Al Gore at SXSW: We Need to 'Punish Climate-Change Deniers' and 'Put a Price on Carbon'

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
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" The former vice president focused on the need to “punish climate-change deniers, saying politicians should pay a price for rejecting ‘accepted science,'” said the Chicago Tribune."

SOURCE URL: http://ecowatch.com/2015/03/16/al-gore-sxsw-punish-climate-deniers/

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  • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 6 months ago
    The whole climate change thing is a complete scam. Trying to claim that CO2 is a pollutant is ludicrous. It is one of the basic components of earth and something life on earth is dependent on. Trying to say it is a "greenhouse" gas is ridiculous when basic water vapor in the atmosphere is by far the most common greenhouse factor.

    I have two degrees in geology. Studies in Quaternary geology alone render the whole climate change global warming thing absurd. Talk about established science. I've seen the glacial striations on the top of Mt Washington in New Hampshire created when New England was under a mile thick continental glacier as little as 13,000 years ago. When I lived in Fallon, Nevada I was the proud owner of lake bottom property. As little as 10,000 years ago my house would have been under 400 feet of Lake Lahontan water in the Great Basin. There have been periods in the Holocene alone that were both much hotter and colder than anything seen since the big bad industrial revolution began.

    This whole thing is a power grabbing scam of immense proportions. It would almost be admirable if it weren't so damn dangerous.
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  • Posted by dukem 9 years, 6 months ago
    I am both a scientist and an engineer. I have been studying the "anthropogenic climate change" hysteria for over ten years, with an open mind.

    Scientifically the assertions of the leftist loonies are completely unscientific, pieced together by those who benefit from the alleged "solutions" and even a first year engineering student can easily poke holes in the theories. There is a lot of literature, mostly recent, from learned scientists that dismantle the warmist theories, but of course they are never reviewed or covered by the media, or even acknowledged. The "97%" claim is the most tortured and idiotic assemblage of numbers ever concocted, and still people just sheepishly accept it.

    AGW is one great can game, and all one needs to do is follow the money and study the numbers..
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 6 months ago
      Unfortunately (speaking as an engineer that participated in the "Weather War" studies) science has become infested with a religious aura, implying the truth is a matter of faith rather than fact. I prefer to simply point out some facts that neither side can refute:

      1) 70% of the world's energy supply comes from carbon-based sources
      2) 20% of the world's energy supply comes from nuclear sources
      3) 7% of the world's energy supply comes from hydroelectric sources
      4) Only 3% of the world's energy supply comes from geothermal, wind, solar, and tidal sources

      If we honestly tried to flip this model on its head, by a vigorous program of building more "clean" energy sources, we'd have to use lots more of the supply we have the most of for production, construction, and transportation. That would mean expending even more carbon-based energy in the near term to construct the clean energy infrastructure. To restrain the use of carbon-based supply, by whatever means, automatically restrains the increase in the supply of "clean" energy.

      There's no "free lunch", and all of the push to penalize carbon production is simply a ruse to bilk the dupes into putting more money in the pockets of crooks like Gore.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 6 months ago
      The 97% claim was based on a retroactive study by an explicitly pro-global warming panel of their selection of peer-reviewed journal articles published in the prior 2 years. The panel decided that 97% of the authors, based on these articles, were pro-global warming. (Some of the authors demurred, but not many. You lost your grants if you were labeled AGW.)

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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      In your opinion do you think that the solutions they propose could cause more serious issues?
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      • Posted by dukem 9 years, 6 months ago
        IMHO, the global warming hysteria (uh, climate change, excuse me) started out as a scientific inquiry, but gradually morphed into a tool of the collectivists who now dominate the national and international conversations. So, I do think the solutions cause more serious issues, the same as moving from capitalism toward socialism does. As it see it, this whole drama is another tool to bring forth massive collectivism, with the high priests gaining the adulation and adoration of the masses. It's the same theme and process done over and over again throughout history, except this time it will have far more serious consequences.
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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 6 months ago
    So, Al Gore - mystic, failed doctor of divinity, traveling apocalypse preacher - is talking in terms of "punishment"?... not surprising.

    On the other hand.

    Al Gore - man once referred to as a "crazed sex poodle" - is talking in terms of "punishment"?... not surprising.
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  • Posted by BradSnipes1 9 years, 6 months ago
    Recently, the Senate voted on whether global warming was caused by man. The vote showed that all democrats and liberals believed that it was. Almost all Republicans and conservative believe that mans activities are inconsequential in our global environment. Climate Science is political science. It is agenda driven.

    I am a Mechanical Engineer, BSME, with 42 years of diverse experience. I understand the mechanisms by which heat is absorbed and reradiated from the Earth's surface.

    I have evaluated the data and I have concluded that it is impossible to determine the actual temperature of the Earth with the degree of accuracy that they claim.

    All Climate Scientists work for the government. They have created a problem in order to receive grants.

    The United Nations hired this group of unethical scientists to come up with this problem.

    The evil intention of the THEORY of Man-Caused Global Warming is to enable the governments ( or United Nations ) to gain control of the energy sector of our economy.

    If we allow this to happen we will have lost all freedom and will be slaves to the government.

    I publish my work in my website, www.texanhomeenergy.com
    LinkedIn group "Climate Science 101"

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
    Does that mean he should be punished now that the scientists who started the whole global warming scam have owned up to running a scam with fudged figures - so they get get more money? He's a politician and it's no longer accepted science. Maybe he's still mooching off the moochers again for another million dollar non-green house? What an amazing asshole.

    They put a price on carbon and as a I recall let the permits be sold for a profit.

    Denier. number of threads per inch; in any fabric? Oh hell he's trying to say one who denys the truth about climate change - Works for me let's all punish Prince Albert Bore as a domestic terrorist. Did he ever have a real job? I think he's a few threads short of a skein.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 6 months ago
      In times like these when their fat little comforts are threatened you can be sure that science is the first thing men abandon...

      Science is dead in America.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 6 months ago
    The one who should be punished is the nincompoop who invited the looterignoramus and gave him the podium to continue his false prophesy.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      Exactly! We need to stop pretending that goofs like this even matter any more. To think he was so close to being President.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 6 months ago
        He matters as long as he still might get there. We've been very lucky with President Obama because he is too incompetent to get most of his agenda enacted or upheld. Gore or many of the other Democrats would do a more successful job. This must never be allowed to happen.
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        • Posted by coaldigger 9 years, 6 months ago
          I agree on the fact that we are lucky to have Obama because he has no clue of how to get things done. Just think what that fruitcake would have "accomplished" if he had any persuasive/negotiating skills whatsoever. Being a pompous, elitist, pedantic jerk has prevented him from making a much bigger mess. Hooray!!!
          I liked the person Mitt Romney but really didn't want him to win because I do not agree with his philosophies. With his management skills, drive to accomplish his goals and willingness to accept consensus all I could see is more government, just with a different slant.
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 6 months ago
    You know, if Al Gore was a conservative (kinda makes you want to gag, doesn't it?), the Left would be making the inevitable comparison with the Reichstag Fire. But since he's not, he's being feted as the global savior.

    It's all relative to those people...they don't seem to believe in absolutes. Particularly where truth is concerned.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 6 months ago
      "they don't seem to believe in absolutes."

      And that is the entire problem. EVERY situation to them is relative. The problem of course is that this is inherently a paradox. To state that "every situation is relative" is inherently a contradiction because one is trying to lay down an absolute rule saying that nothing conforms to a rule! It's liberal logic at its finest.
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  • Posted by LeslieFish 9 years, 6 months ago
    I'm a musician, science is only my hobby (could never keep up with the math), but when I first heard of the Global Warming theory it collided with what I'd learned back in grade-school science class. Okay, the theory is/was that humans' burning lots of fossil fuels has put excess CO2 into the air, which reflects heat back toward the Earth.

    Uh, excuse me, but isn't CO2 what plants inhale? So, to get rid of that excess CO2, what we should do is plant lots of big plants -- such as trees. We've already seen that deforestation has done a lot of harm to the natural environment, so replacing those forests would be a good idea anyway -- especially if those trees provide food for humans. So, what -- if anything -- the govt. should be doing about Global Warming is to encourage people to plant trees, maybe give tax-breaks to anyone who plants trees on their own land, possibly revive the old Civilian Conservation Corps (with a lot less bureaucracy) and hire all the able-bodied unemployed to go out and plant trees on govt. land. That would be the sensible solution, and thoroughly supported by "accepted science".

    Well, do you see anybody doing that? No, instead we get the Al Gore solution, or the Kyoto Accords, which claimed that the US and the other western industrial nations must give up all manufacturing, all driving of IC vehicles, all raising of cattle -- and, one presumes, all exhaling. Somehow, these Accords aren't meant to be applied to China, India, or Japan.

    How on Earth can anyone be taken in by this scam?! How could the peer-review group of the Pulitzer Prize be taken in by it? I can't believe that this many people have voluntarily surrendered their intelligence. The only other answer is that they've all bought into another agenda hidden under the ballyhoo -- or else they've been bought off, outright. Seriously, can you think of any other reason for this unreason?

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
    Al Gore has already succeeded in punishing my biofuels company so much that we shrugged. I plan on reopening it in Atlantis.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      Shouldn't biofuels be a part of the solution? More proof this is about control and not about the climate.
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      • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 6 months ago
        Biofuels have turned out to be a bad idea. Something like 40% of the corn harvest is now dedicated to biofuels, which depletes that amount of corn available for nutrition. Output of farmed land would has gone up 20% over the last decade without an increase in the footprint of agricultural land. http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/mor...

        If environmentalists and warmists get out of the way, we will have no problem in feeding the likely max population of 10-10.5 billion without increasing the amount of farmland. Indeed, if Africa and S.Am begin using modern farming techniques, we can probably decrease the footprint, release more land to nature, and still feed the world.

        Jan, sad when people suffer because science is stonewalled
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
        Biofuels were once part of the solution, and I gladly accepted money (their value) for goods and services provided (my value) to those wishing to absolve themselves of their climate change guilt. That ended when it became clear that Zero would be President in late 2008.
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  • Posted by rtpetrick 9 years, 6 months ago
    Is this former Democrat Presidential candidate actually suggesting that we should punish individuals who have an opinion that differs from the government?
    Wait a minute!!!!
    Isn’t that what Obama does?
    There is a common theme here, isn’t there?
    Apparently the First Amendment of our Constitution only guarantees free speech for liberal Democrats.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
      You might see if the unclassified or classified portions of the Patriotic Act which seems to be our new Constitution address that point and perhaps point out the Republican half of the Government Party are to be kept out of the loop. The left wing of the left is scarcely inclined to trust the right wing of the left any more than do I.Might be in the portion we are still waiting to read. That would also be a common theme.

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  • Posted by peterchunt 9 years, 6 months ago
    Typical of the far left. Even if the facts don’t back you up, destroy the competition by threatening them. Say goodbye to the First Amendment with these people.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 6 months ago
    I still like the video someone linked where the AR Institute showed that "climate" is a 30 year chunk, averaged out, and so the "climate change" theory is based on 5 data points. Where the huge number (thousands) shows we have had variations on the same order for 200,000 years now. Yes, there is some changes happening, but there are various reasons, and just hanging on one is not logical in the least.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 6 months ago
    Al Gore, Boo! The climate has changed and there's nothing you can do about it. Take it up with Mother Nature. Go back to where you came from, your house is either underwater or under a glacier.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 6 months ago
    whatta scam. . make the world kiss your butt and
    give you money for retirement, when you're already
    wealthy. . amazing. . I prefer honesty. -- j

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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 6 months ago
    He meant, in that context, to urge people to make global warming a single issue, and refuse to vote for anyone who will not accept "his" science.

    He has the right to say that, and we're free to listen, or not, as we wish.

    And of course I recommend not.

    Because he does not mean a word of what he says.

    If he did, he would not live the mega-mansion, private jet, chauffeured-limousine lifestyle.

    He would do the "Living With Ed" thing, for real. ("Living With Ed," starring Ed Begley, Jr.; Home and Garden Television.)
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
    Why would they waste inviting this dude to speak. He is just trying to get government more tax money and more powers. I am so DONE with that
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  • Posted by gerstj 9 years, 6 months ago
    Al Gore's giant carbon footprint is an embarrassment to anyone who believe the GW fraud. He needs to live in a small apartment, fly coach and stop eating so much.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
      He's getting to be a fat ass, a fat head, or the noxious effluent is adding too much to the greenhouse gases? None of the bove, all of the above or each in it's turn. I try not to get too close to such people.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 9 years, 6 months ago
    Al Gore has a mansion in Nashville, Tennessee. SXSW is in Austin, Texas. There are about 860 miles between Nashville and Austin.

    I wonder how Gore got there...hitchhiked? Rode his bike? Roller skated?
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 6 months ago
    when ypou are the president or were a president or vice president you can get an audience even if what you are saying is gobbledeegoop. maybe the gore fellow you look at the weather being reported on the weather station which this AM said 12 to 18 inches of more snow in thew penn, ny, and new england area.

    zenphamy unfortunately the news media do give him that audience and the media is so entrenched in the stupidity exhibited by the liberals that they would never say "al" what about all of the record setting cold days and snow accumulations we are experiencing. another demonstration of the tragic ending that is in the process of the USA
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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 6 months ago
    We need to punish Democrats and Liberals and make them pay their "fair share".
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 6 months ago
      They keep telling us that the cost of Middle East wars ought to be counted in the price of oil. No -- the only reason we ever had to go there for oil is that they, the EPA and its cronies, kept us from drilling our own oil. Similarly, the delay in building Keystone XL and other pipelines is going to result in more oil spills (from railroad tank cars). We need to make sure that all the resulting costs and damage are laid at the Lefties' doorstep.
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