Tim Cook says data privacy is a basic human right

Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 7 months ago to Business
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"Could we make money from knowing about this? Of course. Do you want us to do that that? No. Would it be in our value system to do that? No. We've designed [our system] to be private and for it to be secure."
SOURCE URL: http://www.imore.com/tim-cook-says-no-one-should-give-their-right-keep-their-data-private

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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 7 months ago
    That's excellent.

    Data or paper privacy follows directly from property rights. If you are the owner of the data and take reasonable steps to keep it private (not broadcast it) then the government is violating your property rights when it spies on you.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
    there must be something wrong with folks who think
    that my bank account and medical data should be
    open for all to see. . sick. -- j

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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
      If you really want it secret, dont let the information out of your direct control. Otherwise somehow its going to get out. All your financial and medical data just cant be kept contained given that its stored somewhere other than in your basement vault.
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  • Posted by byrondade 9 years, 7 months ago
    I cannot agree with Tim's premise. He has not defined any part of his comment. Words such as "basic" imply that I accept an immutable starting point as a beginning position which then removes argument. No. This point is certainly arguable and I do not agree. Data is what? Information? Text? Prose? Bank records? Poetry? Seditious activity to destroy a system of law? 3D printed pathogens? Is Tim saying that because he possesses "data" he is imbued with some inalienable protection and inviolable ownership? Intellectual property is not part of this. The proposition is that there is a basic human right involved. Patents for example fall under patent law. I agree with those laws, however patent law may be changed at any time and is outside this discussion. You have only the rights which the state allows you for the general good. If the state does not satisfy your concepts then remake the state or leave it and reject it's protection for you do not need it. You may then keep what you create unless it is to injure, but do not expect to both use the rules of the state and flout them for your own purpose at the same time.
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  • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 7 months ago
    Great. All of us agree we have a right to privacy. I also think we have a right to keep our property once it's paid for and the government ought not be able to force us to pay rent on our property through taxes. Guess what, that isn't how we live. We can stomp our feet and talk about what we believe but it isn't the reality we are living. We need to reflect on how we ever got to this point. We need a different life plan because we are just on a treadmill to feed the beast making us slaves to a system that steals our privacy and earnings.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
    If you want it to be private, dont publish it anywhere or tell anyone. Once the information has been released from your person, its going to go where its going to go. Our problem today is that today, people, businesses, and government are so nosy and try to find our everything about each of us. They use that information to sell to us, control us in social relationships, or control us as regards government. Its pretty much impossible to control, and whenever we think no one can find out about something, they seem to do it anyway.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 9 years, 7 months ago
    How has this right to privacy from the government contained in the constitution morphed in to a general right to privacy from each other? We do not gain our rights from the constitution, they come from god but every one of these pudknockers that talks about "rights" they want goverment to impose them. They do not realize it but when you do this you cede power over your rights to government.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 7 months ago
    It is not enough to recognize that our rights are a fundamental part of our humanity, we must be willing to fight to assure them for ourselves and those that follow. Freedom is not free.
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  • Posted by flanap 9 years, 7 months ago
    Wow...every time I turn around, we have another right. Should I be excited, or concerned? Who makes up what rights we really have and what are all the rights I haven't even discovered that I do have?

    Are there rights you can declare as immutable? If so, tell me what they are and where they come from...again, they have to be immutable.

    I much appreciate privacy, you cannot guarantee it. If you exist, your privacy is diminished from the time your parents know you exist. So to what extent should privacy be extended and by whose decree?

    I do not advocate gratuitously communicating to the world a lot of things about myself, but that doesn't mean when the world becomes aware of it that I should somehow change my behavior. My life lived isn't based on the world's consideration of me, but on what God thinks how my life should be lived. He can handle the world...thank Him very much.
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    • Posted by SpiritMatter 9 years, 7 months ago
      My understanding is that there are two general categories of rights, personal and civil/social.

      1) Personal Rights: If you were the only person on an island, civil/social rights would have no meaning because they require the interaction of two or more intelligent beings. The number of personal rights and the extent of each right would only be limited by the mental and physical abilities with which you have been endowed by the Creator or nature. As witnessed in the Garden oif Eden, humans have been endowed with the ability to think, to choose and to act. One can choose not to think (zombie sheep?). One can make choices and take actions that are beneficial, harmful or just plain stupid. With the action we take ( the cause), we are accountable and responsible for the result (the effect) whether good or bad. Alone on an island, it is obvious that you could not blame anyone else for a bad choice/ result or force him/her to help you out.

      2) Civil/Social Rights: If there were two or more intelligent beings on the island, each individual would have the same types of rights but the extent of each right would be limited by the check and balance of equality. Because all humans have been created equal, even though an individual might have been endowed with superior strength or intelligence, no one has been endowed with superior rights. Man's history of slavery and patriarchy are a result of superior endowed might not superior endowed right. A superior right must exist for one to have the right to infringe on another's personal rights or to control a civil/social right. Because no superior personal rights have been endowed, all civil/social rights and their extent must be determined and agreed to by the mutual consent of all individuals in the group. If someone does not like something about a civil/social right, he/she can remove him/her self from that agreement or group. He/She will not have to conform to the group's control of that right but he/she will not be able to enjoy any group benefits related to the group's exercise of that right. A group has no right to force you to contribute (tax or dues) to a group project but you have no right to enjoy any benefits coming from that project.
      Privacy requires two or more people to be meaningful and is therefore a civil/social right that is controlled by a group through mutual consent.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 9 years, 7 months ago
    Sign up for Protonmail for encrypted email if desired. Can't guarantee the NS* or whomever won't break into your email but at least it will be harder for them to do so.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 7 months ago
    Huh. Would it be in their "value system" to stop stealing inventions and lobbying to weaken our patent system? I'd like to ask Mr. Cook that.
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