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Much like a question does a person have to be Jewish to live in Jerusalem or Israel?
Phraseology is very important.
Perhaps then the question Dennis55 should have asked would be, "Can a Visitor to the Gulch be a supporter of Obama?"
I imagine the Gulch being a spot for conventions and conferences, like Vegas, because he has business leaders living or visiting there, and after the convention you can indulge in vices that are criminalized in many places. Foreigners to the Gulch might think of it as a place to party, but the core of the economy would be people just serving the world's basic needs: insurance, software, call centers, quick-turn proto fabrication, etc.
I guess I mean mundane non-sexy businesses that keep the modern world running.
course, one had some idea that the country had to
have a total collapse in order to return to freedom,
similar to the situation in "Atlas Shrugged". But
even then, Galt did not actively support statist
policies, just got others, along with himself, to
leave the country to its fate. Anyway, the situ-
ation is not that desperate yet. No; in fact,h--l,
No!! Obama is a statist who is trying to obliter-
ate private property and individual rights.
It is only by choosing to protect the smallest minority, the individual that one can be a gulch resident. This requires that the person make a choice to use the tools available to them to protect individual rights within a society and to use their mind to identify the best way to do so.
Supporting Obama requires that you use your mind to support the ideal of "To each according to their needs, from each according to their ability." Support of such an ideal is contrary and opposite to the individual and thus impossible for one to do so and continue to live in "the gulch"
OR, am I remembering the future again?
Not if a person calling themselves an Objectivist truly understands the meaning of the word and all it implies.
Hence a true Gulch resident, as an Objectivist, cannot support a habitual liar like Obama who fakes reality in nearly every waking moment.
a Gulch resident must not support Christianity?
is this question parallel to the one above,
in any significant ways? -- j
But for Obama, there is only one version: him. If you know what he's doing and saying you can't confuse it with the Gulch.
direct-to-individual sense of discovery of natural
law which have evolved from Jesus' teachings
appear to be positives, to me. . Thank You. -- j
1a : living in a place for some length of time :
Here is why.
A person who becomes a resident of the Gulch may very well indeed support Obama, and left wing liberal ideas. If they are really a person who is interested in "REASON" then that support will fade very quickly.
Ayn Rand also was a supporter of people to be entitled to their own personal views. The real caveat in this is that a person who supports Obama AND is a resident of the Gulch would NEVER get a handout an entitlement, and would be expected to present complete REASON and not emotion when discussing a topic.
Eventually either Reason will win them over and they will stop supporting stupidity, and become a person of reason, or they will leave, and will no longer be a resident.
We all know for a 100% certainty that Liberal views are based completely on ideology and emotion devoid of REAL facts.
No "president" and certainly no Pseudo-Prez!
Frankly, who can name ANY "good" president of any Government of Force?