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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 7 months ago
    Giuliani certainly brought to the open what many have said or thought privately. That a young man, 12!, had the temerity to speak thus, it is extraordinary!
    His parents must be proud, and a little worried quite frankly, but truly proud nonetheless. Well said, CJ!!
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  • Posted by Icon 9 years, 7 months ago
    I see the re-education camps will be busy. So many young minds to brainwash.....
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    • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 7 months ago
      After watching the likes of TMZ, this young man is a breath of fresh air. I don't think there are many like him. The re-education camps may be busy, but not many like him will be there.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 7 months ago
        I'll second that...

        I travel quite a bit for work, my observation has been that more often than not blacks in the Southeast, South, and Mid Atlantic tend to be much like this kid. In the northeast, midwest, and the west, the 'gangsta culture' is more pervasive. The kids are perfectly intelligent I'm sure, they just gravitate toward what they see on TV as a way of getting dates or whatever, and usually leads them down the wrong path (dead or jail).
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        • Posted by NealS 9 years, 7 months ago
          It pretty difficult for black youth not to be led down the wrong path, especially when the president of the United States and his administration leads them by enforcing false scenarios and untrue perceptions. Hands-Up !!! And Al Sharpton needs to be put down by large groups of regular people that he addresses, not by a single politician here and there. They just need to try it, what they are doing now isn't working.
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  • Posted by Crushmore 9 years, 7 months ago
    This twelve year old has his work cut out for him. He may have a hard time fitting in with some of the crowd. Bless him for speaking his mind.
    He is very perceptive to recognize President Obama and his views on the country he says he loves. Do as I say not as I do.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
    I wish I was as smart as him when I was his age. When I was his age, my mom told me I would be bored if I went to see the movie, The Fountainhead. Being a rebellious kid, (who wasn't at that age?) I went to see it, bought the book, and the rest is...well, I'm in the Gulch aren't I?
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    I wonder if 0 were to see this video he would think this young man could be his off spring just like trayvon martin.

    I am of the belief that most intelligent blacks think the way this fellow does.

    johnp1 thank you very much for posting this video. i already started sending the link. i hope it gets millions of hits and causes the asses of the northeast to take notice.
    this young man is very articulate and I for one praise him.
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    • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 7 months ago
      I think that we need to rethink our definition of "intelligent" anything. We tend to say that someone that supports our view is intelligent. Perhaps we should say something more like "has their priorities in order for a successful life" because raw IQ isn't really a good barometer of intelligence. Saying someone that has 2 or 3 degrees doesn't mean someone is more "intelligent." Knowing facts is one thing, but if you cannot take those facts and apply them in a poignant circumstance, can you be considered intelligent? I mean look at all the people that let emotion override their judgment, or insist on being "politically correct". I agree that this young man (in this instance) showed his strong character by expressing his opinion and ideas with conviction. That young man will go places as long as he continues to think for himself and continues to search for the truth.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    amazing, i sent the video to a northeastern liberal. the response was from a very irrational person when the subject of 0 comes up and he is spoken of disparagingly.
    The irrational response was way more than i ever expected. but that may very well be what those in the northeast think.
    with these people not wanting to even consider the damage that is taking place due to the trash living in the white house is mindboogling to me.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 7 months ago
    Why do I think his dad is probably a preacher. Anyway, nice to hear this coming from some a young person who can see the truth and voice it proudly. Down with PC. :)
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 7 months ago
    I would be very cautious about taking a 12-year-old's words as being the epitome of political wisdom or even his own profound insights. He is parroting words and ideas he picked up, without understanding the full context and premise of what he is saying. He has no clue of the history of the conflict, and blithely proposes "annihilating them till the very end". He is essentially proposing the genocide of 2 billion Muslims, as some here have also said.

    The Christians in this country also support war against the "islamists". Every side demonizes the other side while whitewashing its own.

    Humanity is still evolving, especially conceptually. It takes time for minds to integrate better ideas. It does not work with one click of a delete button. I urge the longest-range view and largest context, not giving in to the unthinking reactions of the moment. Consider all the consequences. Even people we call our enemies are just humans who want to live. When attacked badly, they react badly, as do we. Mutual destruction is not rational. It's a dreadful waste of human potential and natural resources. Fomenting death, the facile resort, is not the answer; it is insanity.
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  • -5
    Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
    This childishness seems so much more appropriate and normal coming for an actual child.
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    • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 7 months ago
      Cg, your continued support for obama and his agenda to destroy, or in his words; fundamentally transform America is getting tiresome. I will ask you again for the umpteenth time....why are you here? Obama is anti- freedom and anti-life. ~1
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      • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 7 months ago
        He's a paid-plant, I'm sure, the Obama Social Networking machine was pervasive during the elections, no reason to think it stopped..., paid-plants for the Rush Limbaugh show to call in and say "I'm a lifelong listener", etc.
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      • -1
        Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
        "I will ask you again for the umpteenth time....why are you here?"
        Why are *you* here, if *you* don't agree with *me*? (that's a rhetorical question only)

        The answer is obvious that this isn't a place for people who agree on everything, except perhaps on the Ayn Rand books, whose heroes stood out for using reason and speaking their minds without regard to politics. In AS and Fountainhead, she goes out of her way to condemn people who look to see what their group thinks before speaking their minds.

        So I will not ask you even once how you can be in the metaphoric Gulch without agreeing with me on some issue. Roark is in the Gulch (in my imagination, not the book) along with some other architect who thinks any structural instability or entryways where tall people must duck (assuming Roark's buildings are like Frank Lloyd Wright's) are horrible. They don't agree at all except that they have a right to build their buildings and be left alone. If you want people who agree on everything, they're not in the Gulch. They're all with the dean or James Taggart.
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        • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 7 months ago
          Cg i am in the Gulch because I promote Objectivist ideas. Obamas policies are anti-individual, anti-life collectivism. Logic would state that someone who promotes those ideas is anti-objectivism.
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          • -3
            Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
            " Obamas policies are anti-individual, anti-life collectivism."
            It would be better to talk about individual polices. If we just say President Obama, we could be talking about any policy.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 7 months ago
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              • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 7 months ago
                CORRECT! There is no way to observe any part of the pattern growing in America without also observing the mind, with its feelings and intuitions, that has shaped it.
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              • -1
                Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
                This is a fundamental disagreement, which is actually a good thing, better than talking past one another not understanding the meaning.

                When dealing with public figures or anyone I don't know well, I resist the urge to work out their motives and then support or oppose them. I focus on the outcome I want. I do focus on the person, though, if I know him.
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                • Posted by khalling 9 years, 7 months ago
                  when an individual,whether you know them personally or not, says one thing and does another or says many things which are contradictory and the actions have negative consequences for individuals or nations, it is reasonable to speculate possible motives. It's how people can make long term decisions based on the actions of their leaders today. You seem to be promoting that people not plan ahead or look too closely at the actions of their political representatives.
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                • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 7 months ago
                  I think you just summed up your entire problem. why do you refuse to add two plus two and get four? Instead you go down this road of "well maybe he really thought two plus two would equal 3, and I believe THAT was his intent so It's not HIS fault, it's the policy's fault for not having the outcome he was going for"...when it's screamingly OBVIOUS that four is the only outcome possible. You refuse to JUDGE. If you refuse to judge then you are refusing to use reason and logic and come to rational conclusions. VIOLA, I solved your problem.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
              the steady drumbeat of income, or wealth, redistribution
              is one policy which we might discuss.

              the unconstitutional nationalization of health insurance
              is another policy.

              a third might be the abrogation of the requirement
              that the commander-in-chief defend the nation
              against all enemies foreign and domestic.

              a fourth might be the encouragement of a large
              influx of dependent-class D-voters through immigration.

              we could go on. . I am a vet and despise the way
              that the military is being politicized and vets are
              being ignored to death.

              this is a long list, CG. -- j

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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
      I get the "childishness from a child" comment, particularly when the first agent listed as attacked by ISIS is christianity, and the second is America. But BHO has backed down from calling a spade a spade.
      Separately, I am surprised that you do support BHO, but perhaps I should ask, "Over what?" If you do support Objectivism, BHO's administration has clearly eroded it. However, The same can be said of the Bush administration. I am curious.
      BTW, I bought "Red Mars" at your recommendation.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 7 months ago
        I'll support the same on BHO, but I was equally offended that Bush wouldn't call Islam what it is - a violent religion that spreads by the sword... (and should die by it).

        We've been at war with Islam for decades, to say anything otherwise is not really identifying the target, or letting our military do its job. Obviously, this is going to lead to a showdown in the Middle East at some point, whether it is Armageddon or not, eventually we'll have to say "to hell with the impact to the economy, time to finish this" and go all-out.

        Not very many Christian terrorists... nor Buddhists... Sikh's... Animalists... Naturalists... Christian Scientists? No. Mormons? Hardly. Scientology? Harmless, even though they are pretty crazy. Atheists (other than the goofball in Elk Grove that sues every school and government entity for having the word God printed on something). Do they kill people though? Not really. Do they slaughter innocent victims in the name of religion? No. Do they enslave female children and marry them off to 50 year old dudes to rape them as they please? No. It's a sick, disgusting belief system. Point is, there seems to be plenty of room on this planet for every religion EXCEPT Islam.

        It's time to get serious... we're at least 100 years ahead of these folks in military technology, if we really took the gloves off, it would be a very short fight, and it would be over, and we really would have thousands of years of peace.

        I'm 1000% behind Salmon Rushdie on this... Islam is pretty much the incarnation of satan on earth. We need to recognize and treat it as such. All roads lead back to Syria/Iran/Iraq/Saudi Arabia.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
          if there are a billion muslims on earth and they all
          think this way, I would think that the women would
          revolt and take control. . they must strike some
          sort of deal to make the women feel better. -- j

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      • -1
        Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
        Thanks for the thoughtful questions.
        " But BHO has backed down from calling a spade a spade. "
        Are you talking about ISIS? President Obama called it a vicious brutal death cult that we're called to defeat. At some point carrying on about ISIS is stating the obvious and even aggrandizing them.

        "I am surprised that you do support BHO"
        I do not agree with every decision, e.g. proposed spending/tax increase, ammunition ban, drone war, executive overreach. I do not believe in boycotting the entire process and/or particular people because I don't agree with certain actions.

        "perhaps I should ask, "Over what?" "
        That's the rub. Not over a bona fide libertarian. My first inclination, though, is that it's over a Republican, who in general I think are slighly worse when it comes to liberty. But when I think about it further, I'm not so sure. The political process is amazingly good at bringing out the histrionics in people and avoiding the tough questions.

        " I bought "Red Mars" at your recommendation."
        I hope you like it. I found it 12 years ago when I grabbed a random sci-fi book at the library to take on a business trip.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
          Good answer, but I had to look up "histrionics"!
          I'm a little more pessimistic about BHO's barely controlled totalitarian nature, but definitely agree the republicans are bad as well, with LBGT legislation, spying on US persons and airport security nonsense. To me thing that made BHO's reign so bad was the same as Bush's first term: a lemming legislature with little to balance it from the other side. So he went hog wild, until people wised up and got a counterpoint in the legislature. A republican in the same position might do social freedom some serious damage.

          Bought mine for business travel as well. Now that we can have iPads on takeoff and landing, that's about all I have to bring to control my ADD on the plane.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      CG, the man is not building the nation as it
      deserves to be built. . he is intentionally making
      a fire-and-ice pile out of a relatively calm garden
      of eden. . he has hurt this nation more than anyone
      in my memory short of Jim Crow himself. . but
      here's a url saying that Jim was just a character
      in minstrel shows. []
      ................ oh well....... -- j

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