Possible location to film Part III TV series

Posted by terrycan 10 years ago to Entertainment
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Possible location for the Part III TV series: Mazama Washington.
There is a small town in the Northern Cascade Mountains that felt like a Gulch to me. Mazama, Washington is very independent and lacks most of the big chain stores. Almost everything you can imagine is there. Hotels, restaurants, helicopter skiing, bicycle and ski shop, small grocery store, bakery, and a small airport.
Winthrop, Washington is a few miles down the road and is a little more developed with public schools, a library, and an auditorium/barn.
Highway 20 closes for the winter. Snowmobilers park and the end of the serviced road and ride their snowmachines from there. The only winter access is from the east. There is nothing but wilderness up to and beyond the Canadian border. Mazama has the USA’s largest network of cross country ski trails. There is even a biathlon/shooting range.
Some trails are lined with beautiful modern homes. Many of these home look like they were designed by Howard Roark. The sharp angles, with an abundance of glass walls and flat roofs reminds me of what Dagney noticed on the John Galt line. There is a group of similar rolling structures available for rent.
Locals tell me there are two kinds of people there. People who are born there and scraping out a living. The other are retirees who enjoy the cross country skiing.
I don’t know the area very well. What intrigued me was the feeling of culture and independence. The locals have events that encourage socializing and involvement in local government. The common theme of the shop keepers was they wanted more business. That is normal.
The Mazama airport is really more of an airstrip. You can picture Quinton Daniels landing on the strip with Dagney in hot pursuit and crashing nearby. I am sure North Cascade Heli would be happy to help film Dagney’s rescue.

Mazama and Winthrop are small towns they might welcome the business of a film crew taking over the area for the shoot.

What do you think Scott?









SOURCE URL: http://www.winthropwashington.com/

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 10 years ago
    Why only Part III? Or did I miss something? I
    sure wish the theater movie had done better justice
    to the book. In fact, I think I could have written a
    better script. That's not a brag on being a great
    writer, as Ayn Rand had done most of the work already. It would have been a matter of know-
    ing what to cut and what to keep; beyond that,
    it could have been mainly straight copy from the
    book. (to keep it decent, in the scene where
    Rearden gives Dagny the ruby pendant, he
    could have been shown beginning to take her
    clothes off, and it could have cut to her bear
    belly with the chain pulling the jewel gradually
    up, and then show her on a couch or sofa with
    the back of her naked should blade to the cam-
    era, with Rearden speaking the lines he uses
    in the book). ( Excuse me, I am a "Victorian
    prude", and not ashamed of it either).
    The Winston tunnel incident could make an
    excellent episode all by itself; there would have
    to be some comments by the characters to
    show the histories and viewpoints of the train-
    master, Bill Brent, and the others, and on the
    way in, maybe some written ID on the screen
    of the passengers going to their (deserved)
    deaths; the schoolteacher, the "humanitarian",
    the philosopher,etc., with maybe lines recited
    as if coming from their thoughts, etc.
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  • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
    There have been several TV series filmed in NC, although the new state budget reduced tax credits in this fiscal year (from a Gulch perspective, is that good news or bad news? :)))) )
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      Good news or bad news? You will find out.
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      • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
        We don't know yet, but I'm sure some programs will be lost as a result and finger-pointing in all directions will ensue.

        And it's back to the original 'common good' question... do we give tax breaks to companies who either promise to or actually do hire locals and pay for local resources that feed marginal dollars back into the economy?

        Multiplier-effects can be generated by anyone with a wet finger in the wind.
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  • Posted by Stormi 10 years ago
    Oregon and Washington are pretty liberal areas, where experiment with Agenda 21 have taken place. New Mexico has some place, except the ruined areas of Santa Fe and Taos, where liberalism reigns. A realistic gulch could be created on a studio lot. Isn't location shooting more costly? Hungry Horse, Mt. is a great escape area. Socorro, N. M. is also.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years ago
    From what I am seeing in the Industry, Czechoslovakia is the place to shoot if you want beautiful scenery and inexpensive filming. (Peter Jackson threatened to make The Hobbit there if New Zealand unionized actors (which they were trying to do - with the help of SAGA); New Zealand Congress met and quashed the attempt at unionization, so that the three (at the time, two) Hobbit movies would be made in NZ.

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  • Posted by NealS 10 years ago
    Wow, Chills up my spine. Many years ago (late 70's?) I visited Winthrop to look at the General Store (Hardware, Feed, Farming) that was for sale. It came with two other businesses, an ice cream parlor, and a Laundromat on the corner, and perhaps something else. Needless to say, I didn't buy them. The town seems to have grown at least double or more since then. My incentive was to get away from the rat race, but I chickened out. I was still young and stupid back then. Highway 20 is some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, if you know where to look.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years ago
    Film location choices don't have to depend on the narrative declaration of where a scene takes place. Mazama, Wash. can easily double for Ouray, Colo. Which I still insist is the real location of Mulligan's Valley.
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    • Posted by dukem 10 years ago
      I agree about Ouray. Hard to imagine how appropriate and beautiful it is if you haven't seen it. On the upward side of a large box canyon surrounded by the Rockies. Maybe two hours by auto from Grand Junction, and another hour or so to Telluride. Had narrow gauge railroads in the old days. True Grit filmed nearby. What's not to like? Of course, it's in Colorado, and accessible to all the progressives now flooding to the Front Range. : - )
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      • Posted by Temlakos 10 years ago
        More to the point, the Uncompahgre River Valley has all the elements I saw invoked in the description of it at Midas Mulligan's welcome-home party for Dagny.

        Midas describes how he cut off all access to it, except one road, which he skilfully hid. And, of course, Francisco d'Anconia drives a mine into the mountains overlooking the valley.

        In fact, the Red Mountains have a pass, that follows the present Million Dollar Highway south and upstream of the valley. Midas and Francisco could easily have destroyed the Million Dollar Highway. That would have been right next to the Red Mountains, which would become D'Anconia Copper Number One.

        The downstream road, which is Colorado Highway Five, would easily be the "one road" Midas would have to hide. I imagine John Galt would hide it with a smaller-scale and down-to-earth version of his refractor ray screen.

        Add it all up, including the location (near Durango, which would have been the northern terminus of the Phoenix-Durango Railroad), and the Uncompahgre Valley, and the tourist trap town of Ouray, would fit the bill.
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  • Posted by Itheliving 10 years ago
    New Mexico, New Orleans are places very tax friendly to studio filming. Vancouver even more so. You can bet they will go with the most money friendly site they can find.
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      Recently there was some flak in Seattle about tax breaks for movie makers in Seattle. Seattle is a tough sale due to all the rain. Mazama, WA is on the east side of the Cascades and gets about 300 days of sunshine per year.
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