Ana Marie Cox: You Have to Force People to Do Things They Don’t Want to

Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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Yes, you will be forced to do what our ruling class wants... it's called Democracy.

I absolutely love that the mask is finally off: scratch a Democrat, find a fascist.
SOURCE URL: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/04/04/ana-marie-cox-you-have-to-force-people-to-do-things-they-dont-want-to/

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 8 months ago
    Forcing someone to work for you regardless of compensation, sounds like servitude. If that is necessary for Democracy it is just one more reason to despise same. Again! We live in a Republic!
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    • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 8 months ago
      But that's the problem, we don't. We live in a Socialist Democracy.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
        Thank you!
        A "socialist democracy" strikes me as an excellent description for the USA we now live in.
        Wish I could hop into a time machine and return to the Jurassic Period where I belong.
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      • Posted by kevinw 9 years, 8 months ago
        And on that point she was exactly right.

        "I do think you’re going to have to force people to do things they don’t want to do. That’s sometimes what happens in a democratic society” Cox stated.
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      • Posted by 100inputs 9 years, 8 months ago
        How do you lose a battle of words; a battle of ideas? Easy, just use oxymoron's. "Democracy" is rule by majority vote. And what is right or wrong comes down to a majority vote. As would the answer to 2 plus 2- lets vote on it. While "Socialism" is a 'moral ideal', of how people should live and deal with each other, in a society- it has an answer( no voting needed) - we should be our brother's keeper. Therefore a 'social democracy' is an oxymoron. Moving on, "Capitalism" is the real "moral ideal", of how people should live and deal with each other, in society. But you already know this part, I assume. So, Where is America right now? America is 'becoming' socialized. But it does not stop there and become a status quo. Either America completes the transition and becomes a dictatorship or you TURN AROUND and discover Capitalism. Socialism is a transition point(some control, some freedom, at present). The two possible futures are Dictatorship or Capitalism. This canary, ANA MARIE COX, is just jumping the gun, into the dictatorial future that she envisions for you. As long as you accept the principal that a 'need' is a "right", she knows what everyone's 'needs' are and what everyone needs to do. She knows what is 'right'. And her chirpy, simple song is, "Simon says ...". If she could eat all your brains, she would be just so 'happy', the moral cannibal that she is. As if her 'commandment' and "your free choice" belong in the same moral realm. Her aspiration is to become bigger than God, and issue the ELEVENTH! "Do as I tell you!"
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        • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 8 months ago
          Personally, I believe that America has been a 'socialist-democracy' since 1913 and with the crash and depression, FDR locked it in 1936 after shutting down the Supreme Court after the 9-0 attempted shutdown of his programs with his threats of stuffing the court. He then went on to become the closest thing to a single man dictator this country's ever had. The reason I use the term is that there was no way to get a 'workers' revolution' in this country, so it was accomplished by manipulation of democracy. A significant majority of the population now actually believes that socialism is needed and votes it, democratically. And even if it's not voted, it still progresses. It's my opinion that we've been in a dictatorship by committee since JFK was assassinated.

          The idea that Socialism is a moral ideal is a dangerous approach. It is in fact one of the most immoral concepts ever foisted onto mankind. It may have been sold as moral, but its evil, just as democracy and majority rule are. The concept behind both ideas is equality of existence in partition of wealth and goods, that's economics. AR described both really well in her description of Galt's employer-(damn,brain fart on name of (?) Motor Co).

          I also think that concentrating on the concept of Capitalism as the ideal we want will fail us. Our concentration must be on individual freedom and natural rights. From that Laissez Faire Free Market will rise with Capitalism as a major player.

          Your critiques of Ana Marie is well said.
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      • Posted by Ranter 9 years, 8 months ago
        ...and a Socialist Democracy inevitably leads to tyranny. It always has been so in the past, so there is no reason to suspect it could be different in the future.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 8 months ago
    My initial reaction: "Grrrrrr!"

    Second reaction: "Well of course you have to force children and dogs to do things for their own good." And that is almost universally how liberals - even the least intrusive and best intentioned ones - see society. Children. Not too bright children who must be made to comply with rules that their betters construct.

    The key is that it is not enough to a liberal that the law perfectly well allows them to behave in the manner they desire. What they long for is the ability to make everyone behave in that manner too.

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    • Posted by frodo_b 9 years, 8 months ago
      I love how liberals think that people are too stupid to make decisions regarding their own life yet are somehow smart enough to vote in elections for their leaders/rulers.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
    The government told me I could only make medical devices that were "cleared" by the FDA (which takes thousands of dollars and months and months). My solution to the problem was to sell the company I had started and NOT MAKE ANY MORE INNOVATIVE MEDICAL DEVICES. Now I make off road toys, at least until they regulate those....
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  • Posted by Riftsrunner 9 years, 8 months ago
    I think Ms. Rand had the right solution to this problem. In a free society you are free to do what your conscious dictates. Then you will learn. If you are correct, you and you client will profit and both will continue on with that decision. If you are wrong, you will fail and profit with the new knowledge you aquired. The government stepping and forcing people to do anything just gives the government another way to destroy people that gets in it way either by criminalizing them or destroying their means of making profit.
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  • Posted by AmericanGreatness 9 years, 8 months ago
    I'm sick and tired of these damn fascists masquerading as thoughtful and caring. This is about control and wiping out the conservative/free market opposition at all costs. They believe in tolerance as long as you exactly what they demand.

    And, I'm sick of the mischaracterization of this issue. It's not a religious issue at all. It's an issue of freedom and property rights. A business owner SHOULD be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason, period. If he/she gains or loses business because of it, that's invisible hand of the free market working.

    If I'm only allowed to conduct my business the way someone else thinks I should, then I don't own it.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 8 months ago
    "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone."-Ayn Rand
    I'm not sure leaving this alone is a good idea. Ridiculous statements like this should be challenged.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 8 months ago
    10-289 time -- force them to serve the state according
    to the state's desires. . the option to go out of business
    is NOT available. . you are a utility, knave! . bow and scrape! -- j

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
    You don't find the same in the their Republican alter egos? Scratch a Republican find a supporter of fascism.

    It's what they do not what they say.
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  • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 8 months ago
    I will not obey. Neither should any of you even if it means you shut down your business or change it in a way that allows you to be as free as possible. I wouldn't break the law but I would start this minute finding ways to be as free as possible. Maybe move to a state where taxes are low, especially property taxes. Colleges and Universities are brainwashing our kids and tuition is too high. Do they really need to go unless they plan to get a degree in something useful. Think outside the box. Stop watching too much news. Challenge people who make ridiculous statements like the one Ms. Cox made. I give no one the right to run my life. Try to influence young adults.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    That woman has more holes in her head than a Swiss cheese. Whenever "they' talk of using force, i:e: government coercion, they always fail to make the connection to the loss of individual freedom. Any law is justified because it is there for your own good. Sort of like governmental cod liver oil.
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  • Posted by PURB 9 years, 8 months ago
    Naturally, no one challenged her. Isn't it altruistic of her to force people to do what she believes is the right thing to do? Cox's comments deserve a wide audience. When I return from meeting clients, I'll put in on a blog on my web site pen ultimate rare books: http://www.penultimaterarebooks.com/
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