News from The Associated Press

Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago to News
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"Maduro, who celebrated his 51st birthday Friday night with a serenade by Mexican singer Juan Gabriel, has called on his supporters to ignore the protests and instead join officials in a weekend-long, nationwide audit of retailers to ensure they're complying with new rules capping prices and profits.

Two weeks after Maduro ordered the military to occupy several retail chains and slash prices on refrigerators, televisions and other appliances, long lines of bargain hunters continue to form outside stores in Caracas and elsewhere. The president has vowed to use emergency decree powers granted by Congress this week to deepen the crackdown against businesses he accuses of gouging consumers and sabotaging the South American country."

This sounds like tactics Bobo would be in favor of.

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  • Posted by $ minniepuck 10 years, 10 months ago
    it's heartbreaking.

    does anyone believe Maduro actually won the election legitimately?
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    • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 10 months ago
      No. It's a very good reason not to buy Citgo fuel.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
        Citgo who?
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        • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 10 months ago
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
            I was J/K. I stop buying from Citgo when they set up that oil program in Maine seven years ago..maybe?
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            • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 10 months ago
              Was that the "heating oil for Obama votes" program?
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
                No, this happened during the Bush years. Chavez was offering to help with family’s heating bills. Maine was the only state I remember taking him up on the offer. I think it was the winter after Katrina.
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                • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 10 months ago
                  You shamed me into doing my own legwork...thanks!

                  I found it amazing to see that this program was STILL going on, as of Jan. 13, 2013. I was even more shocked to learn that one of the Kennedy's was key to this:

                  "The program is a partnership between the Venezuelan state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA), its subsidiary CITGO and Citizens Energy Corporation, a nonprofit organization founded by former US Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II that provides discounted and free home heating services and supplies to needy households in the United States and abroad. It has been supported from the beginning by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez."

                  I can't seem to find a straight answer as to what Chavez's death has done to this program.... ;-(
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                  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
                    Believe it or not, Venezuela is not a socialist country. Chavez changed things when he rose to power in 1998. Liberal-democrat strike a note? Lol.
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                    • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 10 months ago
                      Political pigeon holing sometimes seems to get the spotlight...and mask the real story.

                      The nationalization of the foreign oil concerns in Venezuela stands on it's own infamy. Then we fast forward to Maxine Waters threatening to do the same to Shell Oil, and under the guise of U.S. public interests. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, etc.

                      Socialism Lite, and Communism Lite, are being marketed every bit as well as the Bud Lite that we all love to see between plays on Super Bowl day. We smile at the clever ads (read: propaganda), and rush out to stock the fridge.

                      'Hey, Barry...could you grab me another Lite, while you're up?'
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                      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago
                        You guys ARE aware that Barbara Lee sits in Congress?

                        No, we don't know who she is....

                        Before the invasion of Grenada, when they were building the oversized runway, Congressman Ron Dellums (Traitor: Oakland) sent his aide, Barbara Lee to the politboro meeting there with instructions to have them make suggestions for changes to his report on the runway, which he would make.

                        We've had communists in the legislature for decades.
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                        • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 10 months ago
                          Yeah, I know. The place is crawling with them. Vermont’s Senator is a Socialist. I think that a Socialist or a Marxist or even a Communist should be prevented from running under an Independent umbrella. There is this ridiculous claim by the left that socialism is no longer viewed as a bad word. Fine. Let them put their money where their mouth is.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 10 months ago
    Re: LetsShrug,

    Once again you have hit the nail on the head. It reads just like a chapter that could have easily been a part of Atlas Shrugged. In fact it was as part of the takeover attempt of Reardon Steel. the only difference is that Maduro did it with retail, but the day is young.

    I assume that by BOBO you are referring to "Our Dear Leader?"

    Fred Speckmann
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