The Eco-nazi greenies are tampering with history
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 11 months ago to Science
Good article. Revealing regarding the "father" of climate studies. He was a scientist first and foremost, and did not subscribe to alarmism. Skeptical of human caused climate change, because of previous occurrences. The greenies want to erase the historical data, in order to further their agenda of banning anything which makes human existence more comfortable.
Prince Bore is best remembered in the Seattle area for flying in and disrupting traffic during the rush hours while the blue and white collar portion of the working class were attempting to go home. He countered with a one hundred thousand dollar grant to the city bus service. I wondered as the entourage parade past by overhead on the Alaskan Way route if he was laughing and saying let them eat ethanol. In any case his visits in those years was followed by a distinct change in voter habits much to the chagrin of local Democrats.
Paybacks are a........
What was particularly notable is that if you read Crichton's own motivations for writing the book, he started out with the premise that anthropogenic global warming was a real phenomenon simply because he believed the main-stream media. The problem was that Crichton does extensive research before publishing any of his books - you can see it in Jurassic Park, Prey, Timeline, Andromeda Strain, and others. So as he began researching the real data, he realized that it was all crap and completely re-wrote his book to fit with the real data. Now there's a real scientist.
It should also be mentioned that he was very public in his opposition to governments spending trillions on global warming. He instead said that if they were going to throw away the money anyway, that they ought to use it to improve the nations of Africa where they could have a verifiable positive impact in the near- and long-term.
I highly recommend his novels. They are well-supported, with not only a good plot, but engaging dialogue where the characters discuss the problem and solution. I almost wish that before he had died he had re-written "Atlas Shrugged".
they will cheat at every opportunity and regardless how easily they are caught and shown to be liars they will still not backdown. hell even today I heard as many of you probably have heard all of the cold is caused by the climate warming. they should no longer be given an audience.
Just another example of zealotry, trying to convince people they are right by manipulating data. Why? Because the data they have is inadequate.
Interesting factoid. The electric producers are the most polluting industry in the country. There go the electric cars to replace the foul smelling, air polluting cars and trucks. Also your house, your office building and night time football.
But don't worry. The windmills and solar panels will do the job.
And my big f-u to them- I use a wood pellet stove AND oil to heat my home! Bwahahahaha! And I'm WARM. It is -35* here in western CT, so staying warm is paramount.
"Picture the scene. At the edge of a forest, German soldiers point their guns at rows of naked people who follow the Jewish religion. Among them are young mothers clutching their babies. The shots echo through the woods and the dead bodies fall into the ground. Down the road, while this is happening, their German army comrades are busy establishing nature walks and bird sanctuaries and planting trees. The Nazis conducted horrific experiments on children (I have seen footage so upsetting it can’t be shown on TV) but at the same time they banned medical experiments on animals. The same Nazi monsters who committed crimes of unimaginable barbarity also advocated vegetarianism, organic agriculture, forest preservation and homeopathic healthcare."
President Gore—one of the most scientifically literate men to sit in the White House" - from the article. Give me a break. He didn't invent the internet but he did raise the pseudo BS about climate change. He couldn't even carry his own state in the presidential elections. He may be in the top ten of the biggest liars ever to sit in the white house, but he's no intellectual giant by a long shot.
The article about Hubert Lamb is fascinating.