The Party’s Over
Since the end of World War II, the US government has deluded itself, but like all delusions, the government’s has run into reality. It has done so before, but this may mark a demarcation. It would be too much to expect the delusion to give way to wisdom, but the delusion cannot persist, as even a few of the deluded are beginning to realize.
Washington’s delusion has been that the anomalous position of supreme, unchallengeable power in which it found itself at the end of the war—leader of the winning alliance, sole possessor of the atomic bomb, keeper of the reserve currency, with the only intact industrial infrastructure—would be permanent.
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Washington’s delusion has been that the anomalous position of supreme, unchallengeable power in which it found itself at the end of the war—leader of the winning alliance, sole possessor of the atomic bomb, keeper of the reserve currency, with the only intact industrial infrastructure—would be permanent.
This is an excerpt. For the rest of the article click the link above.
As others have expressed, most of the topics discussed here, while not unimportant, pale in comparison to the probable collapse of the dollar. Regardless of whatever power we may retain militarily, we cannot retain our position in the world if our economy falters further, and in particular if we lose our status as the world's reserve currency.
And no matter how well things go in 2016, and we sweep in a wave of true reformers, a huge if, is there any chance of turning things around?
I welcome informed, positive ideas on this score, if anyone has any.
They were big time wrong, and its only getting worse. If we could convince enough of the population that it was best, it would take 1/2 a century to untangle the mess we've made for ourselves. Well day dreaming can be fun.
Well done, sll.