Ana Marie Cox: You Have to Force People to Do Things They Don’t Want to
Yes, you will be forced to do what our ruling class wants... it's called Democracy.
I absolutely love that the mask is finally off: scratch a Democrat, find a fascist.
I absolutely love that the mask is finally off: scratch a Democrat, find a fascist.
A "socialist democracy" strikes me as an excellent description for the USA we now live in.
Wish I could hop into a time machine and return to the Jurassic Period where I belong.
"I do think you’re going to have to force people to do things they don’t want to do. That’s sometimes what happens in a democratic society” Cox stated.
The idea that Socialism is a moral ideal is a dangerous approach. It is in fact one of the most immoral concepts ever foisted onto mankind. It may have been sold as moral, but its evil, just as democracy and majority rule are. The concept behind both ideas is equality of existence in partition of wealth and goods, that's economics. AR described both really well in her description of Galt's employer-(damn,brain fart on name of (?) Motor Co).
I also think that concentrating on the concept of Capitalism as the ideal we want will fail us. Our concentration must be on individual freedom and natural rights. From that Laissez Faire Free Market will rise with Capitalism as a major player.
Your critiques of Ana Marie is well said.
As usual, very well stated.
( Was it "Twentieth Century Motor Co."?)
Just guessing for now
Second reaction: "Well of course you have to force children and dogs to do things for their own good." And that is almost universally how liberals - even the least intrusive and best intentioned ones - see society. Children. Not too bright children who must be made to comply with rules that their betters construct.
The key is that it is not enough to a liberal that the law perfectly well allows them to behave in the manner they desire. What they long for is the ability to make everyone behave in that manner too.
And, I'm sick of the mischaracterization of this issue. It's not a religious issue at all. It's an issue of freedom and property rights. A business owner SHOULD be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason, period. If he/she gains or loses business because of it, that's invisible hand of the free market working.
If I'm only allowed to conduct my business the way someone else thinks I should, then I don't own it.
I'm not sure leaving this alone is a good idea. Ridiculous statements like this should be challenged.
Perhaps first you should be forced to stop breathing because you are adding to the CO2 that arguably causes global warming.
to the state's desires. . the option to go out of business
is NOT available. . you are a utility, knave! . bow and scrape! -- j
First of all Christian theology specifically forbids homosexuality. Second, Christian theology does not endorse (and in fact specifically forbids) force.
She's a liberal through and through - that's all that one needs to know and all that matters.
In order to provide those contextual clues, I've sometimes put [/sarcasm] next to my posts to indicate such.
It's what they do not what they say.
Today she showed more brass (that is, "brazen-ness") than Cuffy Meigs.
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