Dem uses Capitol threat in push for ammo limits

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years ago to Politics
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Ok, five points here for my ex-Senator Chris Murphy (Demagogue, CT)

* The first on the nature of the threat
1) The "Capitol Threat" you refer to had *nothing* to do with Congress.
It was a divorce dispute.

* The second and third on your assertion that "those who wanted high-capacity magazines were more interested in 'arming against the government.'”
2) Everybody speaks about the Second Amendment, of which the "arm against the government" intention has been upheld by SCOTUS on a number of occasions, but let's talk about the Declaration.
You do realize that, according to the Declaration, it's the *duty* of The People to so arm themselves?

3) If your concern is over the number of people so arming themselves, perhaps you Demagogues should step back and ask yourselves what you in DC have done to scare the living shit out of them enough to prompt the people to do so.

* The fourth on Senator Murphy's State of Connecticut.
4) Taking Connecticut's onerous and unconstitutional gun laws federal *will not* stop taxpayers from fleeing for their lives from your economic sinkhole of a socialist utopia because there's no place else to go.

* And the last, again on Senator Murphy's assertion
5) In the words of the late hero of our Republic Andrew Breitbart, "So?"

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