a citizen of another nation, by which nationality then defaults to the foreign nation. That's why Obama's birth certificate is so important to the debate, because in Indonesia (birthplace of Obama's father - barring evidence he is actually Frank Marshall Davis' son which would entirely clarify the issue but become a scandal in and of itself) the citizenship rules go by paternal parentage and Barack would automatically have been registered as a citizen of that nation instead. Neither Cruz nor McCain were under such pretenses. There is also the issue of his enrollment at Colombia, purportedly as a student who received foreign aid.

            Again, do I place any faith in the notion that Obama will be declared ineligible? Not really. But it is awfully fun to speculate what would happen. ;) And there is certainly enough ammunition that speculation isn't entirely without foundation.
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            • Posted by Ragged_Dan 9 years, 5 months ago
              I heard he got into Columbia (after flunking out of Occidental) through help from a prof. who was a former PLO member. If true, it helps explain his current actions vis-a-vis Israel, somewhat, though it adds to the sense of corruption and inability to think for himself at least since his indoctrination by Frank Marshall Davis.
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              • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 5 months ago
                Yeah, Columbia is known for admitting transfers who flunked out of other schools. And, of course, Harvard Law School also has no problem admitting students who did so. Come on!
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                • Posted by Ragged_Dan 9 years, 5 months ago
                  Barack Obama has been in "special" situations his entire life. Who paid for his high school education in a high-priced & generally all-Hawaian private school? There's certainly no evidence he qualified to edit Harv Law, or even produced any output, for that matter.

                  Columbia is an old and crappy former teacher's college, ruled by political correctness, but many schools allow tenured professors lots of influence over the entry of students, especially affirmative action students.

                  Honestly, one must admit everything about the twit demonstrates a lack of capacity to think for himself.
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                  • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 5 months ago
                    He was editor in chief of the law review. He "qualified"for the law review by anonymous grades or anonymous writing competition. The selection to editor in chief is made by vote of the other editors (i.e. students) based on second year performance. I don't know what you mean by "output." He essentially oversaw the editing of all articles published in his third year of law school. It is a heavy commitment while taking third year courses. You may believe Obama is incorrect on virtually all policy positions and maybe that he is an evil person, but at least give him credit for being a hard working bright person. To not acknowledge that undercuts all your arguments against him. I don't know that much about Columbia, but your assertion that it is an "crappy" school runs counter from what I have heard from many sources. And the idea that the admissions committee admitted on transfer someone who flunked out of another school seems very unlikely to me. Source please?
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 5 months ago
    By his actions it has been obvious for years that Obama has a very deep-seated hatred for America. To me, this video indicates that he is both a sociopath and a schizophrenic. Unfortunately, he has reached a position where he can make his imaginary world real. As irrational as those mental diseases are, that condition does provide a rational explanation for his hatred and his behavior. What I find most perplexing is why so many people, millions at a distance and hundreds in his inner circle, go along with that hatred and enable it? Or are there really that many sick people in this world, or at least in America, and they get some perverse pleasure out of destroying their own world?
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 5 months ago
    For a seemingly intelligent man BHO is a tragic figure. He has no identity! That's why he was a good community organizer because he could become the community. The same when he was campagning to be president he could immerse himself in the crowd and play them. Being encoused in the Whitehouse he is a man w/o an identity.
    The other part of his identity problem is that he grew up w/o a father for most of his life. So, the male aquaintences he had when he was growing up became father replacements.
    BHO's life would make a great Greek Tragety Play. Now he is playing this out on the world stage.
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  • Posted by RonC 9 years, 5 months ago
    By the 2012 election the US population was certainly aware that Obama was abandoned by his father, raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, separated from his mother and raise further by grandparents. Somehow manage to get tuition to some very pricey schools. He purchased his first home with some help from a gangster. His political career was kicked off in the living room of a terrorist and self described killer. He spent many years in an anti American church listening to the spiritual teachings of reverend Wright. Obviously, his American experience and American dream were vastly different for the middle classed kid growing up stateside.

    Still, in the election, our citizens decided we would be better off with 4 more years of Obama than the two squeaky clean family men with an undeniable track record of success.

    What do I make of that? Either America has decided that results don't matter and success is relative, or the Chicago style politician found a better way to count the vote. We should have an update November, 2016.
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    • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 5 months ago
      Stalin himself reportedly said something to the effect that it doesn't matter who votes; it doesn't matter who they voted for; what matters is who counts the votes.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 5 months ago
    Obama could keep a panel of psychologists busy for quite some time. Confused since youth, he grew up not knowing whether he was black or white; Muslim or Christian; Kenyan, Indonesian or American; or why he was both loved and abandoned. Internet assertions even question whether he's straight or gay. This man grew up a confused, sorry mess, and therefore was the perfect candidate by a communist looking for a protege.
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  • Posted by DeanStriker 9 years, 5 months ago
    I still wonder just WHO was responsible for "vetting"; WHY was that task not performed and why wasn't that vetting done well before the election? That would have been BEFORE Obama's records could have been "sealed.

    Then finally, should there not be a whole herd of the responsible in jail?

    This (or any) GOVERNment claim of being "of and for the people" is and has always been nothing but a huge con. Thus WE are Governed by Force and WE can do nothing about it. Only THEY are part of the so-called Balance of Powers; WE have no role in that game.
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    • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 5 months ago
      I disagree about government of and for the people being a huge con. But the concept does require an educated and engaged populace. Fat, happy and complacent, we are now getting the government we deserve.
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      • Posted by DeanStriker 9 years, 5 months ago
        We are not fat and happy, and we are not complacent either, but rather we are totally overwhelmed by tyranny.

        NOBODY has time to keep up with all that as the prime human requirement is survival, while government steals half our earnings with taxation to maintain the Force and to redistribute to those who won't or often cannot survive on only half of what they work for and earn.

        So those who are here at the Gulch are only seeking to escape it all, rather than getting rid of the problem.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 5 months ago
    All I could think of during this video was the truth:
    "Resentment and hatred are cups of poison one drinks, hoping another person suffers or dies."
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
    Anyone familiar with old dino's past posts about our termite Marxist-In-Chief knows I'm not Cloward and Piven shocked in the tiniest way.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 5 months ago
    Interesting, in that only "right wing racist radicals" ever said anything ever about it, and there is another article on the Blaze that claims that the Obamanation has quietly purged all references to "Frank". You never know what is true and what is not, but videos are hard to fake.
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  • -3
    Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 5 months ago
    I don't know if it reflects Obama's opinion, but there was a similar narrative in Acts of Faith, by Eboo Patel, who President Obama appointed to some committee. In the book, he describes people telling him how it's all based on identity groups (religion, race, ethnicity) and how alluring that narrative was. Then he gets involved with the YMCA and sees people working and solving problems and realizes the narrative about identity politics was wrong. I suspect President Obama may have taken a similar journey and that's what he's describing.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 5 months ago
      -1 for detachment from reality

      Obama uses identity politics to divide America at every turn. In no version of reality does Obama object to identity politics, think its wrong, or any other negative connotation. In fact, it is his most widely used tool to get his way.
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    • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 5 months ago
      Had the voters known in 08 or 2012 they may not have risked putting him in the White House. He should have at least been asked about some of his associations.
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      • Posted by NealS 9 years, 5 months ago
        Had the voters known in 08 or 2012, I doubt would have made any difference whatsoever. There are too many eligible voters today that know absolutely nothing about anything to do with politics, which can be proven by testing them on the simplest historic topics. "What was the Civil War about?" "Ahhh, which one was that?" In order to vote everyone should be required to take a history class presented by Newt Gingrich, and then take a test to see if anything sunk in. Today, most political office winners are based on popularity. Candidates are especially learning that you can lie and tell the people what they want to hear, then after you're elected you can do any damn thing you please. And if your classed as a minority especially the people will not do anything more than complain about you. And there will always be those that will praise anything you do no matter what.

        I got a real kick out of a listing of Hillary's accomplishments on left leaning site (I think it was a past post on the Gulch). It listed one of her accomplishments as, she was part of the legal team on Watergate that got rid of Richard Nixon. It grossly neglected to inform that she was fired from that team, because she was a liar, an unethical, dishonest lawyer, and she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality. Need anyone say any more? It was probably the only accomplishment listed, the others were mostly just activities with no substance of fact.

        In case you missed it: https://www.wbur.org/2015/03/19/hillary-...
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