Memo To Obama: Man Up And Tell Bibi To Stay Home
Sneaking around behind the President’s back to invite a foreign leader to address Congress – specifically for the purpose of undermining how the chief executive conducts US foreign policy – would normally be regarded by patriotic conservatives with unmitigated horror. Imagine, for example, if a Democratic Congress had invited Daniel Ortega to address the assembled solons back in the 1980s, when President Reagan was (covertly) funding and supporting a contra movement to overthrow the Sandinista regime. Heads would’ve exploded all across the political spectrum, not just on the right. While this example is somewhat more dramatic than House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – for the specific purpose of undermining the nuclear talks with Iran – it isn’t by much.
He set the ground rules....
While I don't think two wrongs make a right, I also think that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Bibi, I haven't enough knowledge.
Obama's jealousy of Bibi should be all that you need to know to make an opinion...!
No POTUS has been more on the wrong side of history, since Andrew Johnson.