I taught the "certified manager" course at my prime- contract govt military weapons facility for years, and got caught by one of the facility managers one day when I said:::
"As I see it, the most significant minority which we need to address in the workplace is women."
now, I successfully graduated 50 CMs, but that statement may have made the rounds. . . and I would do it again -- frack 'em. -- j
contract govt military weapons facility for years, and
got caught by one of the facility managers one day
when I said:::
"As I see it, the most significant minority which we
need to address in the workplace is women."
now, I successfully graduated 50 CMs, but that
statement may have made the rounds. . . and
I would do it again -- frack 'em. -- j
stall and disintegrate, which they say is only about
10 knots 'way up there....... WoW!!! -- j