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appeared in "The Objectivist" magazine. It has
a very powerful meaning. When I started school,
the pupils started by the "Look-Say" method. Luck-
ily for me, my mother, who was a high school drop-
out, had already taught me phonics, so I learned
to read without much difficulty. I don't like these
government attempts to get children into school
early, I think it is a way of mangling children
and trying to subject them to statism.
In addition to Maria Montessori, I'd like to introduce another innovator: Glenn Doman, M.D. A pediatric neurologist by training, he sought a way to teach letters and words to heurologically impaired children. But his methods are the best methods to teach reading to everyone.
That is how I learned to read. So by the time I got to my first school and began with "Fun with Dick and Jane," I already knew how to read.
Got to Kindergarten knowing 'my alphabet' and how to read. The Dick and Jane books were so boring that it set a bad precedent for me of easily getting bored and distracted at school...
Add some OCD and ADD and the combination doomed me to mediocre grades for my entire school 'career.'
Some things improved when I got some 'real jobs.' :)
It was re-published as "The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution".
Comprachicos makes a very vivid analogy, reading it today, in the shadow of common core.
This year i care for a city boy who up till 3 weeks ago had never seen a live animal other than pet dogs. We took him for a 2 hour trek in hills and caves. I showed him how to drink from a waterfall. His highlight was holding a farm chook. And all his questions. You are on track Marsha.
In the Montessori world, there's a real concern about this trend to keep kids inside - it's thought to result in a "nature deficit." Being out in nature can be very calming as well as enlightening.
Both of my kids are in Montessori and we love it. Mainstream schools and their teachers' unions hate it.
Let's replace our coercive State with the "Natural Republic" (aka “Free stateless Society”), in which all humans have 100% control of their lives and property. To do that, there must be a group of humans who thoroughly understand the solution. Please help as many of your thinking friends as possible to experience Jay Snelson’s “Human Action Principles” lectures, now available on the MP3 drive at http://www.suscivinst.com/store/.
That’s presently the BEST source for the SCIENTIFIC approach to the Voluntary Society. (Lou & I have no financial interest in this product but we have a STRONG intellectual interest in helping as many people as possible understand the Win-Win Paradigm.).
For FREE information on the SCIENTIFIC approach, Fred Marks’ book-in-progress, based on the work of Andrew J Galambos and others, is available at www.CapitalismTheLiberalRevolution.com.
FREE information covering EVERY aspect of the Voluntary Society from mosty a MORAL basis is available from Stefan Molyneux at www.FreeDomainRadio.com.
BTW, I disagree with the anarcho-capitalist premise that theirs is the most moral point basis of politics: whatever best supports individual human life is the most moral basis. That the views proposed by Galambos, Molyneux etc. best do that are yet to be proven. Aside from the fact that they are, in fact, proposing forms of government, but not exactly calling it that.
But if you would like to engage in a discussion of these points, please start it on your own thread about politics.
Yes, you are correct, this thread is about education, specifically the Montessori Method & Rand's work in that area & I'm in complete agreement with Rand on the Montessori concepts.
I mentioned separation of education & State as the most effective means to encourage more entrepreneurial activity in the area of education, such as that provided by Maria. And I provided the links to learn how & why for those interested.,
I've zero interest in discussing politics, since politics is only concerned with confiscation of choice, property, life & freedom and inevitably causes regressive domino effects leading to lasting war, poverty and servitude. However, since you contributed a few statements that could cause confusion for others, I'll reply to them:
1--Far as I know, no "anarcho-capitalist premise" claim ANY "moral basis' for politics, since politics is an immoral system of confiscation that does not exist in a free an-cap society.
2--Galambos' Volitional Science, Snelson's :Human Axtion Principles' & Molyneux's concepts of a free society HAVE been proven ... and are the tools we need to build the Gulch world-wide ... including the facilitation of more educational approaches like Maria Montessori's.
3--YES, there are "forms of government" in a free society, but they are not political and there's no State.
Again, Marsha, many thanks for your understanding.
"Politics: the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power."
I.e. it means how people organize themselves, in many different ways.