College Apologizes For Serving Mexican Food at A SCI-FI Event

Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago to Humor
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this is probably from the Onion...but I don't really think so...GHBs! Grow a pair-college!

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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 5 months ago
    As a member of sci-fi fandom I am offended by:
    1) politicizing ethnic food
    2) the ignorance about the essence of fandom as a philosophy of respect for and delight in diversity, the antithesis of racism.

    "Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here."
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years, 5 months ago
    What a bunch of liberal wimps now run our so-called institutions of learning! What could be more fun than a sci-fi gathering with good Mexican food! Isn't it racist to say Mexican food is not good enough for a sci-fi event?
    It is time we let people stand up for themselves, If they don't want a certain food, boycott the event. Stop thinking everything is about them and their feelings, and teach them something to help them get a good job. Fire the PC police at the college and say don't like it, help plan the event. PC should stand for pander to collectivism! I grew up in the Southwest, and we all got along fine, everyone said what they thought, and we were friends. Yes, we ate tacos, along with Swedish and Italian - together!
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  • Posted by smichael9 9 years, 5 months ago
    Another fine example of "Political Correctness" run amok in our society. Come on people, we need to reestablish a baseline for the occasional collision between disparate ideological thinking. Aliens and Sci-Fi is a ridiculous connection at best and at worse it undermines the tenants of diversity that our country is founded on. If this keeps up we'll need syntactic specialists to monitor every piece of the written or spoken word to ensure that we have not slighted some ethnic, religious or ideological group. I have several black friends that we invite over on for cookouts. Should I stop serving watermelon as a fruit? We are smarter and better than this and it's time we put a stop to it.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 5 months ago
    Santa Cruz?? This is the UC campus whose mascot is the banana slug... which should be enough warning to normal people. And someone got up in arms about this (likely someone who has too much time on their hands to think up bonkers stuff like this to make a name for themselves as an activist and potential political type)... and wrote a letter, and they caved to appear like they're "progressive" and "politically correct" and "Fully racially-activist"??

    Cesar Chavez, who was somewhat local to there, would be either very very proud, very, very disgusted, or wouldn't give a whit. I would probably say the latter...

    Hate saying it, but I really am not surprised. They have, indeed, learned the lessons from their socilaist masters well...
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 9 years, 5 months ago
    In this article, Dr. Carolyn Golz (who I assume is some high-ranking official at the school) states

    'She concludes her letter, writing, “I care about the individuals in our community and I want everyone to feel respected, included, and affirmed.'

    Unless, of course, you're white.
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  • Posted by 100inputs 9 years, 5 months ago
    The shock was to read the contorted gymnastics being applied to the English language by the school apologist. I say, bear witness here, the implosion of Mexican Culture, and the voices of alarm is it's vanguard. This intelligentsia has 'learned' that morality can be eaten. "Morality" is not an act of thought anymore, and of "racism" connecting race with intelligence, but is all now an act of eating. Eating is now a moral and racism issue, There is moral eating and immoral eating. And this vanguard is here to stop the digestion of Mexican culture and Mexican Morality. 'Mexican food is the soul, body and mind of Mexico so don't eat us you cannibals'. 'We are not aliens but jumpin beans. We are all jumpin beans really'. This particular vanguard is what 'moral cannibals of inferiority' look, speak, and sound like, and what happens when you subvert your mind, reason and philosophy. Your whole "Philosophy of Life" gone ... down the digestive tract. Of course you would be left screaming. But in a sense, they are right, they too bear witness- to the afterglow of what was once Mexican Culture. They know what has taken its place ... "WESTERN CIVILIZATION", but only implicitly, and they hate every moment of it. They find it hard to swallow but swallow they do! All that they once held dear is only but a meal or two, a dish or two, a snack or two. A Philosophy of ingredients. Oh, to have a Philosophy, and to eat it too. But Western Civilization will not be consumed, it sticks in the throat awhile. It will not go down. It sticks in the mind, an idea. It is indestructible, indigestible. Reason Absolute and Western Civilization..
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
    I'm confused. They were just applauding the notion that alien life would be found in the next few years. Not it's insulting? Shows what a college degree is worth these days. Then I remembered. Along with government and media educators are the main proponents of racism. they were only feeding the frenzy.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 5 months ago
    This political correctness stuff has gone too far. Mexican food is easier to serve buffet style. Prob why they did it !! What's easier than street tacos and fajitas. Prepare in advance and people combine the ingredients the way they want. Maybe the people that complained want silent green instead...
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  • Posted by PeterAsher 9 years, 5 months ago
    It was “Culinary” insensitivity to serve any ethnic fare exclusively.

    There are plenty of potential menus that everyone likes.

    My guess is that the planners thought they were being super nice guys by advocating a minority fare.

    They didn’t notice the connotation of aliens until some race-baiting, offence seeking jerks glommed on to it.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
    That PC letter from an actual college "Office of Diversity" was a hoot.
    I suppose a satirical story called "Illegal Aliens From Mars" who say "Si, si, we come in peace, muchachos!" would automatically be considered racist by all the pinheads in charge of things these days.
    I raised my eyebrows at that part about being inoffensive to "undocumented students."
    Isn't the very concept of having an "undocumented student" a bit dangerous in this day and age?
    How do you know when an "undocumented student" you know next to nothing about wants to strap C4 to him or herself, give you a hug and whisper ""Buenas noches" and then "Allah Akbar" in your ear.
    Kiss your burrito adiois!
    Back in the 70s when my youngest little brother was a college student and a member of a science fiction club, he invited me to a science fiction convention that took place in an off-campus hotel that had a big room for such events.
    Some medieval club whose king was the best fighter with a dull broadsword was in charge of the food and entertainment. (There were some sword and sorcery fantasy people included at the convention).
    Those swords were used more like clubs. While we watched the king beat the hell out of one of his knights, a babe dressed like a lady of the court served me a plate of very typical but dull medieval feast food. It screamed for some seasoning.
    I would have loved to have some insensitive for spicy illegal space alien food instead. Beam me up, Senor Scotty!
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 5 months ago
      Back then, you were lucky that period food was edible and an offer of home-made mead or beer was more of a test of courage than simple hospitality (though it would have been well intentioned).

      Nowadays, the food would be delicious and the mead or beer better than almost anything you can buy. The SCA has come a long way in 40 years.

      I have fought in many Crown tourneys, but never gotten further than semi-finals.

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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
        Wow! This is a big surprise.
        I never imagined meeting one of you guys in the Gulch. I did not remember "SCA."
        So I just looked it up. Yes, that's who those dressed-up people were way back when.
        I think this made my day.
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        • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 5 months ago
          It is a lot of fun. But full of geeky liberals...with occasional quiet Randists scattered amongst them. Nice folk, altogether.

          I am just back from a business trip where I guested with such an individual. A visit to the Midwestern office; plus armor. (Did not get a chance to joust, though I arrived a day early to do so: storm came through.) I did get to a fighting practice one evening...evidently I surprised the folk there a bit.

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          • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 5 months ago
            Migod... who woulda thought. We are taking objectivism by melee... one piece of mail at a time.

            (If ya have to ask, you'll never know...)

            Problem was, for me, it got too expensive. Still do some illumination, and (of course) pound on hot steel... but haven't been to an event in years; not even sure if I have any garb or not...

            And yes... believe it or not... there are more objectivist and conservative SCAdians than one would suspect...
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            • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 5 months ago
              Pounding on hot metal is a lot of fun; cold metal work is fun too. I used to do armoring as a hobby, but I was destroying my hands pounding and planishing - and the fighting is the important part to me. So I have stopped most of the metalwork to spare the hands as much as possible.

              Now, with the company and my new home (only an acre, but still amazing as to how much work it takes) I go to few events. I still attend weekly fighting practice, though.

              Did you fight? What kingdom are you in?

              Jan (Eichling)
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              • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 5 months ago
                I be a Westie. :-)

                Never tried my hand at fighting - don't know why not, just never tripped my trigger, so to speak. Fun to watch, especially someone carrying your favor, however...

                I loved the arts, however... ended up (in a rather convoluted fashion) pointing me in the direction of Russian Iconography, which is like Illumination on Steroids...

                Do good? No way, you're forever marked as "one of them" (maybe that should be "one of us"... heh heh heh...) At least you didn't say you've been doing Burning Man since Baker Beach...
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                • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 5 months ago
                  I have posted pics on a new thread (with khalling's wise advice on doing so).

                  Fighting is not a thing to do unless your heart really leaps at the thought. Too much sweat and bruise for dabbling. I never liked doing artsy stuff...but I have found myself drawn into doing it repeatedly in the SCA. Yeah - fun too.

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                • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 5 months ago
                  I started in the West: Cynagua.

                  I wrote a Complete Anachronist on Russian Mythology once, back in the 1980's. Interesting folklore.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
    I used to love Mexican food, especially when I lived in California where there were Mexican restaurants on every other street corner. Some chains, some mom & pop stores (The Best). The spicier the better. But now, it just gives me heartburn. Since I can't enjoy it any longer, I'm upset that other people can. It's unfair! If I can't have it, no one should! Close them all up, and make the owners all apologize, especially to me!
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  • Posted by believer83 9 years, 5 months ago
    So very sick and tired of all these people who have an ax to grind about nothing! Unhappy in the U.S.? You are always FREE to return to your country of origin!
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