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(It's tragic and satirically funny...)
Yes, they are discussing an already bad thing and how to make it worse!
* Iran wants to have an informal agreement, (in reality, no agreement)
* Iran does not want any of it to be public,
* Iran will not allow verification,
* For this all sanctions will be lifted.
I interpret this to say:
Iran will put on a public charade so Obama (a.k.a. Neville Chamberlain incarnate) can crow "Peace in our time!" and lift sanctions on a government that is sworn to promote and support terrorism.
I would love to have someone who knows how to play chess negotiating for us. Iran (Persia) is where the game was invented and they are VERY good at remembering past mistakes and thinking seven moves ahead.
At least I (a supply clerk) who stayed in the Carolinas) did not have to fight in that one particular war I did not believe in.
A lot of Marines who joined to fight came back disillusioned and had turned against it too.
I can think of Medics and others in the Army who directly supported the Infantry.
In many ways deserving of more recognition than they perhaps received.
Unfortunately true...
Congress should well fear other, like the anger of their constituents or facing the annihilation of Israel on their watch or an Iranian dirty bomb detonating on U.S. soil due to either their actions (rare) or their inaction (common).
Anyway, how can we expect a modicum of sanity and reason from a Congress of Twinkies and Ding Dongs aggravated by a Senate of Stooges!?
icbm and hold the world for ransom, we can counter-
attack by burying them 12 feet deep in civil rights
lawyers air-dropped by usaf c-17s. -- j