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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 1 month ago
    un-fuching believable. How can these people be voted in?! anticipation of no rule of law, no Constitution-
    is this a glass half full? and are we being waterboarded in it?
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  • Posted by gbohnas 11 years, 1 month ago
    I appreciate the comment on Agenda 21, We gave been able to educate many of our municipalities and counties to this. Most have gone against it. Seattle will implode someday. I can't help believe that there are some people out there that still realize socialism, communism and Marxism will not work. Sawant is just the beginning for Seattle's downfall.
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    • Posted by nogestapo 11 years ago
      Anything will work at the point of a gun - to a point.
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      • Posted by Bobhummel 11 years ago
        The land of fruits and nuts and earth muffins is clearly located in Seattle.

        Sawant claims her campaign was grass roots, as a community organizer for Occupy Wall Street – funded by George Soros, I’m sure she got a little stipend for her campaign from the one of the world’s most infamous looting crony capitalists, the “former” Nazi himself, George Soros. She's a professor of economics. of economics.... :( Since this was on MSLSD, a.k.a North Korean Teleivision, It is not surprising that someone who holds the economic views of Ivy Starnes ( Director of Distribution at the 20th Century Motor Factory) in Atlas Shrugged, would be lionized as a savior to our society.
        Though not stated directly, Sawant holds up cities like Detroit and Chicago as proof of the successes of a socialized Utopia. They are unmitigated economic disasters.
        Nationalizing the products or institutions of a great mind like Amazon, Microsoft, and Boeing and urging Wal-Mart and Starbucks employees to unionize, will not make them theirs. They are just looters. Looters don’t need anyone with a mind to create the products, just union drones to produce and consume them. Ability is a mortgage you can never pay off in the world of the egalitarian socialist. The honest ones pay and the dishonest collect. The honest loose and the dishonest win. How long could men stay good under this sort of a law of “goodness”?

        minniepuck nailed it. She does seems to be blinking Morse code seems to be blinking Morse Code. I think she's saying "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need ... or will will kill you and redistribute your wealth as we want anyway"
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  • Posted by iroseland 11 years ago
    wow.. Well, its not like this wasn't going to happen. I am currently living near Seattle ( Renton ) I work in Seattle, but the cost of housing in Seattle is so high I would have to be crazy to be willing to actually live in the city. As for Boeing, the only real reason its was ever up here is because it was close to cheap aluminium back in the day. Those days are over. Now the production needs to be close to skilled machinists, and guess what? They are not here. Every day I look a little more forward to the part where we get to move back to the Midwest.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
      even if it was Chicago?
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      • Posted by iroseland 11 years ago
        Illinois is pretty much a no go, I will not live in a state that requires me to have a foid card. But, I lived in Milwaukee and it was pretty nice being able to take advantage of Chicago while being able to put it away when I was done with it. These days, though Milwaukee county is also pretty much a no go, as the City of Milwaukee has serious problems. But, that leaves Racine and Kenosha, both right between the two, and both an easy drive to an International airport. I would probably go with Racine, its as even Kenosha is kind of paying the price for letting the auto union try to run things. Racine on the other hand is a fairly cheap place to live, their is an outdoor and an indoor range available there. There is plenty of build-able land. The HQ for Johnson Wax is still right where I left it. 8^) Actually, Wax is a fairly impressive place. Frank did a pretty damm good job on the main campus design. Then there is Waxdale over by i94. Its the main factory and the level of automation going on there is damm near hypnotic. Of course, if I really could have my way I would prefer to go all the way back up to Dunn County. The thing is my wife is a Patisserie Chef, and up in there simply does not have enough potential customers to make it possible for her to do well.
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  • Posted by lmarrott 11 years ago
    I told my mom this the other day, and she was blown away. She had no idea. While asking me questions my brother overheard and admitted he was very happy she got in. Times like these I really wonder how people in the same family can end up as polar opposites in our politics.
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  • Posted by $ minniepuck 11 years, 1 month ago
    going to do more research on this woman... im wondering what kind of campaign she ran. this story makes me sick. thanks for sharing. twentieth century motor company indeed.
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  • Posted by $ Tap2Golf 11 years, 1 month ago
    Disappointed..definately. Surprised? Not really. The Seattle area has developed a misguided love/hate relationship with Boeing Corp. Now with the venemous comments of a fool, the people are being fueled to face the loss of more good paying jobs. Those assembly line psuedo machinists are not going to find work elsewhere in the state at anywhere close to what they were making. And, the city council in the Union of Soviet Socialist Seattle will have a much poorer city to govern. The Number ONE employer in the state of Washington will soon have a smaller footprint. There will be a lot of Prius cars for sale. Hope that makes the folks get a good nite's sleep in Seattle....and just maybe they will WAKE UP sometime soon when they realize they can't afford a cup of their overpriced coffee.
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  • Posted by plusaf 11 years, 1 month ago
    I think it's time for a Grand Socialist Experiment...

    Take over Boeing; let it be "run by the machinists" and if it fails, send the bill for all damages to her.

    Socialists never put THEIR money where their mouth is...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 11 years, 1 month ago
    Welcome to UN Agenda 21. Be it Seattle or Portland, it is all part of the same end game.During Clinton, Portland tried to control where people lived and put businesses, and how large their lots could be. The end goal, total international government control. It is all implemented by LOCAL politicians and agencies, but orchestrated by the UN and federal government, via NGOs For some reason, the Northwest, Calif, and New England are prone to electing or appointing people with these far out liberal ideas.
    The Portland experiment was a joy to Hillary. Remember when she went around asking how many spare bedrooms people had, that they might put homeless people in - Agenda 21, but before it had an official name. Look out if she gets in. Obama wants everything unionized, like healthcare. It is easier to control unionized people, as they then do not think for themselves, but march to the union orders. Can we say ACORN, or SEIU? Little commie armies for collectivism.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years, 1 month ago
    I used to work for Boeing, and may again someday. I love the company and what they do. My dad was a machinist on the first 747 when I was 2. FWIW to the commie Councilmember...the "executives" left long ago. They moved corporate headquarters to Chicago many years ago during similar disputes.

    This attitude is killing America. Just crushing it.
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