Trace Amounts

Posted by $ Abaco 10 years ago to Movies
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I went to a showing of this movie last night. Met the producer and, finally, spoke to Dr. Brian Hooker face-to-face, having a great conversation about many things. I have seen people in public forums jump on anybody who might question the safety of vaccines. But, this movie isn't anti-vax, but is anti-mercury. The data and information I found independently almost a decade ago is in this movie...making watching it on the big screen somewhat surreal for me. I won't get sucked into some debate here on this subject. I share this here because I see this movie as a source of information that I think is very important to anybody of child-bearing age. Please feel free to look into it while forming your own informed opinion. Honestly, I think most, if not all, of you will find this movie interesting.
I’ll share that as I type this, my own father is in ICU. He had a reaction to two vaccines and corticosteroids. I, not his doctor, came up with the diagnosis and he’s being treated now for it (myasthenia gravis). He couldn’t speak, couldn’t swallow. When I was on my way to the movie last night, through very garbled speech from his hospital bed he said, “You were right, Son. You were right.”…

Yes, it looks like I was.

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  • Posted by Tracy 10 years ago
    Thank You for posting this. I will watch it. I am a firm believer the MMR shot is what caused my brothers Autism. He was perfectly fine before that shot and you could SEE the change in him not long after. My oldest daughter has Aspergers. I felt like I HAD to have my daughters vaccinated. No parent should be forced to do something they don't feel is healthy for their child. Hind sight....

    Anyway. I had not heard of this and being the huge fan of documentaries that I am, I will watch it. Thank You for sharing!
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