Total Points: 263
Location: Manahawkin, NJ
Landed: 9 years, 12 months ago
Last Seen: 9 years, 11 months ago
OK, I was born in February of 1949 the second oldest child and oldest male of a first-gen Italian-American family of (eventually) eight kids. It will not surprise anyone that I was raised Catholic. Mom and Dad both came over from Italy as children. Dad served in the Navy during WWII and later became a skilled laborer. Mom raised the tribe. After 12 years of Catholic education (4 of them in an all-boys HS), I began to seriously question the teachings of the church (and just about everything else). A wannabee "hippie" in the late 60's early 70's I successfully flunked out of several college programs Because I spent most of my time drunk and/or high. I learned the hard way that manual labor was not my thing. I got married at age 22 to the girl I had been with from age 15, and we are still together 50 plus years later because she has the patience of a Zen Master. While working as a financial recruiter (headhunter) for 11 years, I went back to college in the evening and earned a degree in Psychology with a 4.0 GPA in my major. I also changed careers and taught myself how to implement computer systems and to program them to perform practical application such as accounting, database, spreadsheets, word processing and the like (originally in UNIX environments, and later on in Windows networking environments). At the same time I established a small medical billing service. I ran both the computer consulting and medical billing service companies for 30 years before I retired. I became interested in the right to keep and bear arms (RKBA) at age 61 and founded the New Jersey Second Amendment Society. At present I am the admin for the Facebook Groups NJRKBA and Building Blocks of America. I welcome anyone with interests in either to join us and to become participants in the discussions. My Joy in life, is spending time with my wife and two beautiful granddaughters. I look forward to getting to know some of you as I become more familiar with the format here in Galt's Gulch.
- 1
- 2Building Blocks of America (self.government)
Posted by frankjackfiamingo 9 years, 12 months ago to Government - 3All human rights stem from the right to your own life. (
Posted by frankjackfiamingo 9 years, 12 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions