This is what a REAL constitutionalist sounds like
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years ago to Politics
This is a rousing article for any who feel like our country is in its death throes. This man ought to run on a ticket with Dr. Ben Carson. That would turn the RINOS on their heads and show who is really for the federalist government our constitution represents. And that our founders put their lives and fortunes on the line for.
Dryer - Another actor who I'd like to see in ASp3.
I too blame *much* of what is wrong in the GOP to "Daddy Bush".
I often take heat for it, but I believe that until the GOP tosses GHWB and his people as king makers, we as a people will continue to lose.
And "Open boarders = no nation" may take the prize for being the stupidest thing I've seen on this website. That is one of those stupid things the Tea Party believes. You are saying that prior to the 1920's we weren't a nation, and even more, a nation with an already distinctive flair for liberty and individuality?
The US is an idea and anyone who comes here who wants to share that idea should be welcomed with open arms and open borders, and if they're willing to work harder and add more value than other people and they should get the jobs - that's Objectivism.
Now to your saying that all the characters in AS broke the law. Yes. They did. Because their ideas and life's work were getting bludgeoned by moochers who wanted a free ride, and looters who wanted something they hadn't earned. Illegal immigrants didn't play into the picture.
and you should search YouTube for Milton Friedman talking about immigration, and why, absent the welfare state, free immigration would be the best policy. but I presume you're quite a bit smarter than Milton Friedman.
And that's why "Objectivism" is a failure.