Galtspresso: an idea whose time has come
So, on Saturday, I posted about a chain of coffee franchises that I had found.
From their literature, it was apparent that there was some agreement in philosophy.
For that, they will get my business.
But, I would certainly prefer to give my business to an unabashed, in your face Objectivist chain of coffee franchises.
So, today's thought exercise:
what good or service would you most like to see with an unabashed Objectivist branding - and what would you call it?
From their literature, it was apparent that there was some agreement in philosophy.
For that, they will get my business.
But, I would certainly prefer to give my business to an unabashed, in your face Objectivist chain of coffee franchises.
So, today's thought exercise:
what good or service would you most like to see with an unabashed Objectivist branding - and what would you call it?
"Full-focused awareness learning."
also, we will have roman baths
The rise in popularity of coffee houses in Amsterdam lead to the first modern stock markets. Places to do business and also for the intellectuals to discuss philosophy and politics. seems like a nice fit :) There is also an historical novel, "The Coffee Trader"
I would love to find a way to run a business while adhering to my principles of not supporting Looters. Don't think its possible, but I've seen very creating accountants.
If anyone would like continue this discussion, you are free to create a new post.
Apologies, and thank you.
For this reason, I see objectivism as have a cost rather than a value of it were associated with an enterprise.
If there were a word that people hear and think "valuing people's fundamental right to themselves and what they make," "doing what you think is right and not operating as a cog in a group," "not treating others with pity or contempt," "not grudgingly doing something b/c other people say that's what moral," "not trying to guilt-trip or cajole people into something they don't really want," it would be hugely popular.
That being said, I want an objectivist healthcare provider with people who love medicine and want to build a track record of excellence to get rich, with no tacit suggestion that b/c it's a care-related field it's a charity.
I sort-of started the tangent when I said the brand-image needs work. Many people would think the coffee shop is a place for fascists, e.g. the Wikipeda article I corrected last week.
People who've read the books, though, know better, so no more talk about it from me on this thread.
If the incubator dream doesn't work out, an objectivist hotel/convention center is a great thing on its own.
Premise 1: CG has voted for Obummer twice. If true, that is in direct contradiction (especially Vote #2) to:
Premise 2: CG: "I want an objectivist healthcare provider with people who love medicine and want to build a track record of excellence to get rich, with no tacit suggestion that b/c it's a care-related field it's a charity."
One of these premises is wrong. CG?
Here's something I wrote about it five years ago when it was a work in progress:
Probably my most controversial (from an objectivist standpoint) idea is that gov't should help the poor. I agreed with that part of PPACA. (We can have another post on why that's not alms.) My biggest disagreement with it is it was sold as a way for the gov't to manage middle class medical purchases. Gov't offering to managing citizens' lives is a horrible thing, almost as bad as hurting people directly.
If by helping the poor, you mean giving them handouts which the government takes from other people, I would check that premise. I don't see any way that that can be considered helping. All you are doing separating our society into distinct classes, creating dependency and sparking divisiveness between classes.
To call objectivism a "brand" is an insult to the woman who developed it, and those who live by it.
If anyone would like continue this discussion, you are free to create a new post.
Apologies, and thank you.