"Why do you need a gun?"

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years ago to Pics
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I really like these answers! Use logic on the grabbers. It gets them foaming at the mouth. Highly entertaining! šŸ”«

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  • Posted by tragicview 10 years ago
    Criminals obey so-called common sense gun laws like politicians obey their oaths of office.

    In studying the debates surrounding the adoption of the second amendment, one finds that it wasn't written so that we could put meat on our tables. It was written so that citizens could take up arms against a government that ceases to follow the balance prescribed by the Constitution, and that becomes tyrannical.
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  • Posted by Animal 10 years ago
    "Because it suits me to have one."

    This is the only reason that is required. I refuse to reply to petulant demands for justification from irrational lefties.
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    • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
      To add to your good answer. Need doesn't have anything to do with it. As a legal citizen of the United States without a criminal record, I have the God given Constitutional right to have a gun. Take the guns away from the murderers in Chicago then we can discuss it. Until then, I have a gun because I have a right to a gun and Obama's smarmy attempt to take them away via fast and furious (is this where the ends satisfy the means?) or making bullets illegal won't stop a thing.

      Molon Labe
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      • Posted by Animal 10 years ago
        Well, put - but if I may offer an amendment, I would say "Take the guns away from the murderers in Chicago, and *my* guns are still not subject for discussion, in any sense, not now, not ever."
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        • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
          Thanks for the addition Animal, You're right. I like my guns, I like cleaning them, I like shooting them and I like the protection they afford me.

          I've only had one occasion to use one in the United States but I'm glad I had it and yes, I would use it without hesitation. I'm 72 and no one gets the chance to assault me which is what the issue was without endangering themselves..
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years ago
    I am retired military, granted it was the Navy and it is not known for handgun use except for SEALS. However, I was trained in the use of many different types of guns. Since I retired, I have accumulated a couple of guns I liked and keep them for home and personal protection. I am trained and licensed according to all local and state laws. I have never had to use these guns but they are available if I need them. I will not hesitate to use force if nothing else settles the situation but it is a last resort and will not be used if I can help it.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years ago
    Good answers! Again, the problem is that a person can't be argued out of something he wasn't argued in to - If he just "feels" that way, not only should his feelings be given respect and credence, they should be - and are - given the same weight as rational discussion.

    Even if you ask them the hard questions, like "should a woman allow herself and her daughter to be raped rather than defend herself with a gun?" they will, if you push them to the wall, say "yes. there is no excuse for citizens to have guns."
    I'm so furious that WE'RE going to get what THEY deserve.
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    • Posted by sumitch 10 years ago
      I'm not sure I understand your post winterwind. Are you saying that no one has the right to a gun?
      If so, there is no excuse needed but there are reasons. I'm sure I speak for many when I say I have no desire to have to use it for protection but I will without hesitation.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years ago
    I was raised by parents who were against guns period.
    In 1969 I was drafted. The Marines taught me to shoot.
    For seven years beginning in 1973, I received death threats due to crime stories I wrote for a newspaper in a dry country full of bootleggers.
    I bought my first pistol in 1973.
    Now I like to keep a shotgun within reach by my bed. For the same reason provided in the picture.
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  • Posted by waytodude 10 years ago
    This post makes me proud to be a gun nut. I was not a nut until the government held up my purchase of a .22 rifle. Even though I went through the process of getting a UPIN. I still had to wait nearly 5 months. After that I started buying everything they would prefer I didn't have. Now that I got all they are trying to outlaw some ammo for them. We are at a point our fore father's warned us about.
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  • Posted by rjkford 10 years ago
    Almost all of the comments are good and valid points favoring gun ownership. Many people believe it was us, the US, that really pushed for this. Before we were even a country a English politician said all that had to be said in defense of gun ownership. His name was James Burgh and he passed in 1775. I'm quoting "No kingdom (that's all they had then) can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself and what he possesses else he lives precariously, and at discretion". Damn, those English really have a way with words. This was a man that had represented a government that we were about to go to war with! I don't think I've seen or heard a better argument in defense of gun ownership. I rest my case. Thanks for giving us this incredible forum to openly discuss our ideas and beliefs.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 10 years ago
    To paraphrase the most eloquent, stand up guy I know, Judge Napolitano: The 2nd amendment exists to empower the American people to shoot tyrannical government officials should they attempt to take away your God given rights.
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  • Posted by Wnston 10 years ago
    I don't have to have a reason to own a gun(s) because it's my Constitutional 2A right to do so. And, to heck with any tyrannical government/leader to ban guns or ammo. It's time for Citizen militias to push back and take back the government rightfully ours.
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  • Posted by ChuckyBob 10 years ago
    Two reasons: Federalist Paper 46 which should be a "must read" for all high school students and "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
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  • Posted by Ibecame 10 years ago
    Because you are an easy victim without one. I can easily state that at times if I hadn't carried one I wouldn't be able to write this. When I was young I worked as a Service Station Mechanic, and managed several units. Twice I had a attempted robbery. Both of these criminals had a history of killing the attendant and were wanted for murder. The third some of you may be old enough to remember (it was all over the news for weeks). During the so called "Gas Shortage" a guy hopped up on drugs went crazy in Washington State and started shooting in a gas line. I was able to stop him just before he shot a pregnant woman (no, I didn't have to shoot him).
    Guns tend to keep criminals more honest; and that includes politicians.
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      I do remember. That must have been a very scary situation to have been in. Amazing. What did you do to stop the guy? Hit him with a wrench?
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      • Posted by Ibecame 10 years ago
        Yes, it was very scary - later on when I had time to think about it! The long story is that we used to trade "Atlas" batteries, tires, etc with five other stations. That being one of them. I had just pulled in with the bosses Ranchero and when I got out a bullet hit about a foot in front of me on the bosses car. I might have been young but not totally stupid. I jumped through the bed of the Ranchero to the other side. From where I was at it was easy for me to get around behind him by going behind two tire racks and a dumpster. When I got real close I pulled the hammer back. When he heard the noise he turned to look straight into the barrel that was only about 3" away. Hopped up on drugs or not he froze, I took the gun away from him (just a .22 auto) and two guys grabbed him. He had just been about to shoot a pregnant woman that had been trying to hide behind one of the cars. If I remember correctly two people did get shot, but not bad.
        I went in and got my battery and left. The boss was in a hurry to see his girlfriend (soon to be his wife) so he didn't find out about the dent until the next day. The news people never did find out who I was, and maybe that was why it was on the news so long. I put the battery away and poured myself a cup of coffee, but for some reason it kept shaking out of the cup.
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        • Posted by 10 years ago
          WOW! That is a heck of a story! I have goosebumps from reading it. I'm so glad things ended the way they did, thanks to your cool head. Crazy stuff that people do. And I'm glad the shooter was aware enough to know he was mortal. And that there were two other guys there to grab him!
          I can't imagine that you had more than a few sips in that cup before you had a chance to have any...
          Very brave. My hat is off to you.
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          • Posted by Ibecame 10 years ago
            Actually to this day I never think of it as being brave (would Dagney think she was being brave for chasing down John Gaults plane?). I do look back and realize how lucky I was in more ways than one. If memory serves me I finally managed to drink some of the coffee out of the third cup. The rest I had to mop from the floor.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
    Before you ask me that, ask anyone who has experienced a home invasion. Preferably one who had no firearm and one who did have a firearm. No further explanation is necessary.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
    Can't shoot anything to eat even though the government jacked up the price of food world wide by 30%.

    Can't protect yourself from burglars and thieves including those who devalued the buying power of our money.

    Can''t protect yourself from muggers and rapists that's a police function.

    So what to do?

    Move. Vote against the government party, don't donate anything, contribute nothing. Vote against any increase in fees or taxation an for repeal of same - and vote for anything that re-re-empowers citizens such as recall, none of the above and more.

    Move to where you don't need a weapon to survive. Yes Virginia there are such places.


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  • Posted by Bob44_ 10 years ago
    Because I want one and the constitution says I can have one if it's any of your business I never said that I needed a gun and I sure don't have to justify it to you. Concentrate on stopping the government from stealing from the taxpayer to give to illegals and criminals.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
      Doing exactly what? to accomplish your last sentence? Let's hear some practical suggestions

      Try reading the whole Constitution or even just the whole Second Amendment. It says nothing about what you want. It says everything about the reason for allowing citizens to be armed including what they are expected to do in exchange for that privilege. That's called responsibility.

      Moot point. While some were out doing that others flushed our country down the drain. What I suggested is the last raggedy vestiges of what you have left and what you can do at the local level. While you can still take those actions.

      Practically speaking? The Constitution was worth fighting for the citizens? Get real.
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      • Posted by Bob44_ 10 years ago
        It's worth fighting for for me. You don't need practical suggestions, It says everything about what you want and not having to explain why you choose to exercise your right, not privilege. Since you must be the only person who can read, please explain to our president that the constitution does not make him a dictator.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
          Not my President. That would be John Galt. Once ObeyMe violated the Constitution he became something entirely different. Once he got elected twice so did the majority of the voting public. When I looked at the hand picked candidates in the recent series of charade elections so did the Government Party. I do NOT serve the party nor does it serve me.

          Show me a Constitutional Centrist otherwise I'm part of the undervote.
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