Common Core
For those interested in knowing more about the insidious program, Common Core, I highly recommend this book. The editor, a pro-free society advocate, cleverly engaged 17 writers from across the political spectrum, to examine and critique it. There is some stunning information I didn't know in their essays.
Full disclosure: I wrote the last essay, "Liberating Education," which outlines what education in a fully free society would be like.
Full disclosure: I wrote the last essay, "Liberating Education," which outlines what education in a fully free society would be like.
Two gross over reaches have been in math and English aka language arts. Hawaii state for the 2nd year sends teachers their lessons, and in English classes, the college board ( think AP, SAT, LSAT) have sold states on springboard which directs teachers to specific lessons embedded with their own argument and persuasive writing examples.
It has and hasn't reached math and social studies but it's desired ground by the gates group et al.
The system will force teachers to have their lessons reviewed by peer teachers. The process requires common assessments of courses so a socialistic teacher and a liberty bound teacher will come into conflict. It's not just that answers would be different its that the right questions need to be asked but they are questions that a group of teachers would not sign off on.
I don't know, I love teaching, there are some great free thinking kids out there.
Hey have fun!