Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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Show these statistics to those trying to steal your 2nd Amendment rights.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/pELwCqz2JfE?feature=player_detailpage

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
    I don't know how many times it has to be proved that murder rates are lower where gun ownership is higher before the anti-gun crew admits that it's not the guns that commit murder. The truth is that a country without gun ownership is much easier for the government to control. And a government with tight control makes the politician feel more comfortably secure. It's one more sign that totalitarianism is just around a corner. Illustration? How about this: A seven year old kid was sent home from school for holding a banana like it was a pistol. A friggin' banana!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 8 months ago
    Not to sound too much like the current POTUS, but if you look at the ethnicity of the top 60 countries in that list, guess which ethnic group is the majority group in 55% of those countries.
    That would be the ethnic group that has the highest rate of imprisonment (per capita) in US jails.
    Guess what ethic group is the majority group in 20% of those countries.
    That would be the ethnic group that is the largest component of illegal immigrants in the US.
    Guess what ethnic group is the majority group in 0% of those countries.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for the stats. Can't believe how hard this simple freedom polarizes people.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 7 months ago
      It polarizes people because they DO. NOT. THINK. On the one side, you have the people? humans? like my brother; all he can do is wring his hands and say "we have to get rid of them! No one NEEDS a..." and the like - 100% feelings-based, like a phobia.
      On the other hand, we have people who think about the issue, but many of them "don't want to get in trouble" and allow themselves to be confused on the basis of the issue. They make it too complicated.
      If humans have a right to life, they have a right to defend their lives, using the best tools possible and available. that's it. Not even "the Second Amendment says...." Don't even confuse the issue by going there.
      Right to Life > right to self-defense > firearms
      I have no more patience for trying to persuade people, or "bring them to the right side". I am willing to present the simple argument. once.
      and then, because I know those who are not with us, are against us, I will at least have a clear enemies list.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
        Agreed. I often use the argument that they are as afraid of guns out of ignorance as the right wing is of gays.
        Then if they are engaged, you have the gay people don't kill other people discussion. Why no, they don't, but sports cars and alcohol kill a lot, when they are misused. Should we outlaw these too?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 7 months ago
          Right Wing - Those that believe citizens should control government. Left Wing those that believe government should control citizens. You are I believe referring to the right wing of the left? That would be Republicans.

          The center you are referring to is the center of the left. The center of political discourse in the USA used to be the Constitution until Hillary usurped that job too.

          Taking things out of context really doesn't work. For either side.

          I read the second amendment and couldn't find the part that guaranteed citizens zippo. It does mention protecting the States.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
            Not sure I follow you. I am not making an argument in favor of either republicans or democrats. I am making an argument for freedom, even those you don't use. I would agree, some Rs want to control social behavior. Some Ds want to control social behavior too. like the nonsensical "hate crime", a crime of intent not consequence.

            Don't think I referred to "center".

            While it is nice that you don't read the second amendment to not infringe individual freedom to bear arms, SCOTUS does.

            "The Court ruled that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution confers an individual right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes such as self-defense."

            If you need to understand this within context (think that was your idea), read the third and fourth amendments. Coming right after the second, it is quite clear what the intention the founders had the rights protected by the second amendment, and it is not a state militia or hunting.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
          If they start from the "no one needs" argument, as if the default is to ban everything unless you can show you have a need, they may want to ban cars and alcohol. They outlaw marijuana, which is safer than those things.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
            Yep that too. People just want the freedoms they use, and are happy to take away the ones they don't from others, particularly if they think they are scary (almost always = ignorance).
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
              "People just want the freedoms they use, and are happy to take away the ones they don't from others"
              Apparently they don't have any arguments beyond the sophistry that this presentation debunks because all they do is downvote posts supporting gun rights instead of explaining their position.
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              • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
                I'm not following you. Someone is downvoting arguments in favor of gun rights?

                BTW, I am about 2/3 done with Red Mars.
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
                  Almost everything I post in favor of gun rights gets downvoted, but they never post any actual arguments for gun control.

                  Do you like Red Mars? I happened upon it in the library ten years ago. If the politics in Red Mars bother you, you might like As It Is on Mars. In that one they spend most of the book working their tails off in that book, making it tough sledding, but there is payoff at the end and in the next book when people become envious of their success and try to steal from them.
                  As I recall, Red Mars moves faster at the end, so it's worth sticking through.
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                  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
                    Weird. I never watch votes, so not sure if mine get up/down voted. Strange though. Must be some trolls. Think most Gulchers favor gun rights. Glad you do too.

                    The utopian plan discussions of the book are not my cup of tea, but I can accept a little dreaming from the author if they entertain me with the storyline. I like the detailed geology (or correct word for the extraterrestrial version). The author seems to have used a technology-version of historical fiction. I like that part. Someone on Amazon voted it down as only understandable to a geologist. Funny, and inspired me to like it to prove my science-mettle. My brother is the chief mechanical eng at NASA-KSC, and we talked recently about some of the technical aspects. The author did a good job. The storyline is a little unbelievable. These few people so influential on another planet? Do see that. But entertaining so far.
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      • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 7 months ago
        Well, most of all y'all know how MY mind works, so it shouldn't surprise you, winterwind, when I read "Right to Life > right to self-defense > firearms," my immediate reaction was something like...

        "Arm all of the fetuses!"

        .... sorry... :)
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 7 months ago
    We all understand why Osama, Hillary and Bloombergs want people control through gun control, just as they are putting the Constitution aside as an annoyance. But what motivates the rank and file Dumbocrats, along with many Republicans, to be fair? They truly believe the "cause," or the pretense of it, in any case, while they themselves do not harbor any intentions to benefit from it as the elitists hope to. Do they just fervently follow the Party's orders? What makes them blindly believe the crap? To address the problem, we really do need to understand it.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    all of these statistics which probably come from the fbi or some other u.s. government agency shown to the likes of 0 would or do mean nothing.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 7 months ago
    Once people learn how to read and apply the whole thing intact instead of bits and pieces you'll have a leg to stand on. Now that it's a moot discussion who knows. The right to keep and bear arms is contingent on willingness to serve in the State militia. You can't pick and choose unless it's the whole thing or another UNTIL you are willing to support an Amendment.

    On the other hand their are rights championed which don't appear anywhere in the document. They seem to get more milage than the one's that are set down pen and ink.
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  • -5
    Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
    I agree with it all, except for the partisan stuff. It's important to debunk misleading statistics.

    Someone posted this or something very similar a few months ago, and it's worth reposting.

    I know the title is based on a movie, but this is the reference I think of:
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    • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
      CG, the bad guys will Always have guns. . what the
      control freaks want is that the good guys will NOT
      have guns. . it's like denying the fire department
      water -- stupid. -- j

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    • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 8 months ago
      -1 for ignoring the obvious

      The left pushes gun control, the right pushes gun rights.
      That is exactly why it serves as a political wedge issue.
      Therefore partisan references on this issue are not valueless.
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      • Posted by xthinker88 9 years, 8 months ago
        Actually it is not wise to pretend that either the Demublicans or the Republicrats do not support gun control. Historically this is not the case. Nixon wanted to ban all handguns like the good progressive/fascist he was. Reagan favored some handgun control as well. Progressivism is strong in both parties although at least the Republicrats have a minority voice still speaking out against it (except for foreign policy - then they all go Teddy Roosevelt).
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        • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 8 months ago
          Both sides support control...period

          In the case of guns, the right pushes gun rights while voting for controls. Effectively also supporting gun control, but not as tightly. Both sides then spout that thin difference as a wedge issue to demonize the other.

          In any case both sides support control, of everything, not just guns. They parse minor differences and claim they are opposite positions.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
            "In any case both sides support control, of everything, not just guns. They parse minor differences and claim they are opposite positions."
            Yes. People control.
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
        The purpose of the 2nd amendment was to protect the citizens FROM a bad government. And the purpose of the gun control laws is to protect the government FROM the people. Concise and easy to understand
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      • -2
        Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
        Democrats are the worse offenders when it comes to gun control, which I see as a form of people control. I don't see either mainstream party consistently opposing people control. I think the party references unintentionally help perpetuate this.
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