Political Nicknames

Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 6 months ago to Humor
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I just saw in another thread a reference to Slick Willie, a little term of endearment for Bill Clinton. In an earlier time, we had Tricky Dick Nixon.

I think it's time for us to have a thread for proposed nicknames for the bumper crop of political clowns in (or trying to be in) office today.

Might I offer "The Wicked Witch of the West" for Nancy Pelosi?

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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 6 months ago
    Obama = Dear Leader
    Michelle = Michelle Lunch Bell (Beatles riff)
    Soros = Dread King Soros
    Hillary = Hillita Clintón (Evita Perón riff)
    Pelosi = Stretch (H/T Mark Levin)
    Biden = Plugs (H/T Mark Levin)
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 6 months ago
    "Hillarity." Someone made for mockery.

    You know, in ancient Norse, you always used kennings for things because if you said the real name of something, say, "mouse" and you were aboard ship, it would 'call' all of the mice to your ship (which you did not want). So you made up a delightful poetic name for them: "wall-moose".

    We are making kennings...so that we do not invoke the beasts to come among us. Poetry is long lived in our cultural memory, no?

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 6 months ago
    I was out of the loop on the day this came out,

    His Imperial Presidebt Opinocchio is an Obummer Ovomit The One I'm pretty much Obobo Obooboo sticking with for Opoopoo now. Period.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 6 months ago
    we've been using WWW for Pelosi for awhile;;; bull's eye! -- j

    p.s. how about sn0wbama, given the huge stack
    of snow jobs he's given us?

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
    Nixon = Evil
    Clinton = Eviler
    Obeyme = Evilist or Evilest

    Yes it's spelled correctly

    Lyndon B for Butcher Johnson is the real entry. The rest was just for fun

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  • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 6 months ago
    Igor might be a better moniker for Pelosi, since she was such a good servant to Obama, not even bothering to read what she was voting for. Obamacare can be the monster, and Obama can be the "doctor."
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 6 months ago
    Just last night I said, "President Obozo".

    I also use "Billary", and "Boner".

    Locally we have an assembly member named "Pan". I call him "Bed Pan" much to the delight of many of the locals.
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