Obama's Massive Land Grab Has Alaska Furious: 'We Will Fight Back'
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 2 months ago to Government
President Obama announced Sunday that his administration plans to lock up the oil-rich 1.5 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain and offshore areas in Alaska from oil and gas exploration.
More energy and job killing land-grabs by our out of touch Dear Leader.
More energy and job killing land-grabs by our out of touch Dear Leader.
Obama may have found an issue that will unite Democrats and Republicans...In Alaska at least.
Always such a pleasure to talk to you. I thought it noteworthy that these announcements (like their document releases) are always timed for Friday nights or at least over the weekend so as to avoid as much scrutiny as possible.
I hope the States all band together. This behemoth must be stopped.
It would be glorious to see a brighter future again. Of course, at this point, it seems we have fallen so far anything positive is up.
Good to hear from you.
You are not alone in that prognostication. If it is inevitable, I wish it would get it over with so I can concentrate on rebuilding and moving on. I believe so many of the present circumstances we are in are results of policies that parallel those of FDR and are thus prolonging the "recession." The stats we hear from Mt. Olympus are obviously flawed. The positive indicators are cherry picked and they ignore the most important ones like household income, labor participation, national debt...
I believe a responsible course would be to reign in this government and downsize it to the enumerated powers of the Constitution and sell off Federal land and pay down the debt with the proceeds. Instead they are taking more land...
What do I know... I'm just a businessman...
I am in Utah, nearly 70% federal and nearly 100% of it illegally held by the fed. We have a suit pending against the federal government over it. They were by contract to turn those lands back over to the state in the early 1900s. Which they never have done.
Other states have similar issues (particularly in the west) Lands which were committed to go back to states earlier in the US existence were transfers back. If you were after the turn of the century you did not get it, the feds broke their agreements.
Even with the sale of lands to pay down debt, unless we have mind shift from a society of looters and spenders to one of producers and savers it wont matter. It is my fear that we have grown so irrationally proud that we cannot see the writing on the wall and nature will have to show us the error of our ways. Those who deserve to see it the hard way along with those like us that see it coming. We will likely be less affected by the coming collapse.
To avert it, we must have a change in our cultural philosophy in regards to money and government.
It amazes me that even now 1/3 of people do not want to fight for our lands. we have the largest oil shell field in the world under the lands in question, not to mention the second largest reserve of coal in the same area. The potential economic impact of just those two resources is in the billions if not trillions over years of time. The feds have it all locked away doing nothing.
I would put nothing past our emperor. He is the most Imperial... We are just one executive order away from total tyranny. I don't know who to be more upset with, him, the rollover and play dead congress, or the idiots that voted for him twice.
Honestly I am surprised there is not more talk of it. Many will say the the right of secession has been invalidated and settled by the civil war, but has it really? Would our present populace support a war against States that wish to end their servitude to the federal government? The North had the high ground in the civil war when it claimed to be emancipating people from servitude in the South.
I would say that in this case the tables would be turned.
Exactly. I believe if enough States were determined to ignore the Feds on some issues and nullify the worst of the usurpations, the Feds would back down and no bloodshed would be necessary. I hate to think that Jefferson was right and provided the only option... "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
That's a monarchist dictatorship statement if I ever heard one.
A republic has no "crown jewels", nor has it any need for them.
Wasn't the American Revolution fought to throw off the shackles of monarchist dictatorship forever?
we should send 0 there in july without a t shirt. he will last 2 hours because the mosquito's will have consumed all of his blood, and he should have some of his friends with him as well.
They've been known to run a moose to death.
Oil company geologists better wear protective suits and headgear.
but that he is anti-american. -- j
Some industry moving in may provide a block to have a store on--never mind just having a store on one of those.
Such a fool.
I see this as a way of saving our resources for later. Think about it fossil fuels are a finite resource. Whereas the fiat currency we are spending is essentially an infinite resource. Our money is meaningless beyond what everybody agrees that it is worth. Eventually countries in the middle east will run out of oil. Then we can start drilling in those areas we are currently holding off limits.
Essentially if you have all the oil and all the food you can have all of whatever you like.
I heard last night that O has backed down on his proposal regarding 529s. Apparrently the din was so loud even he heard it.
What many don't talk about is that under the O plan, you would receive a tax benefit when you were likely at a lower tax rate, and then be taxed on the funds taken out, when the individual was likely at a higher tax rate. Just stupid all the way around.
We need to end all this social engineering in the tax code.
So this will have the benefit of allowing us to use someone else's resources before we have to use ours.
Just because I can't stand a politician doesn't mean that he cannot do something beneficial, even if for all the wrong reasons.
I once worked in the oilfields and it was common knowledge that we had much more oil than the government wanted people to know about or utilize. For national security reasons many wells were capped and held in reserve. Only the most productive were being tapped. As far as peak oil is concerned and the finite resource arguments go, history has demonstrated that when a resource no longer is abundant and cost effective we develop alternatives. We have many technologies waiting in the wings now. They are not yet ready for 'prime time", but would quickly be so once the supply dwindles and the price of existing options becomes excessive.
Here are some interesting possibilities.
Cold Fusion Generator Small footprint October 2014:
Abiotic Oil Theory:
http://amlibpub.blogspot.com/2006/12/is-... There are many such theories and a search on "Abiotic Oil" will return many hits. It is just a theory, but it is interesting and offers one possible explanation for why previously exhausted wells have been later found to be replenished.
Also how much oil and how long it will last:
Man is ingenious and will develop ways to produce more, or find alternatives when push comes to shove. As khalling has indicated, once we were about to run out of whale oil... Unfortunately there are very powerful entities that do not want the public to be aware of the abundance. Between those that wish to keep energy prices high for profit and their cronies in government as well as the environmentalists and their cronies that wish to put off-limits much of the supply, the opportunity for competition and market forces are derailed.
That is not my point at all. What I am trying to say is that as the middle east uses their supply of easy to access oil their supply will dwindle to the point that they have to do things to access their oil that will make it too expensive for us to be willing to buy from them. At that point the Us would then be forced by public opinion to change the laws thereby accessing our easier to access and cheaper oil. This would most likely cause a financial collapse of the middle east and much worse unrest there than we are currently seeing but that is a whole different set of issues.
Yes I realize that the powers that be are using this move to control Americans access to inexpensive power supplies there by controlling the masses and making larger profits.
I am just noticing a minor silver lining in this dark cloud.
Congress isn't going to do anything Obama asks it do.