Barack Obama publishes political enemies list on the internet: CALL OUT THE CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years ago to Politics
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This seals it.

The Democrats are *not* my party.
Barack Obama is *not* my President.
SOURCE URL: https://www.barackobama.com/climate-change-deniers/#/

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  • Posted by terrycoughlin 10 years ago
    McCarthyism returns!
    "Land of the 'Free-to-toe the Party line' "
    '1984' Big Brother re-run
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    • Posted by Ben_C 10 years ago
      McCarthyism tried to ferret out communists brought to our country through the efforts of FDR. While it may have been a little excessive, it served a purpose (unless you think communism is a good thing). The "Denier" campaign smacks of Nazi Germany and the identification of Jews. We all know how that turned out.
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      • Posted by terrycoughlin 10 years ago
        I actually saw Ayn Rand (and Gary Cooper, who played Howard Roark in The Fountainhead) testify at the McCarthy trials.
        I was too young to understand it, but there was nothing else on, on the one channel broadcasting at the time.
        My analogy refers to the process of a witch hunt, and the trampling of individual rights to free speech, which I don't agree with. As much as I don't like Communists, or any other State enforcers, I don't think this is the way for a President to act.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
    I am a Climate Change denier,
    I'll set your head on fire.
    While they claim 97 percent,
    If so, where did they went?
    They cannot be found,
    They've gone to ground,
    But 3 percent are still around.
    They've fudged the numbers,
    Like second-grade bumblers,
    For they want us going forth,
    Crying "The south is the new north."
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      Get this man a blog.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
        Hey -- I'm retired. A blog seems like too much work.The nice thing about being a contributor (I almost wrote " poster") is that I can contribute without doing the work. It also gives me time to be a gadfly and argue and debate my way all over the world. BHO is trying to take over the internet, and I hope there are enough people in congress with the spine to keep him from succeeding.
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        • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 12 months ago
          now that the fcc has started into internet control,
          what do we do? . could we invent a technique
          which sends an energy pulse *over the internet*
          to disable *their* computers? -- j

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          • Posted by TeresaW 9 years, 12 months ago
            I would seriously like to see this question developed, perhaps as a separate post.

            Necessity is the mother of invention, and WE ARE THE PRODUCERS! What are we going to do to maintain our FREEDOM in communications? Work-around? New platform - separate from the internet?
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  • Posted by $ PhoenixRising 10 years ago
    Emperor Obama, a rotten spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum. He has never had a real job in his life. He has absolutely no leadership skills. His one real skill is that of "Pied Piper" Con Artist, as evidenced that he was elected twice and the vast majority of the news media still ignore his stupidity and blindly provide cover and support. What may be more scary than this child is the herd mentality of "his" Sheeple.
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years ago
    What a bunch of BS. Only a true Socialist or Communist could come up with something like this. Obama definitely has to go, 2 years is to long to put up with this type of hooey. I am really surprised that we have put up with this for the past 6 years, I guess it just shows the the Republicans and the Democrats are all in this together as the Big Government Party as he has NOT been impeached yet. I guess they just don't give a hoot about the rest of us and it is all about the political elite.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years ago
    One point you need to make to the "climate change" people you may actually have a conversation with (the biggest fear of "progressives" is how to prevent their followers from actually engaging in reasoned debate, where facts can outweigh "feelings") is that there is no "free lunch" in getting from our use of carbon-based fuels to "clean" energy.

    More than 70% of the world's power needs are met by use of carbon-based fuels (wood, coal, oil, kerosene, gasoline, natural gas, etc.). Another 20% is provided by nuclear sources (which many of the climate changers also despise). Another 7% is provided by hydroelectric sources (many of which the climate change crowd would also like to see eliminated to restore the natural flow of the Earth's waters - even if it means lots more flooding destruction), and the big hydro sources are pretty much tapped out, leaving only mini, micro, and nano hydro growth potential, but that's another story.

    Only 3% of the world's power needs are currently provided by solar, wind, geothermal, or tidal power. If a radical reduction in the use of carbon-based fuels is necessary, then we should be seeing a call for a Manhattan-like effort to replace them, but we're not, because that would require a huge increase in the use of those fuels in the short term for transportation, construction, and production. There's no other way to make that happen, since most of our power is currently carbon-based.

    If increased carbon fuel use to increase renewable power is forbidden, then the other non-magical solution is a radical decrease in the world's energy needs, by a radical reduction in population. Some of the wimpier solutions to reduce population are demonizing GMO crops, which helps create mass starvation, but that's too slow. Now wars really help reduce the population, which might be the reason behind some of the "mistakes" in foreign policy we're seeing.

    Nuclear war is the best population reducer; biological attacks are pretty effective too, but even the Spanish flu only killed off 18 million people (many more being saved by the "wonder drug," aspirin), so a better pandemic is needed if that's one of the chosen routes. Chemical warfare is limited in the extent of its effects, so that isn't a practical solution.

    Of course, if the use of carbon based fuels could be greatly reduced, without any real replacement, then the number of deaths by hypothermia would soar. Heat stroke would also take its toll, but in much smaller numbers (after all, only 15,000 French died a few Summers ago during their heat wave). It is interesting that many climate change fanatics are also obsessed with radical population reduction.

    Be prepared for some interesting "discussion" once you point out some of these facts. You too could wind up on the President's "Enemies of the State" list.
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    • Posted by Maritimus 10 years ago
      From early on, it was demonstrable through research into their writing, that environmental religionists have a clear goal: drastic reduction in global human population and a tyrannical socialist government, which knows what is best for humans in everything. What is the surprise?
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  • Posted by woodlema 10 years ago
    Isn't the SAME think Hitler did when he started the Hitler Youth? Find those who do not agree with you and make them afraid.

    I have been saying something since 2012. We will probably NOT see a 2016 election.

    We will most likely see a Coronation of King and Queen Obama.
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  • Posted by MagicDog 10 years ago
    Obama is the denier. He denies that the Ice Ages existed. He denies the interglacial warm periods when Crocodiles, Hippo, African type Elephants, Lions and many other warm weather animals roamed Europe. He denies the Medieval Warm period when Vikings colonized Greenland. He denies that warmer weather produces more rain and lush vegetation. He thinks that humans can control Earth's Climate and Temperature to keep it from changing forever.
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  • Posted by term2 10 years ago
    I gave up listening to the politicians create these crises ! I just dont believe them anymore as it takes too long to untangle what they say from their hidden agendas. EAsier to just discard what they say. Anyway, all they want to do with "climate change" is increase the tax intake to the government.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years ago
    Turn them in under the name of the government, under the red, white, and blue "O" seal of The Obama, Emperor Regent over the subjects of the United States of America.
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  • Posted by CTYankee 10 years ago
    I tried to add my name to the Deniers list... I've published enough articles explaining the fallacy of #ChickenLittleAlarmist propaganda

    Dems have *NEVER* been my party.
    Barry Soetoro has *NEVER* been my president

    Proud to be one of the 1%,
    Proud to be one of the 2%,
    Proud to be one of the 3%,
    Proud to be one of the 0.0001%

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  • Posted by dukem 10 years ago
    I highly recommend the recently published ebook "Climate Change: The Facts." It's a series of fairly current articles by "deniers" giving data, facts, information, and opinions about this hoax. Best and most book I've yet read on the subject of climate change.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 10 years ago
    Jews. See the hated Jew. KILL the Jew. Don't be caught saying anything good about Jews.

    Oops, for a moment there I slipped back 80 years in time. Must have been something I ate.
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      Snezzy, I sincerely hope that someone with the hacking skills redirects this page to one which looks just like it, but with the label for each picture changed from "DENIER" to "JUDEN!"
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